BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

And to answer one of your questions...

The head of the national Archives and Records Administration, at one of the hearings, informed the committee that anytime records are lost...INCLUDING EMAILS.....his administration is to be informed so a process can be undertaken to find/preserve them.

When asked if the IRS did this with Lerners emails....he said "No."

That, too, adds to the suspicion.

Were crimes committed?

We don't know. We cant get access to the information to prove guilt OR innocence.

Is there suspicion that such evidence was intentionally destroyed?

Yes. Every single protocol/law that was to be followed to ensure they are NOT lost was not followed.

You don't find that suspicious?

Why doesn't the President? The AG? The Ranking Member Cummings? You?

Actually , according to NARA they did break the law.

Ironically....The IRS admitted to breaking 2 laws as they try to defend the fact that no laws were broken.

Law 1.....all emails are to be printed and saved on paper
Law 2.....The NARA is to be informed immediately if any data is lost or stolen


Their defense is admitting that they broke two laws.

and the irony?

Those laws are in place to ensure no cover up can take place.
How come the investigator the president hired did not ask to see emails and hard drives of the subject of the investigation or interview the alleged victims before determining that no crimes were committed?

What evidence did she review that showed lerner did nothing criminal?

And before you simply answer "I don't know".....

Why would the President accept her findings as conclusive if, in fact, she did not have access to emails and hard drives of Lois Lerner?

And before you answer "I don't know"....

If you were a victim of a rogue banker who stole all of your money....would you be satisfied with findings of "no crime committed" if the investigator did not interview you or look at any of the electronic records of the banker?

Or are you going to do what everyone else on the left has done and ignore these questions?


Why will none of you address these questions above? I have asked them several times over the past several weeks in multiple threads but no one will respond.


Can you truly say that such is not a bit strange? What did we pay that investigator?

Should the President have accepted her findings as fact?

I feel ya, no one has answered my question yet either. All they seem to do is dodge and make accusations.

I will answer your question if I knew it.

But I noticed you AGAIN diverted from answering mine....that 3 times Boo....three times you have responded by not answering.

Go ahead....ask your question...I will answer.
How come the investigator the president hired did not ask to see emails and hard drives of the subject of the investigation or interview the alleged victims before determining that no crimes were committed?

What evidence did she review that showed lerner did nothing criminal?

And before you simply answer "I don't know".....

Why would the President accept her findings as conclusive if, in fact, she did not have access to emails and hard drives of Lois Lerner?

And before you answer "I don't know"....

If you were a victim of a rogue banker who stole all of your money....would you be satisfied with findings of "no crime committed" if the investigator did not interview you or look at any of the electronic records of the banker?

Or are you going to do what everyone else on the left has done and ignore these questions?


Why will none of you address these questions above? I have asked them several times over the past several weeks in multiple threads but no one will respond.


Can you truly say that such is not a bit strange? What did we pay that investigator?

Should the President have accepted her findings as fact?

You already know the answer.
Dems are lying scum. They don't really care if Democratic Senators pressured the IRS into suppressing conservative groups. Hell, they'd welcome that. That's their team kicking ass. That's all that matters to them.

While few are defending the Internal Revenue Service for targeting dozens of conservative groups, there are two critical pieces of context missing from the conventional wisdom on the “scandal.” First, at least from what we know so far, the groups were not targeted in a political vendetta — but rather were executing a makeshift enforcement test (an ugly one, mind you) for IRS employees tasked with separating political groups not allowed to claim tax-exempt status, from bona fide social welfare organizations. Employees are given almost zero official guidance on how to do that, so they went after Tea Party groups because those seemed like they might be political. Keep in mind, the commissioner of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee.

The second is that while this is the first time this kind of thing has become a national scandal, it’s not the first time such activity has occurred.

“I wish there was more GOP interest when I raised the same issue during the Bush administration, where they audited a progressive church in my district in what look liked a very selective way,” California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said on MSNBC Monday. “I found only one Republican, [North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones], that would join me in calling for an investigation during the Bush administration. I’m glad now that the GOP has found interest in this issue and it ought to be a bipartisan concern.”

The well-known church, All Saints Episcopal in Pasadena, became a bit of a cause célèbre on the left after the IRS threatened to revoke the church’s tax-exempt status over an anti-Iraq War sermon the Sunday before the 2004 election. “Jesus [would say], ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine,’” rector George Regas said from the dais.

When the IRS targeted liberals -
I dont need to educate myself, someone else needs to educate themselves. Thats the point.

Why will none of you address these questions above? I have asked them several times over the past several weeks in multiple threads but no one will respond.


Can you truly say that such is not a bit strange? What did we pay that investigator?

Should the President have accepted her findings as fact?

