BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

A couple of factors seldom talked about are these:

"Palestinians" are incredibly inbred. Their primitive, patriarchal society is built along the level of clan, with intermarriage between close family members. Inbreeding leads to mental impairment, both in terms of IQ as well as emotional stability.

Secondly, when the Mufti of Jerusalem aligned with the Nazis before and during ww2, much of the Nazi ideology fused with the Islamic to create a hybrid form of genocidal antisemitism. If fact, if there is ANYTHING that differentiates this newly created people called "Palestinian" from any other Arab, this is it.

BTW --the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Al Husseini, worked to exterminate Jews in the Balkans. Do you know the real name of the Egyptian who changed his name to Yasser Arafat? It is al Husseini.

The Mufti and other Ayan clans also sold land to Jews at high prices, thinking they would take it back by force later, i.e. they were always plotting massacres and Jihads and hoped to turn big profits on it.
The use of JDAM bombs by Israeli F-16 aircraft in the Gaza Strip. The Israel Defense Forces declared the Gaza Strip a closed military zone and began striking Hamas units and the Islamic Jihad group in the Gaza Strip. The video shows a US-made Israeli F-16I aircraft preparing for takeoff, with JDAMs mounted on the aircraft. After being dropped, the bomb opens its wings and flies towards the target. According to the latest data, the Israeli Army hit 10 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, including the Hamas intelligence headquarters. The UN said that more than twenty thousand residents of the Gaza Strip were forced to leave their homes.

Guessing the Palastinians are going to be more PO'd at Hamas than Israel.
Not the same. Being shot is one thing. This is a whole other level.
I’m quite certain the men taken hostage are being tortured in ways every bit as bad as rape.

Implying that women being hurt is somehow worse then men being hurt is stupid.

It’s all terrible.
I'll be so glad when that POS is sitting in a prison cell

Or laying on the ground with half his skull scattered behind him

I'm good either way
Advocating for the murder of an ex-president, huh? His SS detail might be interested in that.
If you left, it would be less so.
1940s ( We were at War with Japan as of Dec 7 1941 ) and Japan had been Rampaging since 1934 is a way deserving of Sanctions
Until Pearl Harbor was attacked ( or allowed to be attacked by FDR ) 85% of Americans did not want to get involved in another world war. They were still feeling the effects of WWI and wanted no part of another one.

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