Breaking: Crooked Hillary Did Not Do The Walk Through at Hofstra

Pretty sure you guys have never set foot on a college campus, otherwise you'd know what a pain in the ass candidates roaming around would be for security details.

You'd know having spent 12 years as an undergrad trying to get that MRS degree in freeloading.
She instead went to hide out at Huma Weiner's house. Could that be because of Parkinson's? The Secret Service were instructed to keep journalists and anyone with an iPhone far away. The last thing they want is someone else filming her during a Parkinson's freeze. Meanwhile they spotted goofy, douchebag Mark Cuban and Jessie "I have a scheme" Jackson, an individual who used to praise The Donald. How out of touch the Crooked Hillary campaign is to think those ridiculous punks would distract The Donald. :p

yeah the last thing they would want the public to see is her cruising around in her jazzy high lift chair


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