BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.
Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.

Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Democrats will control the Senate tomorrow. Trump will hurt all the Republicans up for re election and there are a lot of them this year
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.
Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.

Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Bought off Party First GOP a-holes and their silly dupes...High Crimes= carelessness (the kind that seems to have been everywhere in gov't regardess of party)...You're a disgrace. All the GOP has now is bs propaganda...
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.
Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.
Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Ain't gonna happen, unless there's explicit evidence of intentional wrongdoing, and there has not been any such evidence yet, let alone any convictions.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.
Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.

Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Bought off Party First GOP a-holes and their silly dupes...High Crimes= carelessness (the kind that seems to have been everywhere in gov't regardess of party)...You're a disgrace. All the GOP has now is bs propaganda...

Come again? GOP? WRONG! Both parties right now are a disgrace to our Constitutional system. You have a lying, money bought, establishment candidate running against a loud mouth, no-principled, crook. The fact you defend your own candidate by attacking others by labeling them as supporters of the other candidate just shows how desperate and mindless you are.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.
Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.
Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Ain't gonna happen, unless there's explicit evidence of intentional wrongdoing, and there has not been any such evidence yet, let alone any convictions.

They have enough information to show she lied under oath... if you continue to have a Republican led House, and a Republican run Senate... it is going to be nothing but investigations.

Good then she can shrink the military. We fight with drones anyways. Only Republicans start wars that require boots on the ground.

Both bush went to war with Iraq and now the Republicans want war with Iran? Another reason not to vote gop

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama sure needs his military to die for him in the Middle East now, doesn't he? He got three of them killed yesterday. That bastard has been at war every day of his administration, hasn't he?

I know you stupid Moon Bat preach this hippy peacenik bullshit but you always vote for war mongers, don't you? Your Boy Obama has been at war every day of his administration, hasn't he?

I know you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information but if you had been paying attention you would know that Trump has been running on a platform of non interventionism while the only thing Crooked Hillary is doing is paying back her foreign donors like the Saudis.

That was a partisan statement if i ever heard one. LOL.
Both candidates are flawed, and neither is a criminal. Each one has their own experiences & policy preferences.
One is a lawyer/politician and the other a businessman. Pros & cons.

However, all you can see is black & white extremes based on your biases.
Not very intelligent or useful in civic discourse.

I am not a Republican. I have already voted and I did not vote for Trump so you can take your partisan BS comment and cram it.

I was commenting on relativism. If my voting strategy was to vote for the lesser of two evils then Trump would win hands down in that contest because Crooked Hillary is so corrupt, dishonest and incompetent.

Good then she can shrink the military. We fight with drones anyways. Only Republicans start wars that require boots on the ground.

Both bush went to war with Iraq and now the Republicans want war with Iran? Another reason not to vote gop

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama sure needs his military to die for him in the Middle East now, doesn't he? He got three of them killed yesterday. That bastard has been at war every day of his administration, hasn't he?

I know you stupid Moon Bat preach this hippy peacenik bullshit but you always vote for war mongers, don't you? Your Boy Obama has been at war every day of his administration, hasn't he?

I know you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information but if you had been paying attention you would know that Trump has been running on a platform of non interventionism while the only thing Crooked Hillary is doing is paying back her foreign donors like the Saudis.
Nice angle but I don't buy anything trump says. We will see tomorrow if America agrees with me

Nice angle but I don't buy anything trump says. We will see tomorrow if America agrees with me

But yet you believe Crooked Hillary the most lying politician in the history of the Republic??? LOL!!!

Democrats have us at war now and with the IOUs that Crooked Hillary piled up that foreign countries will demand payment expect us to continue to fight other people's wars for them.

If you believed in that hippy peacenik BS then you would be voting for Jill Stein instead of Crooked Hillary.

Go read Trump's foreign policy speech. His main theme was non interventionism and take care of America's interest first. If you weren't such an uneducated low information Moon Bat you wouldn't look like the partisan pig fool whenever you post.
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.

Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Bought off Party First GOP a-holes and their silly dupes...High Crimes= carelessness (the kind that seems to have been everywhere in gov't regardess of party)...You're a disgrace. All the GOP has now is bs propaganda...

Come again? GOP? WRONG! Both parties right now are a disgrace to our Constitutional system. You have a lying, money bought, establishment candidate running against a loud mouth, no-principled, crook. The fact you defend your own candidate by attacking others by labeling them as supporters of the other candidate just shows how desperate and mindless you are.
Sorry, the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"-TIME is the disgrace- mainly brainwashed by bs propaganda and hate- Dems have no propaganda or witch hunt machine ike the New BS GOP.. Booosh was a total catastrophe, ditto 8 years of mindless obstruction. Hillary is neither a liar or bought off, except in total bs dupe world. The Clintons aren't nuts- they know they're going to be investigated at every step- for 25 years now- and NADA on Hillary- a bj on Bill.
Just saw it on MSNBC BREAKING NEWS - July conclusion is unchanged says Comey. Trump won't get the news till Wednesday.
how will Trump not get the news till Wednesday when we already evidently have it now.
Is he being kept in solitary confinement or something?

His advisers will be afraid to feed the truth to him. He's the idiot who lately said Comey was a right wing hero. How dumb will Trump when he goes back to Comey as a shithead that rigged the election for Clinton.

Not gonna happen. The hatred does not end with the election.

