BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

They better be careful trying to open up that van. It might be rigged to explode.

Although it is covered with pictures of Trump and right wing conspiracy material. He may not want to damage pictures of his God.
We now have video of the Fake Bomber explaining to The FBI how he made his Fake Bombs.

What we will find out is that this is a last minute Deep State Operation headed by someone like Clapper, or Brennan, and ordered by The Confederate White House "Obama Bin Spying" as a last ditch effort to disrupt the midterms. Apparently Obama was unable to get in touch with Putin these past two weeks to purchase more Russian Propaganda from him.

The person caught was either a Patsy, or simply a Copy Cat who will be railroaded for this. The Fake Bomb deliveries will stop immediately after The Midterm Elections.

I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.

Now it has been released that the suspect has been arrested in the past for mailing threatening letters to public officials.
Typical Republican. Either they’re out of the street making threats or they’re in Congress threatening the middle class and minorities.
You don't know that. Let's not be like some here who went on and on about this being a false flag.
What is up with Florida , there must be something in the water honest to gawd.
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.

That's all you can say?

Not that you're happy that the crazy person has been apprehended and we can finally know that the bombs will stop?

Not that he was stopped before someone was hurt?

Just that you hope he's not a conservative. That attitude is what's wrong with our nation today.
Um fox news, yea know the tv version.

Um, you know what a "link" is?

If I was gullible enough to take some message board wag's word for what's on TV at the moment, I might also be gullible enough to actually own one.
Interesting, they said the van was filled with political memorabilia. No mention of what kind.

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