BREAKING: Dominion did not appear before their Senate hearings. Ruh Roh Raggy

Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?

When more than more than 100 out of 243 Dominion employees delete their profiles on LinkedIn since a couple days after November 3rd?

You wouldn't be suspicious about that?

Dominion employees deleted LinkedIn accounts - Bing
The dominion CEO bails out of Pennsylvania hearing to what was to give perspective on their software in the process they use in determining a fair election through their platform.

Because innocent people always run away from a hearing, right?

Sounds like Guild by omission there.

If they had nothing to hide, they should of come forward and presented their case...

Just like tRump had all of his people do when they were subpoenaed?

You slaves always spew shit out of your mouth but never provide a link..
They probably just don't want to be yelled at by bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about. They don't have to talk. They aren't part of any lawsuit, so I don't see an upside for them.
They aren't part of any lawsuit,
Yet, they could of come clean, now they will be part of the lawsuit coming, and you can bet Sidney Powell will be there to grill them.

I've told you before, I'm not providing links to prove water is wet.

This is common knowledge.

If your this poorly informed you have no business on a political forum.
They probably just don't want to be yelled at by bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about. They don't have to talk. They aren't part of any lawsuit, so I don't see an upside for them.
Right, they should just do what Democrats do, stonewall, hide and try to run out the clock. Who cares if they are central to the validation of the 2020 Presidential election.
They probably just don't want to be yelled at by bunch of people that don't know what they're talking about. They don't have to talk. They aren't part of any lawsuit, so I don't see an upside for them.
Right, they should just do what Democrats do, stonewall, hide and try to run out the clock. Who cares if they are central to the validation of the 2020 Presidential election.
You're right. I think they might be afraid of getting their feelings hurt.
We're talking a company, so NOT Democrats and, as a company, they're primarily concerned with business and probably don't see co-operating with this dog and pony show as helpful to their bottom line.
Ummm, you forgot to address the sudden absence of Dominion execs.
Did you mean to ignore them skipping out on a House inquest?

That's a good look and a sure sign of innocence.
We're talking a company, so NOT Democrats and, as a company, they're primarily concerned with business and probably don't see co-operating with this dog and pony show as helpful to their bottom line.
I'm sure Dominion execs just forgot to set their alarm clocks....all of them, at once.
We're talking a company, so NOT Democrats and, as a company, they're primarily concerned with business and probably don't see co-operating with this dog and pony show as helpful to their bottom line.
I'm sure Dominion execs just forgot to set their alarm clocks....all of them, at once.
I doubt it. They blew them off and I don't blame them. There was no upside.
I doubt it. They blew them off and I don't blame them. There was no upside.
Sure. Bad publicity is always good for a company with a checkered history and a sketchy product.
Great PR move in the middle of this nation's biggest political scandal ever.

Are you aware that both Dominion and Smarttech suddenly shut down their offices and
disappeared in the night?
I'm sure you find nothing strange or telling about that, however.

And with this issue coming before the SC justices in a couple of weeks I'm sure John Roberts wanted
to ask them some questions. He is free to presume that a vote changing machine that has gone under
ground is aware they are at the center of a shit storm.
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If they showed they would not have been able to reveal the truth and they knew it.
Dominion Voting System Representatives Failed To Show Up For Pennsylvania Hearing

So you contend that when someone refuses to appear before a House hearing they have to be guilty?

Yeah, pretty much.
So all the subpoenas ignored by the Trump regime during the Mueller investigation and impeachment would indicate guilt then?
Trump did not suddenly shut the Oval Office down and drop out of sight.
Your efforts to explain away Dominion's actions is not exactly working out so well.
If Donnie and his cohorts don't have to answer House subpoenas, why should Dominion have to? Why should anyone?
If Donnie and his cohorts don't have to answer House subpoenas, why should Dominion have to? Why should anyone?
1) Because Dominion does not have certain executive privileges afforded the president.
2) Because Trump is not accused of the most massive case of voter fraud ever perpetrated against this nation
3) Because Dominion has to answer for their actions at the center of this crime against the
United States of America.

They can skip out on the House, shut down their offices in Toronto (adjacent to George Soros' office, incidentally) and simply drop out of sight.
But none of this will help them when the Supreme Court takes this issue up in a relatively few days.
If they have some explanation for their vote stealing machines presumably they would have
wanted to get before Congress and provide some answers.
The justices are now free to interpret the actions of Dominion.

Pick one and try to respond. But Donald Trump is not the issue here in this particular matter.
Trying to make him the issue is not bright
He isn't the one who simply skipped out on a House query into Dominion actions. The old saying is Dominion has their tit in a wringer.
This will not help them get it out. It only makes the case against them worse.
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If they showed they would not have been able to reveal the truth and they knew it.
They can’t tell the truth
They know how it works
They would have to lie to avoid explosive info being released

Don’t show best alternative

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