Can you imagine the hate and vitriol that will ensue from the Moon Bats if Crooked Hillary loses? Their hate of Bush when he beat Gore in 2000 will be nothing compared to their hate of The Donald.

Of course The Donald could care less. Draining the swamp is liable to piss off some of the vermin.

If Crooked Hillary wins the country will be even more divided. She is hated by almost everybody, including many of the stupid Moon Bats that voted for her.

She will probably be the cause for some major civil unrest this country if she wins. I think the military will be particularity upset. Enlistments will be very low. Who in the hell would want that corrupt lying self centered obnoxious bitch as their Commander in Chief?
We can say much the same thing about Trump. A lot of people that are voting for him really don't like him. They just hate him less than they hate Hillary.

Whoever get's elected is going have a hard road. Hillary will have the support of democrats and the hatred of Republicans. However, Trump is going to be faced with not only the hatred of Democrats but a lot of Republicans that refused to support him and really don't like him, particularly much the leadership in congress. This is why I think Trump will be treating much of his his own party as an adversary. Clinton will at least have the full support of her own party. Clinton will be able to accomplish only a little with Republicans controlling congress and Trump will accomplish nothing because Clinton has far more political experience than Trump.
The FBI reviewed 650,000 emails in a week or so...but it's going to take the State Department 5 years to review 31,000 page of hLIARt's email?

Something stinky is afoot in the Wagon Circling DC.

State Department tells court it needs 5 years to review deleted Clinton emails
The FBI can only review those emails covered in the warrant; that is emails directly connected to the Clinton email investigation. Thus they are limited to emails to and from Huma Abedin, Clinton's aid and Wiener's wife. A State Dept. review of State Dept emails is not limited by court order. They can review thousands of emails if they chose to do so.
Trump has been running on a platform of non interventionism

How does he manage to defeat ISIS knowing more than all the generals by not intervening where ISIS is?
He didn't say he knows more about Isis than all of the Generals...He said he knows more about Isis than THE Generals The Generals hand picked by Obama. And he may be right about that since we are still fighting and dying in the middle east after Obama's entire 8 freakin years of ruin. 8 years of war with the best military in the world and Obama's Generals can't get the job done.
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.
Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Ain't gonna happen, unless there's explicit evidence of intentional wrongdoing, and there has not been any such evidence yet, let alone any convictions.

They have enough information to show she lied under oath... if you continue to have a Republican led House, and a Republican run Senate... it is going to be nothing but investigations.
If the House had information that Hillary lied under oath she would be under arrest for contempt of congress right now. Comey said there was no indication Hillary nor her staffed lied to the FBI, so what the hell are you talking about.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.
Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Ain't gonna happen, unless there's explicit evidence of intentional wrongdoing, and there has not been any such evidence yet, let alone any convictions.

They have enough information to show she lied under oath... if you continue to have a Republican led House, and a Republican run Senate... it is going to be nothing but investigations.
If the House had information that Hillary lied under oath she would be under arrest for contempt of congress right now. Comey said there was no indication Hillary nor her staffed lied to FBI so what the hell are talking about.

Let's go over just ONE example. She said she used ONE device... Comey said that was a lie. In fact Gowdey asked Comey very specific questions to show each of her lies.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.
Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Ain't gonna happen, unless there's explicit evidence of intentional wrongdoing, and there has not been any such evidence yet, let alone any convictions.

They have enough information to show she lied under oath... if you continue to have a Republican led House, and a Republican run Senate... it is going to be nothing but investigations.
If the House had information that Hillary lied under oath she would be under arrest for contempt of congress right now. Comey said there was no indication Hillary nor her staffed lied to FBI so what the hell are talking about.

Let's go over just ONE example. She said she used ONE device... Comey said that was a lie. In fact Gowdey asked Comey very specific questions to show each of her lies.
Comey did not say she lied to the FBI.
The report indicates the FBI investigation found 13 total mobile devices associated with her two known phone numbers that were potentially used to send emails via

The report does not say that she used more than one device at a time during her years at State.

“Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices … eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State," the report reads.

It says she used two mobile devices after she left office.

As I said, if she had lied to congress, Republicans in congress would have seen that the she was charged. Comey said she did not lie to the FBI. If she had she would be charged now.
Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.
Ain't gonna happen, unless there's explicit evidence of intentional wrongdoing, and there has not been any such evidence yet, let alone any convictions.

They have enough information to show she lied under oath... if you continue to have a Republican led House, and a Republican run Senate... it is going to be nothing but investigations.
If the House had information that Hillary lied under oath she would be under arrest for contempt of congress right now. Comey said there was no indication Hillary nor her staffed lied to FBI so what the hell are talking about.

Let's go over just ONE example. She said she used ONE device... Comey said that was a lie. In fact Gowdey asked Comey very specific questions to show each of her lies.
Comey did not say she lied to the FBI.
The report indicates the FBI investigation found 13 total mobile devices associated with her two known phone numbers that were potentially used to send emails via

The report does not say that she used more than one device at a time during her years at State.

“Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices … eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State," the report reads.

It says she used two mobile devices after she left office.

As I said, if she had lied to congress, Republicans in congress would have seen that the she was charged. Comey said she did not lie to the FBI. If she had she would be charged now.

WHAT!?!? She said she only used one device... you JUST said she used multiple devices, but it wasn't a lie? Are you smoke'n dope?

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