BREAKING: Embattled FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Has Resigned

You guys keep talking day in and out about "criminal refferals", there has been ZERO. Thats your record.

You want to know what is ZERO? Any charges of collusion, dipstick... tick tock tick tock...

Papadapolopus (campaign foreign policy adviser) - pled guilty to lying about dealings with Russians re. materials on Clinton.
Flynn (top campaign/transition/admin foreign policy advisor) - pled guilty to lying about dealings with Russians on sanctions.
Manafort - indicted on so many counts, some Russia related, that he will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.
Gates - pled guilty to not disclosing millions he and Manafort got paid from Kremlin friendly Ukranian gov. will spend 5-6 years in prison.

This is what a REAL investigation looks like, STFU.
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.
What will she going to prison for, or haven't you had someone decide that for you yet?

Here's what you do. Pretend in your mind that she's a Republican and misused her position in the FBI to undermine a Democrat President. You'll suddenly get it
Snowflakes are incapable of seeing both sides of an issue.
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Guilty of what?

Don't know. It's what we've been asking about Trump the last year and a half.
Of course you don't know, because it's just another nutter bullshit post.

Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.
You guys keep talking day in and out about "criminal refferals", there has been ZERO. Thats your record.

You want to know what is ZERO? Any charges of collusion, dipstick... tick tock tick tock...

Papadapolopus (campaign foreign policy adviser) - pled guilty to lying about dealings with Russians re. materials on Clinton.
Flynn (top campaign/transition/admin foreign policy advisor) - pled guilty to lying about dealings with Russians on sanctions.
Manafort - indicted on so many counts, some Russia related, that he will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.
Gates - pled guilty to not disclosing millions he and Manafort got paid from Kremlin friendly Ukranian gov. will spend 5-6 years in prison.

This is what a REAL investigation looks like, STFU.
"Dealings with Russians" means he talked to a Russian, which isn't a crime. So Papawhatshisname lied about something that isn't a crime.

It's not even clear that Flynn lied.

The accusations against Manafort are about things that happened 13 years ago. None of them have to do with Russians.

Gates pled guilty to tax evasion. One again, it had nothing to do with Russians, despite your sleazy attempt to make such a connection.

It remains to be seen whether any of these convictions will stick.
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That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.

What is going to keep her out of prison is that fact that writing nasty e-mails about Trump is not a crime. Terrorists like you are the ones who need to be thrown in prison. She has served this country faithfully unlike Trump who is a draft dodger.

LOLOLOLOLOL, ladies and gentlemen, a Lefty has added a new IST! We are now racists, masochists, and now........drum roll please........TERRORISTS. My goodness, gracious, these Leftists just have a way with vocabulary, don't they-)

A real conservative who is against obstruction of Justice. The next Freedom Caucus meeting should be held in a federal penitentiary.
Don't know. It's what we've been asking about Trump the last year and a half.
Of course you don't know, because it's just another nutter bullshit post.

Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

They are all Hillary supporters. They are about as "professional" as a Mafia hitman.
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.

What is going to keep her out of prison is that fact that writing nasty e-mails about Trump is not a crime. Terrorists like you are the ones who need to be thrown in prison. She has served this country faithfully unlike Trump who is a draft dodger.
You do know Clinton was a draft dodger?

So is Trump. I didn't support Clinton and don't support Trump.
Terrorists popping out of the woodwork.

There is no fake dossier. The FISA warrant was legally obtained.

the FISA warrant was obtained by fraud and perjury..

So you say LIAR!!

That the FISA warrant the FSB obtained based on the fake Fusion GPS Dossier obtained from the Kremlin in order to rig the presidential election was obtained on perjured information is established fact, Comrade.

You traitors lied to the FISA court to try and thwart the election, failing that you have engaged in this current coup d'etat.

Lisa Page needs some quality time with the needle for her treason, but will probably only spend the rest of her life in prison.

No one lied to the FISA court and it is not a established fact. Comey confirmed that parts of it was confirmed. There is nothing fake. The fact is that Russia attacked our troops in Syria. They are also working with Iran to dominate the middle east. Trump backed down on more sanctions against Russia and wants to leave Syria and give it to Russia. COMRADE Trump chickened out on more sanctions. You and Trump are the traitors.

You think you are going to lock up Americans on no charges. This is not Nazi Germany and Trump will be gone. We don't tolerate Nazis.
Treason is when, you tell Putin to wait till after the election. So you can work with him better. You supported that, so you're guilty too.

