BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

They need to be turned into humans, somehow,

The cradle to grave indoctrination in genocidal antisemitism they instill in their children needs to be broken, somehow.
Not sure how it happens, but the plan they used in Germany after world war two might be a great example to go by.

I would have faith in ISRAEL doing something like that over in that situation, but here in America ??? Chiiiiit, we don't have the right characters anymore to administer any type of reeducation plan if were such a case here, because the characters we have running things in America anymore, have purdy much have gotten lost in their freaked up minds.
We allowed a terrorist threat to fester out of control in Afghanistan. It allowed Bin-Laden to plan and execute the 9/11 attacks.

That failure by our Intel agency is why that threat reached us.

Perfect demonstration of my point.
Bin Laden said himself that the root cause of 911 was us taking sides with Isrealis and arming the Isrealis to kill Muslims.

See what happens when you take sides in a conflict that has nothing to do with your own security?

Non interventionism is always the best policy. A lession the US has never understood in modern times and it has cost us dearly.
Bin Laden said himself that the root cause of 911 was us taking sides with Isrealis and arming the Isrealis to kill Muslims.

See what happens when you take sides in a conflict that has nothing to do with your own security?

Non interventionism is always the best policy. A lession the US has never understood in modern times and it has cost us dearly.
We knew then how much of a barbarian these terrorists were then. It was easy to take sides with the side constantly facing threat of annihilation. Albeit 3000 Americans died, our support for Israel never wavered. They came to our aid as we did them.

Classic example of how an alliance should behave.

Saying "non interventionalism is always the best policy" in this case is a narrow view. Allies help allies regardless of the repercussions. The US is not afraid of Hamas.
Bring one of our WWII battle ships out of mothballs, lay into them from the sea with the 16" guns.
Sell one or rent one to Israel... 👍.... Then they can lay it to them with heroic valor, otherwise as they watch those rapist animals try to catch some fresh air as their lungs begin to burn from the heat.

The only problem, is that it's finally going to come to a day soon or quicker than we realize, where the big ships will be obsolete because of the latest technology to be used against them.
There were 600 Pro Arab/ Palestinian Marchers in NYC today proclaiming Israel the Bad Actor in the ME
We've had infiltrators in this country for quite sometime now, and our sorry ace politicians are to blame (sell outs). Trump MAGA is absolutely right, and a damned good cleaning out of Washington's treasonous traitors should be next on America's agenda.
US interventionism in Asia led to Japan attacking us. Why we sent millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us is a great mystery of history. Us having troops in Europe even led to the Cold War that cost plenty in lives and treasure.

Being a Vietnam Veteran I know the consequences of interventionism first hand. It ain't pretty.

Just like US interventionism in the Middle East has led to us being pulled into wars and even attacks on our own homeland. We were really dumbasses for taking sides in a conflict that had nothing to do with our own security.

We have plenty of problems here at home. Massive invasion of our border, $33 trillion in debt, massive inflation, the country being turned into a Banana Republic, stolen elections and a piss poor economy.

Let the Middle Easterner fight it out themselves. Ain't my fight, Man.
The Japs were rampaging in China ( Invasion of Manchuria and turning Korea into a Colony in mid 1930s so I’m not sure where we caused their ire
Duh it was the Marshall plan you dipstick. Named after George Marshall.

Now go get your dumb ace educated.. 😂

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