BREAKING: Democratic Senator Delivers Crushing Blow to ‘Partisan’ Election Bill That Would Oveturn State Reforms

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Senator Joe Manchin is all but assuring that the Democratic Party’s attempt to continue the debacle of the 2020 presidential election in perpetuity will be brought to a halt, at least the federal level. The Democratic Senator is delivering a backbreaking blow to the Democrats’ hope of passing H.R. 1, which would effectively outlaw strict voter IDs and mandate that elections be carried out via absentee ballots for weeks, if not months before elections.

“I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For the People Act. Furthermore, I will not vote to weaken or eliminate the filibuster,” Sen. Joe Manchin wrote in a hometown newspaper, the Charleston Gazette-Mail. “The fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized,” he added.

“Manchin said lawmakers should instead focus their energies on revitalizing the landmark Voting Rights Act, which was weakened by a Supreme Court decision in 2013,” the AP reported. “Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has joined him in calling for that approach.”

“Manchin’s opposition to the broader elections bill is just the latest challenge facing Democrats as they enter the summer work period under rising pressure to deliver on their promises to voters,” the report continued. “Manchin reiterated he would not vote to ‘weaken or eliminate the filibuster,’ a route that many Democrats see as the only realistic path forward.”


Wait don’t tell me...left wing, blue check Twitter is calling him a Repubbie, wants him primaried, and said he should just switch parties?.....You mean their is still a chance we will stay a 2 party sysyem?
I think at least some parts of that bill would not pass constitutional muster anyway. I do not believe the federal gov't has the authority to tell the states how to conduct their elections. But even if Manchin did support it, the Dems do not have the 60 votes to pass it in the Senate anyway. And they can't do it via reconciliation, cuz it as nothing to do with the budget.
I think at least some parts of that bill would not pass constitutional muster anyway. I do not believe the federal gov't has the authority to tell the states how to conduct their elections. But even if Manchin did support it, the Dems do not have the 60 votes to pass it in the Senate anyway. And they can't do it via reconciliation, cuz it as nothing to do with the budget.
So even if Manchin put up a token vote for the Voting Rights Act, it wouldn't matter because the dems don't have (60) votes anyway. 2022 is shaping up to be a GOP windfall due to redistricting.
Manchin is an old school Democrat in a red state and it looks like he's going to break with the Dominioncrats.

I think that's a wise political move. He's still living down the KKK Byrd association (when the Dims still overtly hated black people and were transparent about it). I'm sorry about his home burning to ground next week.
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Manchin is an old school Democrat in a red state and it looks like he's going to break with the Dominioncrats.

I think that's a wise political move. He's still living down the KKK Byrd association (when the Dims still overtly hated black people and were transparent about it). I'm sorry about his home burning to ground next week.
Joe is one itsy-bitsy threat away from switching to the GOP.
Go ahead, we can protect him and his family all day and all night.
Manchin is an old school Democrat in a red state and it looks like he's going to break with the Dominioncrats.
I hope he actually has some integrity and love of country on the issue of ending the filibuster. THAT is the key choice that will decide our future in many ways. If they ditch it they can pass almost anything they desire with a tiebreaker vote and this country is going to become a VERY hostile place as a result.
I have ZERO doubt that Biden will sign anything brought to his desk by Schumer and Pelosi, no matter how crooked or even dangerous it might be.
Manchin is an old school Democrat in a red state and it looks like he's going to break with the Dominioncrats.

I think that's a wise political move. He's still living down the KKK Byrd association (when the Dims still overtly hated black people and were transparent about it). I'm sorry about his home burning to ground next week.
Joe is one itsy-bitsy threat away from switching to the GOP.
Go ahead, we can protect him and his family all day and all night.
Considering the margin of victory for Trump in WV, it seems like an odd situation that he'd still need to run as a Democrat. I guess the state is so poor that the old habit of voting Democrat is hard to break. As the Ds continue with this idiocy on all fronts and especially their efforts to kill hydrocarbons, WV may finally move on.
Manchin is an old school Democrat in a red state and it looks like he's going to break with the Dominioncrats.
I hope he actually has some integrity and love of country on the issue of ending the filibuster. THAT is the key choice that will decide our future in many ways. If they ditch it they can pass almost anything they desire with a tiebreaker vote and this country is going to become a VERY hostile place as a result.
I have ZERO doubt that Biden will sign anything brought to his desk by Schumer and Pelosi, no matter how crooked or even dangerous it might be.
Manchin already said that the filibuster is safe.
Of course, there's a catch, the VRA. What a tool.
Yeah... but all politicians are. If he stands against these Marxist fools on the filibuster issue, I'll donate to his campaign with a clear conscience. IMO, this country is facing extreme danger from the Marxists and anyone who has the power to stand against them and their goals is a friend in time of need.

