BREAKING: Dominion did not appear before their Senate hearings. Ruh Roh Raggy

They probably just don't want to be yelled at by bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about. They don't have to talk. They aren't part of any lawsuit, so I don't see an upside for them.

Yeah. The legislators are morons.
The dominion CEO bails out of Pennsylvania hearing to what was to give perspective on their software in the process they use in determining a fair election through their platform.

Because innocent people always run away from a hearing, right?

Sounds like Guild by omission there.

If they had nothing to hide, they should of come forward and presented their case...

Like Trump did with Mueller?
The dominion CEO bails out of Pennsylvania hearing to what was to give perspective on their software in the process they use in determining a fair election through their platform.

Because innocent people always run away from a hearing, right?
Sounds like Guild by omission there. If they had nothing to hide, they should of come forward and presented their case.
If Trump's spokesperson had info on voting fraud, why did she refuse to tell Tucker Carlson about it? Well, she didn't have to and neither does Dominion. Why are you concerned about them, but give Trump's people a pass when they say there's fraud, but offer no evidence.
I guess you never have been to a trial have you?
What does a trial have to do with this? One thing I do know is that for a trial you need evidence and, as we've seen, the Trumpistas have none.
The dominion CEO bails out of Pennsylvania hearing to what was to give perspective on their software in the process they use in determining a fair election through their platform.

Because innocent people always run away from a hearing, right?

Sounds like Guild by omission there.

If they had nothing to hide, they should of come forward and presented their case...

Just like tRump had all of his people do when they were subpoenaed?

You slaves always spew shit out of your mouth but never provide a link..
They probably just don't want to be yelled at by bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about. They don't have to talk. They aren't part of any lawsuit, so I don't see an upside for them.
They aren't part of any lawsuit,
Yet, they could of come clean, now they will be part of the lawsuit coming, and you can bet Sidney Powell will be there to grill them.
The dominion CEO bails out of Pennsylvania hearing to what was to give perspective on their software in the process they use in determining a fair election through their platform.

Because innocent people always run away from a hearing, right?
Sounds like Guild by omission there. If they had nothing to hide, they should of come forward and presented their case.
If Trump's spokesperson had info on voting fraud, why did she refuse to tell Tucker Carlson about it? Well, she didn't have to and neither does Dominion. Why are you concerned about them, but give Trump's people a pass when they say there's fraud, but offer no evidence.
I guess you never have been to a trial have you?
What does a trial have to do with this? One thing I do know is that for a trial you need evidence and, as we've seen, the Trumpistas have none.

I know, i know you just cant see any evidence, but we know why you cant.

The dominion CEO bails out of Pennsylvania hearing to what was to give perspective on their software in the process they use in determining a fair election through their platform.

Because innocent people always run away from a hearing, right?

Sounds like Guild by omission there.

If they had nothing to hide, they should of come forward and presented their case...

Just like tRump had all of his people do when they were subpoenaed?

You slaves always spew shit out of your mouth but never provide a link..
They probably just don't want to be yelled at by bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about. They don't have to talk. They aren't part of any lawsuit, so I don't see an upside for them.
They aren't part of any lawsuit,
Yet, they could of come clean, now they will be part of the lawsuit coming, and you can bet Sidney Powell will be there to grill them.
Sidney Powell! What a joke. She's just another mouthpiece spouting lies and offering no evidence to back them up.
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?
I think the precedence for President to not put certain people up for interrogation started here....
Eric Holder Is Defying the Law by Resisting Subpoena | Debate Club | US News
Ah, so when a president doesn't allow the execution of a subpoena it's not because he's hiding something? When a company refuses to appear voluntarily it is?
Are you saying that Obama, protecting Eric Holder who allowed 10,000 mexicans and 1 US border agent to be murdered by guns Eric allowed the Mexican Cartel to purchase, was he trying to hide something?
I'm not the one trying to claim that not appearing before a house hearing implies guilt. That's what the OP is claiming
If the company doesnt have anything to hide, why wouldnt they step forward and present their evidence. We know Eric Holder murdered all those people, but by executive privilege, the kin of those murdered never got any justice, sorta like Governor Andrew Cujo who murdered 10s of thousands of elderly and then by his EO, granted himself immunity from prosecution. You progs sure do like to murder, burn , loot and steal...
Maybe because they don't want to provide soundbites for the Trump campaign's conspiracy theory? I don't know nor do I particularly care.

