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No, there was a cop shot in Ferguson last night. If there's no news about it yet, I have no idea why. But I heard it live with my own ears, as well as anyone else that was listening to the streaming police scanner from Ferguson last night, that a cop was shot and had been taken to the hospital.

You could hear gun fire last night going off like it was a war zone. Cops were not going into certain areas because of heavy gun fire. I'm surprised there isn't 30 or 40 dead. But for some reason I don't hear anyone talking about all the gun fire or anyone that got shot.

You should have heard the police scanners during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Crap ... You could hear SWAT Teams requesting more ammunition for ongoing battles. There were reports of people getting shot left and right. It was certainly something that wasn't reported at the national level for whatever reason.


Those blacks were shooting at people who were trying to help them.

The chatter on the scanners indicated the police were more likely attempting to quell violence and outright warfare. In some cases it was apparent there wasn't much use in helping people who were helping themselves to whatever they could get their hands on and shooting at the people trying to stop them. Some gangs were using the opportunity to rub out their competitors as well.


In any such case you defend the command and communications facilities first, then other essential services. Fire/water/sewer/government buildings are much higher priorities.
9 whites and 3 blacks. And numerous black witnesses testified to the GJ that they saw the black dude attacking and going after the cop. Some of the stupid blacks who wanted to make the white cop out to be a villain said they saw the cop shoot him in the back and in the back of the head.

Forensics showed all shots were clearly from the front.

How many people were killed in Ferguson last night? How many seriously injured?

If the looters and rioters actually gave a shit about what happened rather than what they can steal because they are angry, why don't they have the guts to go to the police station and do what they are doing? Isn't this about what a police officer did.
So, will protesters abide by the Brown family wishes, and remain peaceful ?

Hopefully not.

I hope Wilson gets life in prison. White cop in prison who killed an unarmed black guy. Hahahaha. He couldn't have a bigger target on his back. He'd get raped repeatedly and turned into a little white bitch.

Oh wait, he already is one.

He would also get beaten down over and over again, disfigured, and eventually murdered. The gangs won't accept a cop so there goes any potential connections and protection. The blacks would just devour him.

But of course, he won't get sent to prison. American Mundanes worship the Police. He'll get off easy.​
You are one very sick puppy.
She like her I'll are mentally retarded.
How many people were killed in Ferguson last night? How many seriously injured?

If the looters and rioters actually gave a shit about what happened rather than what they can steal because they are angry, why don't they have the guts to go to the police station and do what they are doing? Isn't this about what a police officer did.
They are gutless cowards.
So, will protesters abide by the Brown family wishes, and remain peaceful ?

Hopefully not.

I hope Wilson gets life in prison. White cop in prison who killed an unarmed black guy. Hahahaha. He couldn't have a bigger target on his back. He'd get raped repeatedly and turned into a little white bitch.

Oh wait, he already is one.

He would also get beaten down over and over again, disfigured, and eventually murdered. The gangs won't accept a cop so there goes any potential connections and protection. The blacks would just devour him.

But of course, he won't get sent to prison. American Mundanes worship the Police. He'll get off easy.​

"He'll get off easy"

Wrong. It's not called off easy when there is nothing for him to get off from.
Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.
Go away witch, nobody cares what bs you say.
How many people were killed in Ferguson last night? How many seriously injured?

If the looters and rioters actually gave a shit about what happened rather than what they can steal because they are angry, why don't they have the guts to go to the police station and do what they are doing? Isn't this about what a police officer did.
They are gutless cowards.

Absolutely. The burn buildings and things totally unrelated to what happened. While I think they have a right to protest, it should be done peacefully. When they get violent, it should be met with the same in return.
Don't know whether this was the right decision or not. Regardless, it's not surprising to see the government rule that a government agent is not responsible for the death of a civilian. It's also impossible to support the protestors who are now destroying property and resorting to violence.
Civilian jurors. Right decision based on facts easy to know.
4 buildings on fire and shots fired!
Police doing NOTHING!

Steve Harrigan says “helicopters overhead, looking for source of gunfire”

I know if I as an owner of any of those businesses being looted or set on fire, and the police are just standing in the middle of the street just letting it happen, I would sue them first thing in the morning for Dereliction of Duty! I thought it was the police motto to serve and protect and tonight they are doing neither.


I knew it. I knew they'd do that.
Guns dont put out fires. Guess the KKK were just pussies like I knew they were.
Just like the pussy cowards rioting right now.
Heard Wilson claim he was punched 10 times but there was very mild, almost non-existent, marks on him. Then he claimed it was 2 hits and he thought he was going to be knocked out. How did the jury let him go on such conflicting information?
Cry a little tear. Right decision. brown got what he had coming based on his actions, period!
Heard Wilson claim he was punched 10 times but there was very mild, almost non-existent, marks on him. Then he claimed it was 2 hits and he thought he was going to be knocked out. How did the jury let him go on such conflicting information?
You never reach into a police car and grab the back of the cops neck or go for his gun.
What does that have to do with my post? He lied or at the very least was inconsistent. How did he get off telling 2 different stories? Maybe the media got it wrong.
Bullshit liar, stfu witch.

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