BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

Trying to explain to Republicans had they run a kasich or Romney they'd be winning this one?

Or trying to explain the 100 things about trump that make him unqualified?
Kasich would have beat Hillary. However, the GOP looses if Trump wins or looses.
I don't believe trump matters. The GOP could nominate anyone and trump supporters would vote for that person because it's

1. All about beating hillary
2. Supreme Court nominees
3. Passing Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation
Trying to explain to Republicans had they run a kasich or Romney they'd be winning this one?

Or trying to explain the 100 things about trump that make him unqualified?
Kasich would have beat Hillary. However, the GOP looses if Trump wins or looses.

Kasich LOL

That was a joke, right?
Republicans would be praising kasich right now if he was the nominee

No. He'd be another McCain Romney I <3 Hillary loser
Dear Silhouette Trump has been audited constantly are you kidding?
I know of lots of millionaires who avoid paying taxes because property and investment laws
permit so many writeoffs. That's why people in Congress keep those tax breaks,
because they use it to control their wealth. The Clintons do this, too, anyone
with knowledge of corporate finances are going to use the laws to keep the
most control of their wealth and channel money in ways they can direct.
They know how to use private corporations to do this, and the laws on tax breaks.

So if Trump hasn't been found guilty of anything why accuse him and not Clinton?

Which person took a vow of public office and yet either pushed policies
or bypassed checks that would ensure equal protection of interests of people of both parties?

Trump has shown that he obeys when his peers opposing him
threaten him with Constitutional checks/enforcement or even lawsuits.
He listens and backs off unlike Clinton who uses political connections to bypass laws.

Trump does not have those legal connections Clinton has to bypass checks and balances.
He's not a lawyer and has never pledged to put that system above the interests of the public.

sorry but all the lawyers I know end up having to support that system
which feeds off itself. lawyers can only use their own system if they
bow to other lawyers and judges who control the outcomes.

it's a dangerous incestuous cesspool, totally in violation of Constitutional
duties that money has superceded because of the cost of legal defense
that has become the worst elitist monopoly influencing everything else
subject to courts and lawsuits controlled by legal lobbyists and interests.
The corrupt New BS GOP, pro secret money, lobbyists, pander to the rich and giant corps, has always been the problem. Trump is a mobbed up scumbag who won't show his tax returns, with 75 cases coming up in court and offers a W double down. After 25 years of GOP witch hunts against Hillary, NADA. But policies that will help. All the GOP has is BS propaganda and character assassination. PFFFFTTT!!!

francoHFW whatever you think you have on Trump
it's nothing like the damage done by Democrats.

If you're going to say that about him,
do the same with the Democrats' dealings.

I think you could pay off govt debt with what you'd
find if both parties went after each other and collected back
debts and damages owed to taxpayers.

NOT this game of just using that to get elected,
then doing nothing to get taxpayers paid back restitution.

Who is more likely to get restitution for taxpayers:
someone whose political connections and corporate
backing for office depends on playing these games
and not getting held responsible?

Or someone who is attacking both parties for their
corporate conflicts of interest like Trump is?
Who is in a better position to check both parties
and demand restitution to taxpayers, someone
hiding or someone yelling and protesting both parties?
He'l say any bs to get elected and cut taxes and regulation on himself. Period. The New BS GOP has blocked that restitution for 30 years- Hilary wants to get the boated rich to pay their fair share and help the the nonrich. Trickle down AGAIN? Wake up!

Dear francoHFW shouldn't it be the WRONGDOERS paying back the taxpayers their share of profits?
Are the people you want to charge the people responsible for the wrongs
or just because people make money they ought to pay for corruption of others?


Which group do you think we should go after: anyone who makes money
or go after the crooks and abusers who profit off deals and waste at public expense.

What is your idea of justice and deterrence of crime?
Which one? Thanks!
Go after the greedy idiot brainwashing, thieving, screw the workers GOP rich. The Dem rich WANT to pay more. And invest in America for the first time in 35 years...
Dear Silhouette Trump has been audited constantly are you kidding?
I know of lots of millionaires who avoid paying taxes because property and investment laws
permit so many writeoffs. That's why people in Congress keep those tax breaks,
because they use it to control their wealth. The Clintons do this, too, anyone
with knowledge of corporate finances are going to use the laws to keep the
most control of their wealth and channel money in ways they can direct.
They know how to use private corporations to do this, and the laws on tax breaks.

So if Trump hasn't been found guilty of anything why accuse him and not Clinton?

Which person took a vow of public office and yet either pushed policies
or bypassed checks that would ensure equal protection of interests of people of both parties?

Trump has shown that he obeys when his peers opposing him
threaten him with Constitutional checks/enforcement or even lawsuits.
He listens and backs off unlike Clinton who uses political connections to bypass laws.

