BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

I'm betting they'll scatter like roaches. They know It wouldn't be smart to confront an angry Israel at this time. I bet most of those soldiers are just looking for an excuse.
I hope they wouldn't let their anger get ahead of their best judgment though. You may be right. But large numbers of people can hide an awful lot of crooks, robbers, militants, terrorist, etc.
Israel has never been anything other than a welfare queen of the US.

The only reason they are our welfare queen is because of the Pro Israeli lobby in the US that pays our politicians so well. They put out a few million in payoffs and Israel gets billions and all kinds of weapons in return. The only thing the American people get is being fucked. Like our troops that have died over there.

Our alliance with Israel is based upon nothing more the amount of funds the pro Israel lobby is willing to caught up. We give them money, we give them high tech weapons, we kill their enemies and they feed out politicians. Great relationship.

I don't wish Israel or any of the other shitheads in the Middle East bad will but I more concerned with the problems we have at home to be concerned about those assholes.

There are wars worth us fighting but this conflict between those dipshits in the Middle East ain't one of them.
You forget, those "assholes" could have already infiltrated our porous southern border. We need to help Israel annihilate Hamas, if not only to stem the flow of radical jihadis coming into the US.
No, they're not. I think maybe the teachers are.
I think they are. I was on a bus once and….well…..long story, but the bus driver had a machine gun he grabbed from its hiding place when a situation occurred.

(All ended safely,)
The IDF could line up and march shoulder to shoulder through the Gaza strip.

Put on a drive.

It requires 1,050+ people, give or take a few holding hands to stretch one mile. But Gaza is full of walls, fences, bridges, myriad doorways and various structures and probably most buildings are multiple stories plus basements and likely tunnels. It won't be like an unbroken line marching across a field.
The Japs were rampaging in China ( Invasion of Manchuria and turning Korea into a Colony in mid 1930s so I’m not sure where we caused their ire

You remember us invading Kuwait because Saddam was threatening to take control of most of the oil in the ME?

In the 1940s the US cut off oil to Japan at a time when we were the world's largest oil exporter. The Japs were pissed.

Yea, the Japs were assholes in China but why should we have given a fuck? It wasn't our concern. We decided to be interventionist and look where it got us. Even indirectly that whole mess led to China becoming Communists.

Interventionism always has unintended consequences. It never works out like we think it will. Being a Vietnam Veteran I have first hand knowledge of the consequences of interventionism. My son also lost friends from his platoon in Iraq and suffers from PTSD. My father carried wounds from WWII with him until the day he died. I think he also suffered from PTSD but of course it was never talked about.

There have been wars worth fighting. The Revolution to establish our country. We needed to kick the Indians ass. Although we lost the war it was the right thing to do to resist the goddamn Yankee invasion. Many people think it was the right thing to do to kick Saddam out of Kuwait because it threatened our oil supply. Although we asked for 911 because of our intervention in the Middle East it it was proper to go after Bin Laden although we blew it at Tora Bora.

Supporting Isreal in this war? Doesn't even deflect on my "Give a Shit O'Meter".
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You forget, those "assholes" could have already infiltrated our porous southern border. We need to help Israel annihilate Hamas, if not only to stem the flow of radical jihadis coming into the US.
Yes the Muslim are assholes. That is why we never should have taken sides in a conflict a continent away. It has brought that conflict to the US and it is our own damn fault. We are a stupid people.

The politicians that supported intervention got the support of the pro Israel lobby and we got fucked.
Fortunately, the soldiers don't need to hold hands. If they're 20 feet apart, that brings the number down to 50. If they're 50 feet apart, I don't think they'd miss a thing.
I hope you're right. But many years ago I was on a couple of search and rescue missions before I left for college. When you're dealing with the aftermath of a bad tornado or other disaster that leaves a massive amount of rubble, it's hard enough to locate people who are trapped or need help when they aren't moving. When you have people who do not want to be seen or caught, it would be darn near impossible. And if it is somebody lost on a mountainside, it's a real crap shoot whether that person will be found in time.

Imagine a extremely densely populated city that you have to navigate fences, walls, other kinds of barriers with crooked streets, multiple stories in the buildings, basements, tunnels, and rubble from war damage. Somebody who knows the territory won't have a lot of trouble staying out of sight. And I'm pretty sure snipers will be quite active. It will not be easy.

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And that above is supposed to depict what ?????? Are you suggesting that the character being white is conducting racist banter against those who are darker in color ? Never mind what actually takes place or what people's actions are, because people like you are going to excuse it with a race card being thrown in an attempt to fool the poker players who are sitting there with the TRUMP card knowing better.

What that was is the accurate depiction of the average shit for brains evangelical fuckeit Christian Israel cocksucker that talks out of both sides of their face.

Hope I was able to clear that up for you.
You remember us invading Kuwait because Saddam was threatening to take control of most of the oil in the ME?

In the 1940s ???the US cut off oil to Japan at a time when we were the world's largest oil exporter. The Japs were pissed.

Yea, the Japs were assholes in China but why should we have given a fuck? It wasn't our concern. We decided to be interventionist and look where it got us. Even indirectly that whole mess led to China becoming Communists.

Interventionism always has unintended consequences. It never works out like we think it will. Being a Vietnam Veteran I have first hand knowledge of the consequences of interventionism. My son also lost friends from his platoon in Iraq and suffers from PTSD. My father carried wounds from WWII with him until the day he died. I think he also suffered from PTSD but of course it was never talked about.

There have been wars worth fighting. The Revolution to establish our country. We needed to kick the Indians ass. Although we lost the war it was the right thing to do to resist the goddamn Yankee invasion. Many people think it was the right thing to do to kick Saddam out of Kuwait because it threatened our oil supply. Although we asked for 911 because of our intervention in the Middle East it it was proper to go after Bin Laden although we blew it at Tora Bora.

Supporting Isreal in this war? Doesn't even deflect on my "Give a Shit O'Meter".
1940s ( We were at War with Japan as of Dec 7 1941 ) and Japan had been Rampaging since 1934 is a way deserving of Sanctions

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