BREAKING: Embattled FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Has Resigned

Why did Hillary and her comrades?
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
First of all, Hillary didn't plead the fifth.

Secondly, show me where I said anything about Cohen being guilty for pleading the fifth.

Don't you just hate it when those damn little things called facts get in the way?
You said if Cohen isn't guilty, why is he pleading the fifth. My goodness, all you had to do is go back a few post.
I never said that, nitwit.
Lol, I did.

I guess we all look alike to them.
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
First of all, Hillary didn't plead the fifth.

Secondly, show me where I said anything about Cohen being guilty for pleading the fifth.

Don't you just hate it when those damn little things called facts get in the way?
You said if Cohen isn't guilty, why is he pleading the fifth. My goodness, all you had to do is go back a few post.
I never said that, nitwit.
Lol, I did.

I guess we all look alike to them.
They are clueless when it comes to anything and everything.
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
First of all, Hillary didn't plead the fifth.

Secondly, show me where I said anything about Cohen being guilty for pleading the fifth.

Don't you just hate it when those damn little things called facts get in the way?
You said if Cohen isn't guilty, why is he pleading the fifth. My goodness, all you had to do is go back a few post.
I never said that, nitwit.
Lol, I did.

I guess we all look alike to them.

You all spew the same exact Dim talking points.
IG is stirring the pot. LOL

Her and Baker both have resigned.

That IG report does scare them. (I didn't read all the posts so this may have
already been suggested) But the IG report is going to be damaging to all
of them.

They know Congress will call them to testify. They can't hide from questions under the 5th as FBI agents...they have to answer.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Lover Pete follow them. It's the safe and smart
thing for them to do, if they want to avoid immediate prosecution.

DOJ is gonna be faced with another problem then. The DOJ hasn't acted
on McCabe despite the request of their IG because McCabe has said he will
fight. Well, if He fights then the DOJ will have to indict Clinton for all of her
lying. McCabe will demand that. When the DOJ is faced with 5 high ranking
members of the FBI all going to jail they know that many of their people
will be ratted out.

Quite a mess

Baker has a opportunity at the Brooking Institute. Both were stuck in dead end jobs due to likely retaliation by Trump. Baker had a job offer and Page can likely do better. They don't have to put up with harassment by crooked House Republicans.

This is likely why the DOJ has not indicted McCabe. The IG said that McCabe lied but the report uses words like less than candid. What statute covers less than candid. Also the IG report says there is no independent evidence proving McCabe was less than candid. In a court of law, that will not stand.

Suppose you have 2 people involved in a automobile accident. There is no independent evidence except what the motorists say. One says the other one is responsible. The other tells a completely different story saying the other one is responsible. No judge is going to try and weigh what each said and make a decision. He will say that each of them need to go to their insurance company and get their cars fixed. Trials are expensive and they are not going to engage in a prosecution which has little chance of success. Not unless Trump pressures the DOJ into it which I would not put past Trump.
So is Trump. I didn't support Clinton and don't support Trump.

No, you support Bernie, doncha Comrade?

So, you’re still in high school?

And Trump did slap sanctions on Russia.

Defiant Russia vows retaliation over U.S. sanctions, U.K. spy accusations
Trump approves new Russia sanctions for violating Cold War arms pact
Trump unveils new sanctions against Russia

So you say LIAR!!

That the FISA warrant the FSB obtained based on the fake Fusion GPS Dossier obtained from the Kremlin in order to rig the presidential election was obtained on perjured information is established fact, Comrade.

You traitors lied to the FISA court to try and thwart the election, failing that you have engaged in this current coup d'etat.

Lisa Page needs some quality time with the needle for her treason, but will probably only spend the rest of her life in prison.

No one lied to the FISA court and it is not a established fact. Comey confirmed that parts of it was confirmed. There is nothing fake. The fact is that Russia attacked our troops in Syria. They are also working with Iran to dominate the middle east. Trump backed down on more sanctions against Russia and wants to leave Syria and give it to Russia. COMRADE Trump chickened out on more sanctions. You and Trump are the traitors.

You think you are going to lock up Americans on no charges. This is not Nazi Germany and Trump will be gone. We don't tolerate Nazis.
Treason is when, you tell Putin to wait till after the election. So you can work with him better. You supported that, so you're guilty too.

Didn't vote for Obama however he committed no treason. He was gullible. He also slapped sanctions on Putin. Weak as they were, that is more than Trump has done.

