Breaking! Democrats Pull GOP Terrorist Ad After Muslim Commits Actual Truck Attack in New York City

The slimy democrat bastards realize they have egg all over faces. Everything they do backfires.

Democrats Pull Hateful Ad of Republican Running Over Children in Truck After Islamist Commits Real Truck Attack

Northam's other current ad is a lie as well.

Northam claims that Gillespie accuses him of supporting pedophilia. He does not.

Gillespie accuses Northam of supporting a law that automatically returns rights lost upon conviction of a felony, specifically returning those rights to a convicted and released pedophile.

That is fact.

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The slimy democrat bastards realize they have egg all over faces. Everything they do backfires.

Democrats Pull Hateful Ad of Republican Running Over Children in Truck After Islamist Commits Real Truck Attack

Northam's other current ad is a lie as well.

Northam claims that Gillespie accuses him of supporting pedophilia. He does not.

Gillespie accuses Northam of supporting a law that automatically returns rights lost upon conviction of a felony, specifically returning those rights to a convicted and released pedophile.

That is fact.

the worse part about Ralfie boy, is that he is from VMI. Honor Code - Citizen Soldiers - Virginia Military Institute
Honor Code
Above all else, cadets are men and women of honor and integrity who can always be trusted. They live by a simple code, The VMI Honor Code, which states that “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do.”
I think VMI needs to sue Ralfie for his degradation of the VMI codes while he was Lt Gov under Terry McAweful...who gave voting rights to over 200,000 FELONS...So they could vote for HIllary....
The slimy democrat bastards realize they have egg all over faces. Everything they do backfires.

Democrats Pull Hateful Ad of Republican Running Over Children in Truck After Islamist Commits Real Truck Attack
The GOP ought to pay for the rights to the ad and play it over and over with commentary about how the left loves to use tragedy to fuck us out of our liberty.
Just curious, what liberties have the Dems taken away from you?
The slimy democrat bastards realize they have egg all over faces. Everything they do backfires.

Democrats Pull Hateful Ad of Republican Running Over Children in Truck After Islamist Commits Real Truck Attack
The GOP ought to pay for the rights to the ad and play it over and over with commentary about how the left loves to use tragedy to fuck us out of our liberty.
Just curious, what liberties have the Dems taken away from you?
The right to CHOOSE whether you wanted to have healthcare of not? Yeah, we can start right there.....
The slimy democrat bastards realize they have egg all over faces. Everything they do backfires.

Democrats Pull Hateful Ad of Republican Running Over Children in Truck After Islamist Commits Real Truck Attack
The GOP ought to pay for the rights to the ad and play it over and over with commentary about how the left loves to use tragedy to fuck us out of our liberty.
Just curious, what liberties have the Dems taken away from you?
The right to CHOOSE whether you wanted to have healthcare of not? Yeah, we can start right there.....
Why, you have a lot of dumbasses where you live who don't want healthcare?
The slimy democrat bastards realize they have egg all over faces. Everything they do backfires.

Democrats Pull Hateful Ad of Republican Running Over Children in Truck After Islamist Commits Real Truck Attack
The GOP ought to pay for the rights to the ad and play it over and over with commentary about how the left loves to use tragedy to fuck us out of our liberty.
Just curious, what liberties have the Dems taken away from you?

I can't wave to a friend and say "Hi, Jack!" in an airport? :lmao:

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