You already know the answer.
Dems are lying scum. They don't really care if Democratic Senators pressured the IRS into suppressing conservative groups. Hell, they'd welcome that. That's their team kicking ass. That's all that matters to them.

While few are defending the Internal Revenue Service for targeting dozens of conservative groups, there are two critical pieces of context missing from the conventional wisdom on the “scandal.” First, at least from what we know so far, the groups were not targeted in a political vendetta — but rather were executing a makeshift enforcement test (an ugly one, mind you) for IRS employees tasked with separating political groups not allowed to claim tax-exempt status, from bona fide social welfare organizations. Employees are given almost zero official guidance on how to do that, so they went after Tea Party groups because those seemed like they might be political. Keep in mind, the commissioner of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee.

The second is that while this is the first time this kind of thing has become a national scandal, it’s not the first time such activity has occurred.

“I wish there was more GOP interest when I raised the same issue during the Bush administration, where they audited a progressive church in my district in what look liked a very selective way,” California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said on MSNBC Monday. “I found only one Republican, [North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones], that would join me in calling for an investigation during the Bush administration. I’m glad now that the GOP has found interest in this issue and it ought to be a bipartisan concern.”

The well-known church, All Saints Episcopal in Pasadena, became a bit of a cause célèbre on the left after the IRS threatened to revoke the church’s tax-exempt status over an anti-Iraq War sermon the Sunday before the 2004 election. “Jesus [would say], ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine,’” rector George Regas said from the dais.

When the IRS targeted liberals -

yeah yeah...blah blah...

I get it.

Answer my questions.
Law 1.....all emails are to be printed and saved on paper
Law 2.....The NARA is to be informed immediately if any data is lost or stolen.

Laws or policy?
I dont need to educate myself, someone else needs to educate themselves. Thats the point.

1.All federal employees and federal contractors are required by law to preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency. Records must be properly stored and preserved, available for retrieval and subject to appropriate approved disposition schedules.

2.The Federal Records Act applies to email records just as it does to records you create using other media. Emails are records when they are:

•Created or received in the transaction of agency business

•Appropriate for preservation as evidence of the government’s function and activities, or

•Valuable because of the information they contain

3.If you create or receive email messages during the course of your daily work, you are responsible for ensuring that you manage them properly. The Treasury Department’s current email policy requires emails and attachments that meet the definition of a federal record be added to the organization’s files by printing them (including the essential transmission data) and filing them with related paper records. If transmission and receipt data are not printed by the email system, annotate the paper copy. More information on IRS records management requirements is available at or see the Records Management Handbook, IRM 1.15.1

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email

Why will none of you address these questions above? I have asked them several times over the past several weeks in multiple threads but no one will respond.


Can you truly say that such is not a bit strange? What did we pay that investigator?

Should the President have accepted her findings as fact?

I feel ya, no one has answered my question yet either. All they seem to do is dodge and make accusations.

I will answer your question if I knew it.

But I noticed you AGAIN diverted from answering mine....that 3 times Boo....three times you have responded by not answering.

Go ahead....ask your question...I will answer.

It's not up to you to answer. You didn't distort the "Facts". See post 353, 360 and 385. And frankly I only had to check out the first so called 'fact' before I found a distortion.
I feel ya, no one has answered my question yet either. All they seem to do is dodge and make accusations.

I will answer your question if I knew it.

But I noticed you AGAIN diverted from answering mine....that 3 times Boo....three times you have responded by not answering.

Go ahead....ask your question...I will answer.

It's not up to you to answer. You didn't distort the "Facts". See post 353, 360 and 385. And frankly I only had to check out the first so called 'fact' before I found a distortion.

OK....but you still will not answer my questions.

Boo...Im retired. I get to watch the hearings. I am not working with made up "facts" or distorted facts.

My questions are legit and based strictly on facts.

No one supporting the IRS on this issue will answer them. But they are such that they should make ANYONE suspicious...

Is that why you wont respond to them?
Seems you do.

I did.

You didn't.

So I did it for you.

Was fun.

Thanks for the laugh.

Daft, as always.

I understand.

Just didn't think you wanted to be that way on this topic.

Nice diversion from making an ass of yourself.

I didn't make an ass of myself, those ignorant on the subject did.

*The law doesn't require ALL emails be printed and imaged, only those which fall under the definition of "Federal Record" which the IRS as precedent (I know, that doesn't matter to you) has only always followed loosely.

The B part of the equation is that she did print and image many emails.

So, go fuck yourself and stop whining for your 1, 566th time that "the president" said there's no corruption. It's a lil' whine fest, the guy was standing by his agency and most can understand but Anything to whine about the prezzz. Anything. Even if it's your millionth time whining of the same fucking comment. Sanctimony is so phony it jumps off the screen.

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