BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary


Without Trump, it would have been a very different election. Hillary would lose and Republicans would control the white house and maybe even congress for 8 years. With Trump, the GOP loses regardless who wins the election.

Do you know anybody that is stupid enough to vote for Crooked Hillary that would have changed their mind and voted for a Republican had somebody else run? Those people don't exist.

Crooked Hillary is more flawed than Trump, by a good amount. The 50+ million idiots that will vote for her in this election would not have voted for any other Republican.

Crooked Hillary is drawing on the pool of uneducated low information welfare queens and despicable Liberal special interest groups in this country and none of those dumb bastards were ever going to vote for anybody other than a filthy ass Democrat.
Surely, you jest. Without Trump, Hillary would not have a big Hispanic turnout, nor the backlash from women voters, nor 59% of college graduates. 8 years of one party controlling the white house is enough for most voters then along Trump.

Yep that should say a lot, that so many people are complaining about the last 8 years under Obama, yet Hillary is still equal to or ahead of Trump in the polls. If Trump was such a breath of fresh air and against the establishment, on top of being such a great candidate, he should be ahead by a landslide.

Yep that should say a lot, that so many people are complaining about the last 8 years under Obama, yet Hillary is still equal to or ahead of Trump in the polls. If Trump was such a breath of fresh air and against the establishment, on top of being such a great candidate, he should be ahead by a landslide.

This is not about Trump. It is about half of the idiots in America willing to vote for a corrupt lying incompetent bitch like Crooked when the economy is doing poorly just to protect their welfare check.

The polls would about the same no matter what Republican would be running.

It is not about doing right by the country. If that was the case nobody would ever vote for the despicable Democrats. It is about greed that we have on the Left. Greed that is fed by the free stuff from big government.

Crooked Hillary is promising all the Moon Bats that if they vote for her they will be on Easy Street.

Just ask Daryl how that is working out.

You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.

Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Please note JimBowie1958
The statute of limitations is too easily abused by dragging out cases so ppl get away with it. Constitutionally on principle this tactic violates the right of people to petition govt for redress of grievances left unresolved.

But the damage is done in the meantime
Which violates equal protection of the laws.

We should have equal security as when these abuses don't occur in the first place. The minute some trespass occurs it already infringes on the rights of complainants to equal protections.

The only way to protect ppl equally is agree to no abuses at all, and to resolve conflicts by mediation instead of competing to bias the process and outcome toward one side or the other.

Otherwise in a biased process, govt and legal authority gets abused to deprive citizens of equal protection of interest representation and due process. It's not a fair game to begin with if we don't pledge to protect interest of all sides equally but pit one against the others as a contest. The rule should be equal consent not the bigger more coercive or evasive side winning while petitions for grievances go unredressed.

Damage was done to the HRC campaign by Comey, it was malicious and intentional.
Damage was done to the HRC campaign by Comey, it was malicious and intentional.

Yes because criminals like Hillary are never prosecuted or investigated because they have committed crimes, roflmao

Tom Delay ring a bell? Iran-Contra conspirators? Spiro Agnew, Duke Cunningham, ... oops; Dennis Hastert? All of whom were indicted and convicted; HRC has been slimed for decades by the right wing and not once has an allegation gone to a prosecutor, not once have a complaint or information been filed, and off course seh has never been tried or convicted.

Don't ever claim to be a patriot, real patriots/real Americans believe that someone is innocent until proved guilty. And don't pretend to be a Christian, real Christians believe and abide by the 10 Comments.
Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

Dir. Comey should have merely informed Congress of the conclusions of the FBI's additional examination of the Wiener emails rather than giving them an interim status update indicating that the organization had commenced a review. Doing so would have met his promise to inform Congress of new events pertaining to the matter.

I mean really, do you think that at the outset of an investigation anyone would be informed, let alone the object of an investigation, were the FBI to begin to look at "whatever" in connection with the possibility that they'd committed a crime? I'm sure the FBI would not, so why, or more appropriately, that it did so with Mrs. Clinton and the emails is most unusual.
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Without Trump, it would have been a very different election. Hillary would lose and Republicans would control the white house and maybe even congress for 8 years. With Trump, the GOP loses regardless who wins the election.

Do you know anybody that is stupid enough to vote for Crooked Hillary that would have changed their mind and voted for a Republican had somebody else run? Those people don't exist.

Crooked Hillary is more flawed than Trump, by a good amount. The 50+ million idiots that will vote for her in this election would not have voted for any other Republican.

Crooked Hillary is drawing on the pool of uneducated low information welfare queens and despicable Liberal special interest groups in this country and none of those dumb bastards were ever going to vote for anybody other than a filthy ass Democrat.
Surely, you jest. Without Trump, Hillary would not have a big Hispanic turnout, nor the backlash from women voters, nor 59% of college graduates. 8 years of one party controlling the white house is enough for most voters then along Trump.

Yep that should say a lot, that so many people are complaining about the last 8 years under Obama, yet Hillary is still equal to or ahead of Trump in the polls. If Trump was such a breath of fresh air and against the establishment, on top of being such a great candidate, he should be ahead by a landslide.
8 years seems to be the norm, 8 years of Obama, 8 years of Bush, and 8 years of Clinton, and 8 years of Reagan. It would be hard to imagine, Americans waking up each morning for 8 years to hear the hatred pouring out of Trump's mouth each day. It might be enough to get people to turn off their TV.

8 years seems to be the norm, 8 years of Obama, 8 years of Bush, and 8 years of Clinton, and 8 years of Reagan. It would be hard to imagine, Americans waking up each morning for 8 years to hear the hatred pouring out of Trump's mouth each day. It might be enough to get people to turn off their TV.