Didn't vote for Obama however he committed no treason. He was gullible. He also slapped sanctions on Putin. Weak as they were, that is more than Trump has done.
Of course you don't know, because it's just another nutter bullshit post.

Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

They are all Hillary supporters. They are about as "professional" as a Mafia hitman.

Considering you are a Trump supporter, you are hardly a unbiased source. They're far more professional than you are LITTLE BOY! GO HOME!!
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.

What is going to keep her out of prison is that fact that writing nasty e-mails about Trump is not a crime. Terrorists like you are the ones who need to be thrown in prison. She has served this country faithfully unlike Trump who is a draft dodger.

So, when and where did you serve in the military?

I served in the 70's and early 80s. I was proud to serve under Ronald Reagan. I would be embarrassed to serve under a ignorant boob like Trump.
She is married. She was having an affair with Strzok.
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.
What will she going to prison for, or haven't you had someone decide that for you yet?
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position
She has a new position in a prestigious law firm and is getting married.
So, you’re still in high school?

And Trump did slap sanctions on Russia.

Defiant Russia vows retaliation over U.S. sanctions, U.K. spy accusations
Trump approves new Russia sanctions for violating Cold War arms pact
Trump unveils new sanctions against Russia


the FISA warrant was obtained by fraud and perjury..

So you say LIAR!!

That the FISA warrant the FSB obtained based on the fake Fusion GPS Dossier obtained from the Kremlin in order to rig the presidential election was obtained on perjured information is established fact, Comrade.

You traitors lied to the FISA court to try and thwart the election, failing that you have engaged in this current coup d'etat.

Lisa Page needs some quality time with the needle for her treason, but will probably only spend the rest of her life in prison.

No one lied to the FISA court and it is not a established fact. Comey confirmed that parts of it was confirmed. There is nothing fake. The fact is that Russia attacked our troops in Syria. They are also working with Iran to dominate the middle east. Trump backed down on more sanctions against Russia and wants to leave Syria and give it to Russia. COMRADE Trump chickened out on more sanctions. You and Trump are the traitors.

You think you are going to lock up Americans on no charges. This is not Nazi Germany and Trump will be gone. We don't tolerate Nazis.
Treason is when, you tell Putin to wait till after the election. So you can work with him better. You supported that, so you're guilty too.

Didn't vote for Obama however he committed no treason. He was gullible. He also slapped sanctions on Putin. Weak as they were, that is more than Trump has done.
Don't know. It's what we've been asking about Trump the last year and a half.
Of course you don't know, because it's just another nutter bullshit post.

Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -
A number of them were actually involved with the Clintons’s through the years.
Of course you don't know, because it's just another nutter bullshit post.

Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

As we have written before, a spokesman for the special counsel told us the special counsel doesn’t maintain any records on party affiliation of the staff. However, the Washington Postreported that 13 of the 17 team members are registered Democrats. The four remaining members of the team have no party affiliation, or researchers at the Post were unable to find any record of an affiliation.

Six of the nine team members who have made contributions to federal candidates gave money to Obama’s presidential campaigns, totaling at least $11,436. Five of the team members donated a total of $8,800 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Information on the contributions is available through the Center for Responsive Politics’ website.

Trump's Misleading Attack on Mueller Team -

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and her comrades?
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
First of all, Hillary didn't plead the fifth.

Secondly, show me where I said anything about Cohen being guilty for pleading the fifth.

Don't you just hate it when those damn little things called facts get in the way?
You said if Cohen isn't guilty, why is he pleading the fifth. My goodness, all you had to do is go back a few post.
I never said that, nitwit.
Hey, it's you and your party that loves witch hunts. Let's start another one as far as I'm concerned.
List time I checked, it was all republicans running the "witch hunt".

Actually it's less Republican or Democrat than it is Trump haters and the Establishment. Mueller is kind of both. WTF do you think he hired a bunch of Hillary supporters for the investigation, because he's such a conservative pro-Trump guy?

He did not hire a bunch of Hillary supporters. He hired professionals to do a job. Several of them are experts in following the money. Several understand the relationship between Russia and its state owned businesses. There is no such thing as a conservative pro-Trump guy.

They are all Hillary supporters. They are about as "professional" as a Mafia hitman.

Considering you are a Trump supporter, you are hardly a unbiased source. They're far more professional than you are LITTLE BOY! GO HOME!!
As I said, they are professional in the same sense that a Mafia hitman is a professional.

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