Trump does not have those legal connections Clinton has to bypass checks and balances.
He's not a lawyer and has never pledged to put that system above the interests of the public.

sorry but all the lawyers I know end up having to support that system
which feeds off itself. lawyers can only use their own system if they
bow to other lawyers and judges who control the outcomes.

it's a dangerous incestuous cesspool, totally in violation of Constitutional
duties that money has superceded because of the cost of legal defense
that has become the worst elitist monopoly influencing everything else
subject to courts and lawsuits controlled by legal lobbyists and interests.
The corrupt New BS GOP, pro secret money, lobbyists, pander to the rich and giant corps, has always been the problem. Trump is a mobbed up scumbag who won't show his tax returns, with 75 cases coming up in court and offers a W double down. After 25 years of GOP witch hunts against Hillary, NADA. But policies that will help. All the GOP has is BS propaganda and character assassination. PFFFFTTT!!!

francoHFW whatever you think you have on Trump
it's nothing like the damage done by Democrats.

If you're going to say that about him,
do the same with the Democrats' dealings.

I think you could pay off govt debt with what you'd
find if both parties went after each other and collected back
debts and damages owed to taxpayers.

NOT this game of just using that to get elected,
then doing nothing to get taxpayers paid back restitution.

Who is more likely to get restitution for taxpayers:
someone whose political connections and corporate
backing for office depends on playing these games
and not getting held responsible?

Or someone who is attacking both parties for their
corporate conflicts of interest like Trump is?
Who is in a better position to check both parties
and demand restitution to taxpayers, someone
hiding or someone yelling and protesting both parties?
He'l say any bs to get elected and cut taxes and regulation on himself. Period. The New BS GOP has blocked that restitution for 30 years- Hilary wants to get the boated rich to pay their fair share and help the the nonrich. Trickle down AGAIN? Wake up!

Dear francoHFW shouldn't it be the WRONGDOERS paying back the taxpayers their share of profits?
Are the people you want to charge the people responsible for the wrongs
or just because people make money they ought to pay for corruption of others?


Which group do you think we should go after: anyone who makes money
or go after the crooks and abusers who profit off deals and waste at public expense.

What is your idea of justice and deterrence of crime?
Which one? Thanks!
Go after the greedy idiot brainwashing, thieving, screw the workers GOP rich. The Dem rich WANT to pay more. And invest in America for the first time in 35 years...

^ francoHFW
1. prove your point. find me one rich Democrat willing to pay to help nonprofits buy up and preserve
Freedmen's Town national historic district as a campus to help the cause, so I don't have to work 2 jobs
and do all the outreach to raise funds as a third unpaid job.
Can you find one of these rich Democrats willing to take this on and I'll believe you?
where are they?

We need help! The people who do support me can't afford to help without more of these rich donors chipping in, wherever they are. Thus this requires me to keep working two jobs which has made me so sick I collapsed again. I'd been working two jobs since 2008 and am not able to sustain because it has taxed my health and makes me vulnerable to getting sick and taking longer and longer to recover.

It's almost cruel to keep saying these rich Democrats want to help
and keep voting for that, but no help is anywhere in sight. Everyone is too busy
working to pay costs that have gone up while jobs have gone down because
companies still feel and absorb the heavier costs imposed by bad policies.

2. why are tax laws necessary before they will donate and invest? What?
Can you explain if they are so willing why don't they already
invest in solutions? What is stopping them from doing that?

3. if these rich Democrats support the tax policies francoHFW
why did all the unions and groups in favor of Obama
get exempted and opted out of ACA mandates and requirements

Who is left to push for universal coverage if all the rich Democrats
and corporate contacts bypass the law instead of changing it?
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You lose America wins

Yea right, Moon Bat she is going to be a great leader. Fanstastic. She is going to make America great again, isn't she? You also thought this Obama asshole was going to be good too, didn't you? Are trying for 0-2? Do you any plans to ever pull your head out of your ass?

I am always amazed at the stupidity of you Moon Bats. You never fail to let us know how dumb some some Americans can be.
The corrupt New BS GOP, pro secret money, lobbyists, pander to the rich and giant corps, has always been the problem. Trump is a mobbed up scumbag who won't show his tax returns, with 75 cases coming up in court and offers a W double down. After 25 years of GOP witch hunts against Hillary, NADA. But policies that will help. All the GOP has is BS propaganda and character assassination. PFFFFTTT!!!

francoHFW whatever you think you have on Trump
it's nothing like the damage done by Democrats.

If you're going to say that about him,
do the same with the Democrats' dealings.

I think you could pay off govt debt with what you'd
find if both parties went after each other and collected back
debts and damages owed to taxpayers.

NOT this game of just using that to get elected,
then doing nothing to get taxpayers paid back restitution.

Who is more likely to get restitution for taxpayers:
someone whose political connections and corporate
backing for office depends on playing these games
and not getting held responsible?

Or someone who is attacking both parties for their
corporate conflicts of interest like Trump is?
Who is in a better position to check both parties
and demand restitution to taxpayers, someone
hiding or someone yelling and protesting both parties?
He'l say any bs to get elected and cut taxes and regulation on himself. Period. The New BS GOP has blocked that restitution for 30 years- Hilary wants to get the boated rich to pay their fair share and help the the nonrich. Trickle down AGAIN? Wake up!

Dear francoHFW shouldn't it be the WRONGDOERS paying back the taxpayers their share of profits?
Are the people you want to charge the people responsible for the wrongs
or just because people make money they ought to pay for corruption of others?