Crooked Hillary's shrill lying voice would be a whole lot worse.
If Trump was such a breath of fresh air and against the establishment, on top of being such a great candidate, he should be ahead by a landslide.

Correct, but he kept being an idiot, especially during the Dem Convention.

Even with that, Trump is a vastly preferable president to what Jill Stein accurately calls the QUEEN OF CORRUPTION.

You lose America wins

Yea right, Moon Bat she is going to be a great leader. Fanstastic. She is going to make America great again, isn't she? You also thought this Obama asshole was going to be good too, didn't you? Are trying for 0-2? Do you any plans to ever pull your head out of your ass?

I am always amazed at the stupidity of you Moon Bats. You never fail to let us know how dumb some some Americans can be.
Obama was great hillary will be better.

Will you give us a chance this time?

You lose America wins

Yea right, Moon Bat she is going to be a great leader. Fanstastic. She is going to make America great again, isn't she? You also thought this Obama asshole was going to be good too, didn't you? Are trying for 0-2? Do you any plans to ever pull your head out of your ass?

I am always amazed at the stupidity of you Moon Bats. You never fail to let us know how dumb some some Americans can be.
Obama was great hillary will be better.

Will you give us a chance this time?
Not gonna happen. The hatred does not end with the election.
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.

Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.

Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.

Which only serves to highlight the weakness of the Republicans. The only way they feel they have a shot a remaining relevant is by diminishing their opponents rather than winning with good ideas.

Not gonna happen. The hatred does not end with the election.

Can you imagine the hate and vitriol that will ensue from the Moon Bats if Crooked Hillary loses? Their hate of Bush when he beat Gore in 2000 will be nothing compared to their hate of The Donald.

Of course The Donald could care less. Draining the swamp is liable to piss off some of the vermin.

If Crooked Hillary wins the country will be even more divided. She is hated by almost everybody, including many of the stupid Moon Bats that voted for her.

She will probably be the cause for some major civil unrest this country if she wins. I think the military will be particularity upset. Enlistments will be very low. Who in the hell would want that corrupt lying self centered obnoxious bitch as their Commander in Chief?
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.
Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.
You're absolutely correct, the FBI can't just go on a fishing expedition through hundreds of thousands of emails looking for wrong doing. The computer belong to Anthony Weiner which was used by his wife, Huma Abedin, a Clinton aid now separated from Weiner. Supposedly, Abedin used Weiner's computer and there were emails from or too her which could be of interest to the email investigation. Probably the FBI investigators used software to pull all emails written to or from her to be reviewed. Comey said these emails were either personal or were duplicates of what they already had. So unless something new comes up, that will end of the investigation.
There is no end of an investigation by law enforcement until one of two things happen; either it goes to trial and results returned or the statue of limitations kick in and then the case is closed.
Why do you Dims keep lying to yourselves so much?
Already House Republican are shifting their attack to the Clinton Foundation. The email investigation will be history just like the election because without the election or new evidence, the story has no legs. Several republicans including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee has said he will be probing Hillary Clinton's record, not just the email investigation. The Clinton investigation will expand to a generalized witch hunt which will continue through her term as president.
Just like what Gowdey said. She gets elected, it's 4 years of investigation until she either gets impeached, she resigns, or her term ends.
Or, the Repubs don't win the Senate again and the POTUS & Congress can get more meaningful legislation done with less partisan bullshit.

Hillary better just hope the Senate doesn't get to the point where there is close to a 2/3rds group of people in the Senate that will remove her from office.

Not gonna happen. The hatred does not end with the election.

Can you imagine the hate and vitriol that will ensue from the Moon Bats if Crooked Hillary loses? Their hate of Bush when he beat Gore in 2000 will be nothing compared to their hate of The Donald.

Of course The Donald could care less. Draining the swamp is liable to piss off some of the vermin.

If Crooked Hillary wins the country will be even more divided. She is hated by almost everybody, including many of the stupid Moon Bats that voted for her.

She will probably be the cause for some major civil unrest this country if she wins. I think the military will be particularity upset. Enlistments will be very low. Who in the hell would want that corrupt lying self centered obnoxious bitch as their Commander in Chief?
Good then she can shrink the military. We fight with drones anyways. Only Republicans start wars that require boots on the ground.

Both bush went to war with Iraq and now the Republicans want war with Iran? Another reason not to vote gop

Without Trump, it would have been a very different election. Hillary would lose and Republicans would control the white house and maybe even congress for 8 years. With Trump, the GOP loses regardless who wins the election.

Do you know anybody that is stupid enough to vote for Crooked Hillary that would have changed their mind and voted for a Republican had somebody else run? Those people don't exist.

Crooked Hillary is more flawed than Trump, by a good amount. The 50+ million idiots that will vote for her in this election would not have voted for any other Republican.

Crooked Hillary is drawing on the pool of uneducated low information welfare queens and despicable Liberal special interest groups in this country and none of those dumb bastards were ever going to vote for anybody other than a filthy ass Democrat.
If information is total bs GOP propaganda, dupe. LOL

Without Trump, it would have been a very different election. Hillary would lose and Republicans would control the white house and maybe even congress for 8 years. With Trump, the GOP loses regardless who wins the election.
Crooked Hillary is more flawed than Trump, by a good amount.
That was a partisan statement if i ever heard one. LOL.
Both candidates are flawed, and neither is a criminal. Each one has their own experiences & policy preferences.
One is a lawyer/politician and the other a businessman. Pros & cons.

However, all you can see is black & white extremes based on your biases.
Not very intelligent or useful in civic discourse.

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