If the Trump campaign has evidence then release the "Kraken" already, in court where you can test the "Kraken" in the only venue that has the authority to correct wrongdoing. The fact that everybody on the right is making these arguments in every place BUT the courts tells a very clear story.
The dominion CEO bails out of Pennsylvania hearing to what was to give perspective on their software in the process they use in determining a fair election through their platform.

Because innocent people always run away from a hearing, right?

Didn't show up on their own, or were they threatened if they did?
They can borrow my vest;
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?
That was the Dem and Liberal media stance when people didn't show up to their sham political vindictive tactical hearings, so you now admit they were B.S. or your logic now is Irrational?
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?
That was the Dem and Liberal media stance when people didn't show up to their sham political vindictive tactical hearings, so you now admit they were B.S. or your logic now is Irrational?
Feel free to look up my previous statements on here. On subpoenas issued. My only comment on stuff like that is that I find not allowing oversight by the legislative branch a dangerous precedent past, present, and future. The search function on here is pretty good.

I don't speak for all Dems or the Liberal media. I speak for myself. Guilt is determined in a court of law, not by inferring stuff.
They probably just don't want to be yelled at by bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about. They don't have to talk. They aren't part of any lawsuit, so I don't see an upside for them.
The Republicans won't believe anything he says anyway, and the Democrats have already read the facts.
no one believes anything but what they want anymore.

everyone else is a liar or worse.
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?

You would assume they are more likely to be innocent or have something to hide?
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?
That was the Dem and Liberal media stance when people didn't show up to their sham political vindictive tactical hearings, so you now admit they were B.S. or your logic now is Irrational?
Feel free to look up my previous statements on here. On subpoenas issued. My only comment on stuff like that is that I find not allowing oversight by the legislative branch a dangerous precedent past, present, and future. The search function on here is pretty good.

I don't speak for all Dems or the Liberal media. I speak for myself. Guilt is determined in a court of law, not by inferring stuff.
Subpoenas don't imply anything, they are looking for answers and trying to get slip ups, and we all know there have been enough concern by both sides of the isle to bring them in and get answers.
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?

You would assume they are more likely to be innocent or have something to hide?
Overly broad question. Because it doesn't provide context.
A better question would have been. You would assume they are more likely to be innocent or have something to hide in this case?
I'll first answer the broad question.
They are more likely to have something to hide. The operative word is likely here.

There are several reasons I can come up with for someone not wanting to appear in a House hearing. Having something to hide probably being the most likely. But there are others.

This brings me to the narrower one. In this case, I think the most likely reason is that they don't want to provide more soundbites for right-wing conspiracy nuts to peddle. Something that would undoubtedly happen in the media circus that an open hearing like this would be. They were asked to appear voluntarily and chose to not appear.

There are of course others like maybe they have something to hide. The reason that I don't think it likely is because to date 17 days after the polls closed not a single lawsuit has been filed asserting anything that's being claimed.
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?
That was the Dem and Liberal media stance when people didn't show up to their sham political vindictive tactical hearings, so you now admit they were B.S. or your logic now is Irrational?
Feel free to look up my previous statements on here. On subpoenas issued. My only comment on stuff like that is that I find not allowing oversight by the legislative branch a dangerous precedent past, present, and future. The search function on here is pretty good.

I don't speak for all Dems or the Liberal media. I speak for myself. Guilt is determined in a court of law, not by inferring stuff.
Subpoenas don't imply anything, they are looking for answers and trying to get slip ups, and we all know there have been enough concern by both sides of the isle to bring them in and get answers.
I never said they meant anything. I said that not appearing when called in by a subpoena hinders what is referred to as checks and balances. I didn't like it when Obama did it. I didn't like it when Trump did it. And I hope he won't but I'm pretty sure he will. I will hate it when Biden will do it. And of course, it's a dog and pony show. And most of the time, not a serious attempt to hold the executive branch accountable. But the alternative is not holding them accountable at all and that is worse.

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