BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Palestinian land has been stolen. Farms destroyed and homes seized. I do NOT support nor do I condone what the HAMAS is doing, but people have a right to fight for their land.
Ahhh come on, they're just peaceful protesting, you oughta know that.
260 Bodies from a music festival alone. That is absolutely insane. RIP. what a tragic way to die just moments after you are enjoying yourself just dancing in the prime of your life. Israeli rescue service says it retrieved about 260 bodies from a music festival attacked by Hamas
Amazing these people put their guard down over there, but after a peace seemingly holds for a period of time, people just try to go back to living their normal lives. The Mossad must have been asleep on this one.

Hamas fires rockets indiscriminately into Israel hoping they hit something, anybody, kill somebody or maybe they'll get luck and kill a lot of somebodies. If it is babies or children or moms or dads or grandparents that are killed they are elated.

No Palestinian children would be killed at all if Hamas and other terrorist groups didn't set up their rocket launchers and other war equipment in a way to ENSURE that children will be killed if Israel retaliates in any way.

You can try to justify that until the cows come home and you can condemn Israel until the stars fall from Heaven, but you'll look really lame doing it.
Another who believes both sides are the same. Unfortunately, in the real world there is good and evil. If you can't to the difference you only encourage evil
Bad people: Throw grenades into a music festival, killing 260 young people.

Good people: Give a warning to the occupants of a building so they can save themselves before bombing it.

There is NO moral equivalency between Palestinians and Israelis.
100,000 troops. That's 715 soldiers per square mile
Oh they can get it done. But it won't be quick. Over 14,000 Palestinians per square mile--one of the most densely populated places on Earth. And while it is silly to say all Palestinians look alike, it is a fact that Hamas look and dress like any other Palestinians.
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Oh the can get it done. But it won't be quick. Over 14,000 Palestinians per square mile--one of the most densely populated places on Earth.
I'm betting they'll scatter like roaches. They know It wouldn't be smart to confront an angry Israel at this time. I bet most of those soldiers are just looking for an excuse.
We knew then how much of a barbarian these terrorists were then. It was easy to take sides with the side constantly facing threat of annihilation. Albeit 3000 Americans died, our support for Israel never wavered. They came to our aid as we did them.

Classic example of how an alliance should behave.

Saying "non interventionalism is always the best policy" in this case is a narrow view. Allies help allies regardless of the repercussions. The US is not afraid of Hamas.
Israel has never been anything other than a welfare queen of the US.

The only reason they are our welfare queen is because of the Pro Israeli lobby in the US that pays our politicians so well. They put out a few million in payoffs and Israel gets billions and all kinds of weapons in return. The only thing the American people get is being fucked. Like our troops that have died over there.

Our alliance with Israel is based upon nothing more the amount of funds the pro Israel lobby is willing to caught up. We give them money, we give them high tech weapons, we kill their enemies and they feed out politicians. Great relationship.

I don't wish Israel or any of the other shitheads in the Middle East bad will but I am more concerned with the problems we have at home to be concerned about those assholes.

There are wars worth us fighting but this conflict between those dipshits in the Middle East ain't one of them.
Oh they can get it done. But it won't be quick. Over 14,000 Palestinians per square mile--one of the most densely populated places on Earth. And while it is silly to say all Palestinians look alike, it is a fact that Hamas look like any other Palestinians.
The IDF could line up and march shoulder to shoulder through the Gaza strip.

Put on a drive.
Nope. Only under certain circumstances. I hope they discover the beauty of our 2nd Amendment.

Imagine if they were. None of this would have happened. People never learn
This is how you get it done when Islamic terrorists wage gee-had.

Israeli Defense Minister Orders Weapons, Ammo, Supplied to Gaza Border Communities​


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