BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

If Hamas is destroyed it will be replaced by another group, and if the past is anything to go by more extreme.
Bring it is what Israel should say, as the desert will run blood red with radicals blood that will break into pieces like glass.
Yep. The Shia Iranian Mullocrats are flush with Biden bucks and are having a good laugh at the Sunni squatters in Gaza getting shelled.
I never thought of that! :aargh:
As with everything Biden touches, it becomes a complete disaster. Biden bucks for Iran and more Biden welfare bucks for the Islamic terrorists in Gaza'istan. It was just insanity for the Dems / Socialists to shower those people with money.

Trump predicted the Hamas terrorist attacks that were waged Saturday on Israel back on Sept. 11 after Biden announced the release of $6 billion to Iran for a five-for-five prisoner swap.

"Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran?" Trump wrote on Truth Social, in an ominous forshadowing of Saturday's Hamas attacks. "That money be used for terrorism all over the Middle East, and, indeed, the World.
The UN is who funds HAMAS. Their money comes from the UN.

Obviously, not relevant.

Under the spectacular failure of the Biden politburo, the Taliban are a force to deal with as they hold entire stockpiles of arms and ammunition gifted during Biden's humiliating retreat from Afghanistan.

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies

As noted, everything Biden touches is an utter disaster.
Is Biden compromised, and therefore is he actually doing the bidding of Obama in the world ? Remember that Obama and Joe as his VP sent pallets of money over to Iran under cover of darkness (yes we know it was money that belonged to Iran, and that it was being sanctioned or held up by us until some kind of deal was cut), all when Obama was president. Does Obama have ties to Islam, and has he reached the most secure place to operate from, otherwise where no one can challenge him and his actions if he is still highly active behind the scenes in world affairs from his perch ????
I would bet that he has some influence in the Liberal World of Elitists.

What's he been up to lately one wonders, and is Biden his Patsy ??
I follow his X feed and I noticed two tweets yesterday morning that were not about the attack. I was surprised.
So I “lose” when I point out you admitted Gaetz would need Dems to oust the Speaker when you claimed it was all just him.


"Congressman, you say that you stand with Israel, you're ready to defend Israel, and yet you're completely incapable of helping Israel because you've brought Congress to a standstill, a state of paralysis, have you not?" Welker pressed.

"Let me, let me get a word in here, Kristen," Gaetz interrupted.

The congressman shifted the blame to Republicans who called a recess after McCarthy was ousted.

"And if, if [Patrick McHenry] had not made that decision, we would have a speaker right now," Gaetz said.

I would call you a fool, but that would be an insult to fools.

You can go wipe the egg off your face now.

I never thought of that! :aargh:

The UN is who funds HAMAS. Their money comes from the UN.
Except for when it's funneled in through the back channels for which is how terrorist get their funding and equipment by proxy.
I would bet that he has some influence in the Liberal World of Elitists.

I follow his X feed and I noticed two tweets yesterday morning that were not about the attack. I was surprised.
Two eh, so the rest were about the attack's ? In what flavor were the other tweet's in one wonders ?
They did not vote to oust the Speaker. His now party did. They called for his removal.
That's odd, 208 democrats just had to jump in......LOL

Washington, D.C. — Today, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) released the following statement on the motion to vacate brought forward in the House of Representatives.

“Under Kevin McCarthy's speakership, the House of Representatives has lurched from crisis to crisis. Simply put, Kevin McCarthy lacks the integrity, honesty and skill necessary to govern. He voted to overturn the election. He broke his word to the President on the budget deal. He brought us to the brink of a shutdown. We need a leader who has the ability to govern — McCarthy cannot,” Rep. Schiff said. “California and our country deserve a leader who fights for them, not for a disgraced former President. I will be voting yes on the motion to vacate.”
That's odd, 208 democrats just had to jump in......LOL

Washington, D.C. — Today, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) released the following statement on the motion to vacate brought forward in the House of Representatives.

“Under Kevin McCarthy's speakership, the House of Representatives has lurched from crisis to crisis. Simply put, Kevin McCarthy lacks the integrity, honesty and skill necessary to govern. He voted to overturn the election. He broke his word to the President on the budget deal. He brought us to the brink of a shutdown. We need a leader who has the ability to govern — McCarthy cannot,” Rep. Schiff said. “California and our country deserve a leader who fights for them, not for a disgraced former President. I will be voting yes on the motion to vacate.”
The Democrat's joining in should certainly make one cringe, but if they replace McCarthy with a stronger candidate, then those Democrat's will regret that move big time.

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