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Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.
Go away witch, nobody cares what bs you say.

How about ask her if she believes the witnesses who said he was surrendering and has his back turned although the professionals in forensics said otherwise.
Everybody who's hoping that Chicken Man Wilson gets off, keep this in mind: What happens in Ferguson isn't going to stay in Ferguson. Riots in the 1960s started from black women who were sent to the back of the bus and other black people who couldn't get service at a lunch counter.

That's about typical for people who use something unrelated to the reason for which they protest they justify how violence is OK when they do it because "they is be mad"
Everybody who's hoping that Chicken Man Wilson gets off, keep this in mind: What happens in Ferguson isn't going to stay in Ferguson. Riots in the 1960s started from black women who were sent to the back of the bus and other black people who couldn't get service at a lunch counter.
Why would sane, rational people riot because someone was not put on trial for a crime he did not commit?

They wouldn't. People who do that and commit acts of violence against locations that had nothing to do with why they are protesting aren't rational. If they really gave a shit about Michael Brown, wouldn't their target be the police station if they believed violence was the right thing to do?
Wilson told jurors that he initially encountered Brown and a friend walking in a street and, when he told them to move to a sidewalk, Brown responded with an expletive. Wilson then noticed that Brown had a handful of cigars, "and that's when it clicked for me," he said, referring to a radio report minutes earlier of a robbery at a nearby convenience store.

Wilson said he asked a dispatcher to send additional police, and then backed his vehicle up in front of Brown and his friend. As he tried to open the door, Wilson said Brown slammed it back shut.

The officer said he pushed Brown with the door and Brown hit him in the face. Wilson told grand jurors he was thinking: "What do I do not to get beaten inside my car."

"I drew my gun," Wilson told the grand jury. "I said, 'Get back or I'm going to shoot you.'"

"He immediately grabs my gun and says, 'You are too much of a pussy to shoot me,'" Wilson told grand jurors. He said Brown grabbed the gun with his right hand, twisted it and "digs it into my hip."

Asked why he felt the need to pull his gun, Wilson told grand jurors he was concerned another punch to his face could "knock me out or worse."

After shots were fired in the vehicle, Brown fled and Wilson gave chase. At some point, Brown turned around to face the officer.

Witness accounts were conflicted about whether Brown walked, stumbled or charged back toward Wilson before he was fatally wounded, McCulloch said. There were also differing accounts of how or whether Brown's hands were raised. His body fell about 153 feet from Wilson's vehicle.

Thousands of people rallied - mostly peacefully - in other U.S. cities on Monday night, and President Barack Obama appealed for calm and understanding, pleading with both protesters and police to show restraint.

Brown family blasts prosecutor s handling of case -
I just looked and saw dozens of news sources reporting a shooting in a city other than Ferguson. Is that what you are talking about?
There wereplenty of us talking about shootings in ALL cities other than Ferguson but now that's it's burned down you don't wanna' talk about it.

Typical, scared, pantywaist, Liberal. Never deal with actual existing problems, just stick yer head in the sand and blame Bush.

I'm fine with talking about the fires. Who gave you any other impression?

Sand? Bush? What?
What do you mean keeping it under wraps? That's ridiculous. There are thousands of reporters there. Injuries and deaths will be reported as they are responded to.

One cop shot for sure? Where?
I don't hear anyone talking about the cop that got shot... do you? What else would they doing if they weren't keeping that under wraps for some reason. Hell I don't know why. It was a Ferguson cop. There was shooting going on while the news teams were there covering it live and they had run for cover. Cops were staying out of areas because there was too much gun fire. There was rioters laying in beds of pickup trucks sniping at people... all heard live on the scanner last night.

You think that the news media is hiding the shooting of a police officer?
All I know is I haven't heard it mentioned yet... have you?

But I do know I heard about it live last night.

The injured officer is not a Ferguson cop. Your info is wrong. You are running your trap based on false information.
Now I was being as polite and patient with you as I could, and you turn into a fucking JACKASS anyway.

Now you can go FUCK YOURSELF, ASSHOLE, but I heard with my OWN EARS last night that a FERGUSON COP got SHOT.



You got any sources yet, genius boy? Ferguson police officer. Shot. Not. University City police officer shot......yup.