Trump Declines to Add Sanctions Against Russians, Contradicting Haley
Of course you don't know, because it's just another nutter bullshit post.

Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -

Their political affiliation does not matter. Mueller is making the final decisions and he is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican. They were picked because of their expertise in certain criminal activities not because they are Democrats.
Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -

Their political affiliation does not matter. Mueller is making the final decisions and he is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican. They were picked because of their expertise in certain criminal activities not because they are Democrats.

Yeah, right. We believe that!
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.

What is going to keep her out of prison is that fact that writing nasty e-mails about Trump is not a crime. Terrorists like you are the ones who need to be thrown in prison. She has served this country faithfully unlike Trump who is a draft dodger.

So, when and where did you serve in the military?

I served in the 70's and early 80s. I was proud to serve under Ronald Reagan. I would be embarrassed to serve under a ignorant boob like Trump.

Working in a military dining facility as a minimum wage food slinger is not "serving" in the proper sense of the word.

You are a piece of DOGSHIT TRASH!!! I did not work in a dining facility but who the hell gave you the right to determine whose service is right? I did not have to serve but I did. You use a Admiral as your avatar but you are not qualified to command toy boats in a bathtub. You are typical Trump trash.
Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -

Their political affiliation does not matter. Mueller is making the final decisions and he is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican. They were picked because of their expertise in certain criminal activities not because they are Democrats.

Oh, so what you're saying out of the tens of thousands of people in their field of work, the best ones all just happen to be Democrats, Hillary campaign donors and Obama campaign donors. Gee, I wonder why they couldn't find any Bush or Romney donors?

Not to get off subject, but I have an offer for you. It's a bridge that I own, and I'm putting it up for sale. Once you buy it, you can erect toll booths and make tons of money!!!!!
You are a piece of DOGSHIT TRASH!!!

List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -

Their political affiliation does not matter. Mueller is making the final decisions and he is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican. They were picked because of their expertise in certain criminal activities not because they are Democrats.

Yeah, right. We believe that!

Little boys should go to bed. It is past your bedtime.
Why did Hillary and her comrades?
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
First of all, Hillary didn't plead the fifth.

Secondly, show me where I said anything about Cohen being guilty for pleading the fifth.

Don't you just hate it when those damn little things called facts get in the way?
You said if Cohen isn't guilty, why is he pleading the fifth. My goodness, all you had to do is go back a few post.
I never said that, nitwit.
But he will say you did, even though you did not.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -

Their political affiliation does not matter. Mueller is making the final decisions and he is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican. They were picked because of their expertise in certain criminal activities not because they are Democrats.

Oh, so what you're saying out of the tens of thousands of people in their field of work, the best ones all just happen to be Democrats, Hillary campaign donors and Obama campaign donors. Gee, I wonder why they couldn't find any Bush or Romney donors?

Not to get off subject, but I have an offer for you. It's a bridge that I own, and I'm putting it up for sale. Once you buy it, you can erect toll booths and make tons of money!!!!!

Everyone of them have extensive experience in criminal law. They were not asked whether they were Republicans or Democrats. Mueller and Rosenstein are Republicans.

The only bridge you have is the one in your head. It substitutes for your brain. No wonder your head is so empty.
Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -

Their political affiliation does not matter. Mueller is making the final decisions and he is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican. They were picked because of their expertise in certain criminal activities not because they are Democrats.

Oh, so what you're saying out of the tens of thousands of people in their field of work, the best ones all just happen to be Democrats, Hillary campaign donors and Obama campaign donors. Gee, I wonder why they couldn't find any Bush or Romney donors?

Not to get off subject, but I have an offer for you. It's a bridge that I own, and I'm putting it up for sale. Once you buy it, you can erect toll booths and make tons of money!!!!!

Everyone of them have extensive experience in criminal law. They were not asked whether they were Republicans or Democrats. Mueller and Rosenstein are Republicans.

The only bridge you have is the one in your head. It substitutes for your brain. No wonder your head is so empty.

Gee, a leftist losing a debate that results in personal insults. That's a first. :21:

Boy are you a sucker. They were not asked whether they were Democrats or Republicans. Gee, I guess Mueller could have never found out that information. :21:

You'll believe anything, won't you? Well.......except for the fact he hired these people because they were all anti-Trump people.

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