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So far there hasn't been any DIRECT PERSONAL threats, but that's pretty damn close.

It's also fucking stupid, seeing as you'd have your KFC greasy hands full trying to do anything to all 6' 2", 210 pounds of me. I'm not afraid of a one of you fucking porch monkeys. One on one you wouldn't have the guts to even get near me.

I'm not buying you a dress so i dont know why you gave me your measurements. That pretty much proves you would get your ass kicked. You actually think your size matters.

You'd be a lot safer bringing a weapon and hoping I didnt have one.
You have no clue who or what you're dealing with. You're just too fucking stupid.

But you're safe so long as you're nowhere near me, buckwheat.
How about both of you shut up. I'd whip both of you .

So 007 can handle you, the light work!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
007 is afraid of him. Hes all talk like you.
Sure... punk... and the moon landings were all faked.

Get a life, nipple face.
I'm not buying you a dress so i dont know why you gave me your measurements. That pretty much proves you would get your ass kicked. You actually think your size matters.

You'd be a lot safer bringing a weapon and hoping I didnt have one.
You have no clue who or what you're dealing with. You're just too fucking stupid.

But you're safe so long as you're nowhere near me, buckwheat.
How about both of you shut up. I'd whip both of you .

So 007 can handle you, the light work!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
007 is afraid of him. Hes all talk like you.
Sure... punk... and the moon landings were all faked.

Get a life, nipple face.
No they werent but you are monkey.
From what I understand, the letter of the law in Missouri says that an officer has the option of deadly force if he feels there is a danger of great bodily harm or death. The fact Brown was without a weapon is irrelevant. Some witnesses say he had his hands up, others agree with the officers account. There was based on law no other decision that could have been handed down by the Grand Jury. And Brown's lawyers knew that.
From what I understand, the letter of the law in Missouri says that an officer has the option of deadly force if he feels there is a danger of great bodily harm or death. The fact Brown was without a weapon is irrelevant. Some witnesses say he had his hands up, others agree with the officers account. There was based on law no other decision that could have been handed down by the Grand Jury. And Brown's lawyers knew that.
This has been gone over all ready but whats dangerous about Brown running away from Wilson?
From what I understand, the letter of the law in Missouri says that an officer has the option of deadly force if he feels there is a danger of great bodily harm or death. The fact Brown was without a weapon is irrelevant. Some witnesses say he had his hands up, others agree with the officers account. There was based on law no other decision that could have been handed down by the Grand Jury. And Brown's lawyers knew that.
This has been gone over all ready but whats dangerous about Brown running away from Wilson?

Because he wasn't running away :ahole-1: the FORENSIC test proved that... WOG POWER!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:
The narratve has been established. Brown was a gentle giant gunned down by a racist white cop for walking in the street.
Never mind not a word of that is true. Never mind the physical evidence was compelling as to what really happened. We'll get snippets of the narrative here over and over no matter how many times the evidence is cited.
The grand jury heard all the evidence. They made a decision. Tht's how our justice system works.
Shame on the Justice Dept for playing to the Obama base and fanning the flames of racial hatred.
3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.

Why are you blaming all of black people in this Country I'm not looting no one in my family is looting so saying all black people are rapid apes is bullshit and doesn't help anyone

You are exactly right, as an older white conservative Christian woman, I am very ashamed at some of the comments here. I'm sure there are many black people that would like to just get on with their lives and take care of their families, not involved in this at all. I pray the violence ends soon, and no more lives are lost.

You're exactly right, I'm an older white conservative, Christian female, and I am disgusted by some of the comments here. We all bleed red don't we? There are good and bad in all races, from what I've read here, not many should be proud of their comments.
3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.

Why are you blaming all of black people in this Country I'm not looting no one in my family is looting so saying all black people are rapid apes is bullshit and doesn't help anyone
The blacks who want to get on with their lives are not the problem.
The problem is the blacks who feel like this is anarchy day and they can do whatever they want.
Why isnt the National Guard shooting people? Whose idea was it to negotiate with protestors prior to the verdict? We see what that's gotten anyone.
Amazing. 114 pages and no surprise the racist is strong in this thread.

3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.

Why are you blaming all of black people in this Country I'm not looting no one in my family is looting so saying all black people are rapid apes is bullshit and doesn't help anyone

You are exactly right, as an older white conservative Christian woman, I am very ashamed at some of the comments here. I'm sure there are many black people that would like to just get on with their lives and take care of their families, not involved in this at all. I pray the violence ends soon, and no more lives are lost.

You're exactly right, I'm an older white conservative, Christian female, and I am disgusted by some of the comments here. We all bleed red don't we? There are good and bad in all races, from what I've read here, not many should be proud of their comments.
3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.

Why are you blaming all of black people in this Country I'm not looting no one in my family is looting so saying all black people are rapid apes is bullshit and doesn't help anyone
The blacks who want to get on with their lives are not the problem.
The problem is the blacks who feel like this is anarchy day and they can do whatever they want.
Why isnt the National Guard shooting people? Whose idea was it to negotiate with protestors prior to the verdict? We see what that's gotten anyone.
Good grief this is not just blacks. There are plenty of white folks out there too.

From what I understand, the letter of the law in Missouri says that an officer has the option of deadly force if he feels there is a danger of great bodily harm or death. The fact Brown was without a weapon is irrelevant. Some witnesses say he had his hands up, others agree with the officers account. There was based on law no other decision that could have been handed down by the Grand Jury. And Brown's lawyers knew that.
This has been gone over all ready but whats dangerous about Brown running away from Wilson?
Speaking of having been gone over. Because he wasn't running away.
Two things:

Is anyone jaded enough to think the officer EVER wanted to kill someone in the line of duty?

Given Brown's behavior that day, what real chance did he have of NOT being killed in violence some day?
I wonder if the victim is a cracker.
No. The KKK pussied out.
How do you know?
No cowards with white sheets hiding behind the cops.
They are probably out in the White residential areas doing exactly what they said they would do, protecting White families and their businesses.
Exactly. They knew no protesters were coming out there so it would be safe and they could pretend they were brave.
Fun watching the voyeristic "disgust" from the righties tonight. I think we know why reality TV is here to stay if nothing else. Rednecks like watching other rednecks out-redneck each other.
Doesn't excuse the looters one bit. A bunch of thugs are just looking for an excuse to steal things.
Rednecks turn to moonshine and get drunk, they don't burn and loot.

Identity Politics is manifesting, loud and clear.

This whole story is a tragedy in multiple ways.

Many tragedies here, one being if the protesters wanted legitimacy, if they wanted their cause to be taken seriously, they threw their opportunity out the window last night when they became violent.

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