Which group do you think we should go after: anyone who makes money
or go after the crooks and abusers who profit off deals and waste at public expense.

What is your idea of justice and deterrence of crime?
Which one? Thanks!
Go after the greedy idiot brainwashing, thieving, screw the workers GOP rich. The Dem rich WANT to pay more. And invest in America for the first time in 35 years...

^ francoHFW
1. prove your point. find me one rich Democrat willing to pay to help nonprofits buy up and preserve
Freedmen's Town national historic district as a campus to help the cause, so I don't have to work 2 jobs
and do all the outreach to raise funds as a third unpaid job.
Can you find one of these rich Democrats willing to take this on and I'll believe you?
where are they?

We need help! The people who do support me can't afford to help without more of these rich donors chipping in, wherever they are. Thus this requires me to keep working two jobs which has made me so sick I collapsed again. I'd been working two jobs since 2008 and am not able to sustain because it has taxed my health and makes me vulnerable to getting sick and taking longer and longer to recover.

It's almost cruel to keep saying these rich Democrats want to help
and keep voting for that, but no help is anywhere in sight. Everyone is too busy
working to pay costs that have gone up while jobs have gone down because
companies still feel and absorb the heavier costs imposed by bad policies.

2. why are tax laws necessary before they will donate and invest? What?
Can you explain if they are so willing why don't they already
invest in solutions? What is stopping them from doing that?
They want to raise their own taxes to invest in the middle class and America. Cut the usual GOP crap.
You should remove your nose from Hill's rectum, you can't breath and are not thinking clearly
Now THAT's "sassy"! Irish too?
Who the hell are you and more importantly why should I give a flying fig?
You should change your handle to ...
If you mattered to me I'd take it under consideration but you don' be gone. Dipshit
Why do you think i give a shit if i "matter" to you?
I was responding to your sassy ass comments. You think you own this thread? LOL
What you own are stupid "ass" comments.
You should remove your nose from Hill's rectum, you can't breath and are not thinking clearly
Now THAT's "sassy"! Irish too?
Who the hell are you and more importantly why should I give a flying fig?
You should change your handle to ...
If you mattered to me I'd take it under consideration but you don' be gone. Dipshit
Why do you think i give a shit if i "matter" to you?
I was responding to your sassy ass comments. You think you own this thread? LOL
What you own are stupid "ass" comments.

Yawn....go away, ya toad
Enough with the emails, look at policy. social security, wage increase. look at both sides, then vote
  • Thanks
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You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.

Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.

Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.

Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Trying to explain to Republicans had they run a kasich or Romney they'd be winning this one?

Or trying to explain the 100 things about trump that make him unqualified?
Kasich would have beat Hillary. However, the GOP looses if Trump wins or looses.
I don't believe trump matters. The GOP could nominate anyone and trump supporters would vote for that person because it's

1. All about beating hillary
2. Supreme Court nominees
3. Passing Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation
Without Trump, it would have been a very different election. Hillary would lose and Republicans would control the white house and maybe even congress for 8 years. With Trump, the GOP loses regardless who wins the election.

Without Trump, it would have been a very different election. Hillary would lose and Republicans would control the white house and maybe even congress for 8 years. With Trump, the GOP loses regardless who wins the election.

Do you know anybody that is stupid enough to vote for Crooked Hillary that would have changed their mind and voted for a Republican had somebody else run? Those people don't exist.

Crooked Hillary is more flawed than Trump, by a good amount. The 50+ million idiots that will vote for her in this election would not have voted for any other Republican.

Crooked Hillary is drawing on the pool of uneducated low information welfare queens and despicable Liberal special interest groups in this country and none of those dumb bastards were ever going to vote for anybody other than a filthy ass Democrat.
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.

Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.

Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Do you really think another House investigation by Republicans is going to stop her? She has been under investigation or threat of investigation by Republicans for 25 years. Eventually her health will fail and finally Republicans will have their victory.
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.

Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.

Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Do you really think another House investigation by Republicans is going to stop her? She has been under investigation or threat of investigation by Republicans for 25 years. Eventually her health will fail and finally Republicans will have their victory.

But as President it puts here in a different position than before. She will completely at the mercy of Congress.

Without Trump, it would have been a very different election. Hillary would lose and Republicans would control the white house and maybe even congress for 8 years. With Trump, the GOP loses regardless who wins the election.

Do you know anybody that is stupid enough to vote for Crooked Hillary that would have changed their mind and voted for a Republican had somebody else run? Those people don't exist.

Crooked Hillary is more flawed than Trump, by a good amount. The 50+ million idiots that will vote for her in this election would not have voted for any other Republican.

Crooked Hillary is drawing on the pool of uneducated low information welfare queens and despicable Liberal special interest groups in this country and none of those dumb bastards were ever going to vote for anybody other than a filthy ass Democrat.
Surely, you jest. Without Trump, Hillary would not have the big Hispanic turnout, nor the backlash from women voters, nor 59% of college graduates. 8 years of one party controlling the white house is usually enough for most voters then along came Trump.
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