BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

And they can die too.

Your solution is simple. Stop attacking Israel


The Nigerian government called for immediate de-escalation and ceasefire.

“The cycle of violence and retaliation that the current escalation has assumed, only serves to perpetuate an unending cycle of pain and suffering for the civilian population that bears the brunt of every conflict.

“The Federal Government of Nigeria, therefore, calls on both sides to exercise restraint, prioritize the safety of civilians and give room for humanitarian considerations.

“We are therefore calling for a peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue,” the statement said.
That's odd, 208 democrats just had to jump in......LOL

Washington, D.C. — Today, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) released the following statement on the motion to vacate brought forward in the House of Representatives.

“Under Kevin McCarthy's speakership, the House of Representatives has lurched from crisis to crisis. Simply put, Kevin McCarthy lacks the integrity, honesty and skill necessary to govern. He voted to overturn the election. He broke his word to the President on the budget deal. He brought us to the brink of a shutdown. We need a leader who has the ability to govern — McCarthy cannot,” Rep. Schiff said. “California and our country deserve a leader who fights for them, not for a disgraced former President. I will be voting yes on the motion to vacate.”

Grow up. Take some responsibility.
Some are, and some are actual paratroopers, which means they jumped from a plane or helicopter.

Dood, Hamas didn't jump from aircraft. They paraglided in. This is film of something else, somewhere else at some other time. Everyone is wearing a hijab and what not in the crowd. This wasn't the rave at the beach.
Dood, Hamas didn't jump from aircraft. They paraglided in. This is film of something else, somewhere else at some other time. Everyone is wearing a hijab and what not in the crowd. This wasn't the rave at the beach.
The Revisionist History and throwing shade goes into full Zeitgeist mode
"Congressman, you say that you stand with Israel, you're ready to defend Israel, and yet you're completely incapable of helping Israel because you've brought Congress to a standstill, a state of paralysis, have you not?" Welker pressed.

"Let me, let me get a word in here, Kristen," Gaetz interrupted.

The congressman shifted the blame to Republicans who called a recess after McCarthy was ousted.

"And if, if [Patrick McHenry] had not made that decision, we would have a speaker right now," Gaetz said.

I would call you a fool, but that would be an insult to fools.

You can go wipe the egg off your face now.

I’m not the one all in a fuss to print and borrow more money to give to Israel, you are.

As far as I am concerned we shouldn’t be giving them anything. Let Jews around the world donate their wealth to Israel.
The Revisionist History and throwing shade goes into full Zeitgeist mode
He gets his news from an Arabic, pro-Islamist site - and he can read it in Arabic. His lopsided view of the situation was engrained since elemtary school at the madrassa.
"Way to civilized..."

Are you nuts! This current conflict started with Israeli missle strikes on the mosque and their brutal treatment of Palestinian prisoners. Civilized my ass!
What an ignoramus. I spelled “too” correctly in my post, and you still couldn’t get it right. All you’re doing is demonstrating that you’re an uneducated idiot.

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