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I just looked and saw dozens of news sources reporting a shooting in a city other than Ferguson. Is that what you are talking about?
No, there was a cop shot in Ferguson last night. If there's no news about it yet, I have no idea why. But I heard it live with my own ears, as well as anyone else that was listening to the streaming police scanner from Ferguson last night, that a cop was shot and had been taken to the hospital.

You could hear gun fire last night going off like it was a war zone. Cops were not going into certain areas because of heavy gun fire. I'm surprised there isn't 30 or 40 dead. But for some reason I don't hear anyone talking about all the gun fire or anyone that got shot.
I just looked and saw dozens of news sources reporting a shooting in a city other than Ferguson. Is that what you are talking about?
There wereplenty of us talking about shootings in ALL cities other than Ferguson but now that's it's burned down you don't wanna' talk about it.

Typical, scared, pantywaist, Liberal. Never deal with actual existing problems, just stick yer head in the sand and blame Bush.
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Was listening to the police scanner for Ferguson last night and it was a war zone. There were hundreds and hundreds of shots fired, some from fully automatic weapons. There was one cop shot for sure that I know of, don't know how many more. Don't know if anyone fatally. I'm sure they're keeping that information under wraps for the time being.

What do you mean keeping it under wraps? That's ridiculous. There are thousands of reporters there. Injuries and deaths will be reported as they are responded to.

One cop shot for sure? Where?
I don't hear anyone talking about the cop that got shot... do you? What else would they doing if they weren't keeping that under wraps for some reason. Hell I don't know why. It was a Ferguson cop. There was shooting going on while the news teams were there covering it live and they had run for cover. Cops were staying out of areas because there was too much gun fire. There was rioters laying in beds of pickup trucks sniping at people... all heard live on the scanner last night.

You think that the news media is hiding the shooting of a police officer?
All I know is I haven't heard it mentioned yet... have you?

But I do know I heard about it live last night.

The injured officer is not a Ferguson cop. Your info is wrong. You are running your trap based on false information.
Now I was being as polite and patient with you as I could, and you turn into a fucking JACKASS anyway.

Now you can go FUCK YOURSELF, ASSHOLE, but I heard with my OWN EARS last night that a FERGUSON COP got SHOT.

The lawyer for 4 minority owned businesses that were looted in the first ferguson riots is on WLS 890 am being interviewed....these 4 minority owned businesses were promised by the mayor, and the police that they would be protected from further looting after the verdict......

All 4 businesses were burnt down last night.....the lawyer said that guarantees were given for their safety....

This proves rule #3 of why you need to own and carry guns for protection....when the government can't, or won't protect you....and ferguson proves this rule....

One of the businesses, a hair salon owned by an African American woman, the owner went out and pleaded with the protestors to be seems that her pleas went unheard....

These businesses should have armed themselves or hired armed security.....

But...on the bright side....the burning of these 4 minority owned businesses was a victory for the anti gun guns were used to stop the looting and burning these was a win.....
Go back and read my posts re the GJ.
EVERY fucking word I posted turned out to be 100% accurate!
At least six negro eye witnesses testified they personally saw BM run with his head down at Wilson.
The negroes in Ferguson are burning and looting their own town.
The bunch of them don't have the collective IQ of a fucking slice of Wonderbread.
Let them shit in their own shithole of a town.
I wonder how fast the Caucasian cops are going to come running the next time a negro calls 911 b/c his cousin has just shot him for a fucking pair of Nikes?

Identity Politics is manifesting, loud and clear.

This whole story is a tragedy in multiple ways.

Many tragedies here, one being if the protesters wanted legitimacy, if they wanted their cause to be taken seriously, they threw their opportunity out the window last night when they became violent.

The protestors looted and destroyed businesses in their own community. The businesses had nothing to do with the issue. What was their point?

Free shit....
How many people were killed in Ferguson last night? How many seriously injured?
Was listening to the police scanner for Ferguson last night and it was a war zone. There were hundreds and hundreds of shots fired, some from fully automatic weapons. There was one cop shot for sure that I know of, don't know how many more. Don't know if anyone fatally. I'm sure they're keeping that information under wraps for the time being.

What do you mean keeping it under wraps? That's ridiculous. There are thousands of reporters there. Injuries and deaths will be reported as they are responded to.

One cop shot for sure? Where?
I don't hear anyone talking about the cop that got shot... do you? What else would they doing if they weren't keeping that under wraps for some reason. Hell I don't know why. It was a Ferguson cop. There was shooting going on while the news teams were there covering it live and they had run for cover. Cops were staying out of areas because there was too much gun fire. There was rioters laying in beds of pickup trucks sniping at people... all heard live on the scanner last night.

Can't imagine they could keep it quiet for long if a cop was shot.
Remember Rodney King, this is what happened to the cops involved in that case. They were initially exonerated, but then federal civil rights violations sent them to jail.

Darren Wilson COULD still be charged as federal investigations into Ferguson and its cops remain ongoingAttorney General Eric Holder said federal investigation continuesSpoke after grand jury declined indicting police over Michael Brown deathHolder said he expects both to be concluded before he leaves office

Read more: Darren Wilson COULD still be charged as investigations into Ferguson continue Daily Mail Online
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Far be it for me to say that the Gateway Pundit is not the best choice to be breaking this news, but they insist on claiming that according to leaks from a 'source inside the President's office', the grand jury will not be indicting Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Once again, this is all speculation, so don't jump to conclusions. This thread is only meant to incite discussion over the verdict, if anything else.