Let's go. You were being polite? You were being stupid. You heard it but it wasn't accurate. You are a dupe.

Apologize any time.
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Governor and heads of police agencies, and National Guard speaking right now.

They say they are not going to tolerate another night like last night.

Let's hope they mean it.
Everybody who's hoping that Chicken Man Wilson gets off, keep this in mind: What happens in Ferguson isn't going to stay in Ferguson. Riots in the 1960s started from black women who were sent to the back of the bus and other black people who couldn't get service at a lunch counter.

That's about typical for people who use something unrelated to the reason for which they protest they justify how violence is OK when they do it because "they is be mad"
Typical libtard that one.
I don't hear anyone talking about the cop that got shot... do you? What else would they doing if they weren't keeping that under wraps for some reason. Hell I don't know why. It was a Ferguson cop. There was shooting going on while the news teams were there covering it live and they had run for cover. Cops were staying out of areas because there was too much gun fire. There was rioters laying in beds of pickup trucks sniping at people... all heard live on the scanner last night.

You think that the news media is hiding the shooting of a police officer?
All I know is I haven't heard it mentioned yet... have you?

But I do know I heard about it live last night.

The injured officer is not a Ferguson cop. Your info is wrong. You are running your trap based on false information.
Now I was being as polite and patient with you as I could, and you turn into a fucking JACKASS anyway.

Now you can go FUCK YOURSELF, ASSHOLE, but I heard with my OWN EARS last night that a FERGUSON COP got SHOT.



You got any sources yet, genius boy? Ferguson police officer. Shot. Not. University City police officer shot......yup.

Let's go. You were being polite? You were being stupid. You heard it but it wasn't accurate. You are a dupe.

Apologize any time.
The dupes are on the left.
So Michael Brown's father is the one who called for calm, while the step-father was the one calling for a campfire.
What is CNN thinking by having Mark O'Mara constantly commentating on this case? The insensitivity is unbelievable.


kinda like having Van Jones, Jackson and Sharpton respond...
In this day and age, a just and fair result provokes a race riot, that is sad. I am not liking protesters and looters right now. Give up the Guy Fawkes masks, you are betrayers. You liars. Frauds.
Obama speaking in Chicago, but what I am hearing is strange indeed, because he seems to think that a police force needs to be representative of the community it works in, so I will ask all of America a crazy question now (why is this ?) Isn't this sort of admitting that there are things that go on in a black community that the vast majority of law abiding Americans just can't seem to wrap their minds around, and even Obama has a problem when he stumbles in his words trying to carefully address the situation, and then very carefully tries not to inflame the situation any further because he doesn't know what to do really.... He sort of puts it all off on law enforcement instead. Now why does he think that blacks can only represent blacks in a community ? Why does that community have to be treated differently than any other peaceful and/or diverse American community in this nation ? Whites were poor in vast numbers in the past, and I can remember this when growing up, but what I don't remember is us blaming our poverty on anyone other than ourselves in life. We made choices over time that placed our families where they were in various time periods through out our history in America. The opportunities were always there, but it just came down to whether or not we took advantage of those opportunities or not.

I feel sorry for Obama sort of, because he himself is struggling with this so called racial identity in life, and so he doesn't know himself as to whether or not he is looked at as an American or he is looked at as a militant black man who is confused as to what he is doing in America as the President of the United States, and for all Americans in these supposed to be United States? I mean he thinks that this nation hates the black man, and so that is the perspective or attitude in which he has about these things, therefore causing a huge conflict of interest when he tries to address the nation or help the nation in this regard to get better.

I remember our houses with the grass cut and the paint and gutters in excellent condition, even though we were poor and struggling in life.

I remember us figuring out all kinds of ways to make things work when we didn't have the money to just go out and buy convenience like so many others could. Did we want to take what others had or to covet what they had, no we didn't, and this was because we wanted to be creative and figure it all out on our own, and not to try and take someone else stuff or money or to covet these things in which were not ours. Why is Obama saying that these people need special attention (kidding me right), when they are suppose to be Americans just like any other in this nation ? There is something wrong if a white police officer can't go into a majority black community and represent the citizens there just like any other American should be able to do in the same.

Do the blacks rioting take no responsibility for their actions, or that they have to blame everything on the whites, and then try to do it forever and ever also ?

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