I KNOW he'll stand up for 2A but it won't matter as much if he yields on the filibuster. The very fact that they are seriously talking about trying to dump it tells me they aren't concerned with ever being on the wrong side of that decision. They actually seem to believe they'll retain power indefinitely and that is disturbing.
Senator Joe Manchin is all but assuring that the Democratic Party’s attempt to continue the debacle of the 2020 presidential election in perpetuity will be brought to a halt, at least the federal level. The Democratic Senator is delivering a backbreaking blow to the Democrats’ hope of passing H.R. 1, which would effectively outlaw strict voter IDs and mandate that elections be carried out via absentee ballots for weeks, if not months before elections.

“I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For the People Act. Furthermore, I will not vote to weaken or eliminate the filibuster,” Sen. Joe Manchin wrote in a hometown newspaper, the Charleston Gazette-Mail. “The fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized,” he added.

“Manchin said lawmakers should instead focus their energies on revitalizing the landmark Voting Rights Act, which was weakened by a Supreme Court decision in 2013,” the AP reported. “Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has joined him in calling for that approach.”

“Manchin’s opposition to the broader elections bill is just the latest challenge facing Democrats as they enter the summer work period under rising pressure to deliver on their promises to voters,” the report continued. “Manchin reiterated he would not vote to ‘weaken or eliminate the filibuster,’ a route that many Democrats see as the only realistic path forward.”


Wait don’t tell me...left wing, blue check Twitter is calling him a Repubbie, wants him primaried, and said he should just switch parties?.....You mean their is still a chance we will stay a 2 party sysyem?
Manchin is not cowering to the socialist who want to steal elections from state and local control. We elect our representatives from the bottom-up...not the top down. Democrats want the swamp in Washington D.C to control democracy in our nation.
I think at least some parts of that bill would not pass constitutional muster anyway. I do not believe the federal gov't has the authority to tell the states how to conduct their elections. But even if Manchin did support it, the Dems do not have the 60 votes to pass it in the Senate anyway. And they can't do it via reconciliation, cuz it as nothing to do with the budget.
H.R. 1 is about usurping our electoral process in the United States of America.
I think at least some parts of that bill would not pass constitutional muster anyway. I do not believe the federal gov't has the authority to tell the states how to conduct their elections. But even if Manchin did support it, the Dems do not have the 60 votes to pass it in the Senate anyway. And they can't do it via reconciliation, cuz it as nothing to do with the budget.

HR one doesn’t tell them how to run their elections it tells them how they can’t run their elections and creates a level playing field across the nation that will most definitely pass constitutional muster
Senator Joe Manchin is all but assuring that the Democratic Party’s attempt to continue the debacle of the 2020 presidential election in perpetuity will be brought to a halt, at least the federal level. The Democratic Senator is delivering a backbreaking blow to the Democrats’ hope of passing H.R. 1, which would effectively outlaw strict voter IDs and mandate that elections be carried out via absentee ballots for weeks, if not months before elections.

“I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For the People Act. Furthermore, I will not vote to weaken or eliminate the filibuster,” Sen. Joe Manchin wrote in a hometown newspaper, the Charleston Gazette-Mail. “The fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized,” he added.

“Manchin said lawmakers should instead focus their energies on revitalizing the landmark Voting Rights Act, which was weakened by a Supreme Court decision in 2013,” the AP reported. “Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has joined him in calling for that approach.”

“Manchin’s opposition to the broader elections bill is just the latest challenge facing Democrats as they enter the summer work period under rising pressure to deliver on their promises to voters,” the report continued. “Manchin reiterated he would not vote to ‘weaken or eliminate the filibuster,’ a route that many Democrats see as the only realistic path forward.”


Wait don’t tell me...left wing, blue check Twitter is calling him a Repubbie, wants him primaried, and said he should just switch parties?.....You mean their is still a chance we will stay a 2 party sysyem?
Manchin is the only moderate Dem ..the rest of the Dems are very similar to the 3rd Reich
Senator Joe Manchin is all but assuring that the Democratic Party’s attempt to continue the debacle of the 2020 presidential election in perpetuity will be brought to a halt, at least the federal level. The Democratic Senator is delivering a backbreaking blow to the Democrats’ hope of passing H.R. 1, which would effectively outlaw strict voter IDs and mandate that elections be carried out via absentee ballots for weeks, if not months before elections.

“I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For the People Act. Furthermore, I will not vote to weaken or eliminate the filibuster,” Sen. Joe Manchin wrote in a hometown newspaper, the Charleston Gazette-Mail. “The fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized,” he added.

“Manchin said lawmakers should instead focus their energies on revitalizing the landmark Voting Rights Act, which was weakened by a Supreme Court decision in 2013,” the AP reported. “Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has joined him in calling for that approach.”

“Manchin’s opposition to the broader elections bill is just the latest challenge facing Democrats as they enter the summer work period under rising pressure to deliver on their promises to voters,” the report continued. “Manchin reiterated he would not vote to ‘weaken or eliminate the filibuster,’ a route that many Democrats see as the only realistic path forward.”


Wait don’t tell me...left wing, blue check Twitter is calling him a Repubbie, wants him primaried, and said he should just switch parties?.....You mean their is still a chance we will stay a 2 party sysyem?

He should switch parties, that would hand control of the senate to the republicans.


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