LEAKED Prosecutor's Office NO INDICTMENT in MikeBrown Case - The Gateway Pundit

The most convincing argument I heard from a lawyer was police officers do not say "put you hands up," and haven't used that term for many years. They say 'Get on the ground.' That is in the training manual since someone on the ground is much easier to control than someone charging at you with their hands in the air.

That lawyer was correct. That doesn't mean that the kid understood that he'd be shot if he didn't. It also doesn't mean that the cop in this case said that. We just don't know yet.

That the way.....has a name. Why didn't yo name him?

Not that it matters, but I think the lawyers name was Mark O'meara.
Fucking Eric Holder is going to disregard the findings of the Grand Jury and have Officer Wilson charged with a civil rights violation. This proves that liberal blacks should not be in positions of power. They have an agenda and seeking justice isn't part of it. They seek revenge. It serves no purpose than to poison race relations. People are getting sick and tired of it.
No, there was a cop shot in Ferguson last night. If there's no news about it yet, I have no idea why. But I heard it live with my own ears, as well as anyone else that was listening to the streaming police scanner from Ferguson last night, that a cop was shot and had been taken to the hospital.

You could hear gun fire last night going off like it was a war zone. Cops were not going into certain areas because of heavy gun fire. I'm surprised there isn't 30 or 40 dead. But for some reason I don't hear anyone talking about all the gun fire or anyone that got shot.

You should have heard the police scanners during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Crap ... You could hear SWAT Teams requesting more ammunition for ongoing battles. There were reports of people getting shot left and right. It was certainly something that wasn't reported at the national level for whatever reason.


Identity Politics is manifesting, loud and clear.

This whole story is a tragedy in multiple ways.

Many tragedies here, one being if the protesters wanted legitimacy, if they wanted their cause to be taken seriously, they threw their opportunity out the window last night when they became violent.

The protestors looted and destroyed businesses in their own community. The businesses had nothing to do with the issue. What was their point?

They were not making a point. They were taking advantage of an opportunity.
This whole reaction by the protesters - aided and abetted by Obama's speech in my opinion - verges on a complete state of anarchy and rebelion.

At this rate the mob are setting a precedent for civil disobedience if their wishes aren't met, never mind the rule of Law , instead the USA will have the rule of the mob.

Shame on the thugs! SHAME on them!!!!!!
Everybody but numb nuts BHO knew how his "stay the course" remark would be taken by the lawless marauding hoards..nobody can be that naive.

We are talking about Asslips here...he's so stupid he couldnt poor piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the the bottom.

Asciepias does not understand percentages. He thinks that the fact that a slightly higher number of whites commits crimes than blacks means that whites are more dangerous than blacks.

He does not know much about history either. He thinks Negroes founded and maintained the civilizations of Egypt and Sumeria.

When he was in highschool he probably thought doing his homework was acting white.
Fucking Eric Holder is going to disregard the findings of the Grand Jury and have Officer Wilson charged with a civil rights violation. This proves that liberal blacks should not be in positions of power. They have an agenda and seeking justice isn't part of it. They seek revenge. It serves no purpose than to poison race relations. People are getting sick and tired of it.
Quoted for truth. Post of the Day!
No, there was a cop shot in Ferguson last night. If there's no news about it yet, I have no idea why. But I heard it live with my own ears, as well as anyone else that was listening to the streaming police scanner from Ferguson last night, that a cop was shot and had been taken to the hospital.

You could hear gun fire last night going off like it was a war zone. Cops were not going into certain areas because of heavy gun fire. I'm surprised there isn't 30 or 40 dead. But for some reason I don't hear anyone talking about all the gun fire or anyone that got shot.

You should have heard the police scanners during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Crap ... You could hear SWAT Teams requesting more ammunition for ongoing battles. There were reports of people getting shot left and right. It was certainly something that wasn't reported at the national level for whatever reason.


Those blacks were shooting at people who were trying to help them.
No, there was a cop shot in Ferguson last night. If there's no news about it yet, I have no idea why. But I heard it live with my own ears, as well as anyone else that was listening to the streaming police scanner from Ferguson last night, that a cop was shot and had been taken to the hospital.

You could hear gun fire last night going off like it was a war zone. Cops were not going into certain areas because of heavy gun fire. I'm surprised there isn't 30 or 40 dead. But for some reason I don't hear anyone talking about all the gun fire or anyone that got shot.

You should have heard the police scanners during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Crap ... You could hear SWAT Teams requesting more ammunition for ongoing battles. There were reports of people getting shot left and right. It was certainly something that wasn't reported at the national level for whatever reason.


Those blacks were shooting at people who were trying to help them.

The chatter on the scanners indicated the police were more likely attempting to quell violence and outright warfare. In some cases it was apparent there wasn't much use in helping people who were helping themselves to whatever they could get their hands on and shooting at the people trying to stop them. Some gangs were using the opportunity to rub out their competitors as well.


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