BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Something good, finally.
This message was posted a minute ago. A woman from the Town of Patish posted: I put here the list of those safe an sound (from the nature party). Please, if you know of someone who's missing, and their name appears here, call their families to let them know!

Welcome to the sand pit of the Middle East.

Religion of Peace on a stack of dead bodies.

Take a look at the current geo-politics of all those involved and who stands to gain from this. It's not rocket science. Follow the money, is all.

Who left Hamas to take over Gaza, and establish themselves as a 'govt.'? Who finances Hamas?

I'm relatively safe, thank you :)
But things are about to turn very ugly.
There is a certain issue many don't talk about. It's a common thing in Israel to, when the weather is night, arrange what is called "a nature party" in the southern forests. Such party took place tonight, many of the attendies teenagers and young people. We know the part was attacked and many of them were taken, we don't even know how many were killed as it's still unclear. That means that among the taken there are teenagers and children as well.
I don't think people realize how insane things are about to get.
I kinda do, and it's very bad.
Take a look at the current geo-politics of all those involved and who stands to gain from this. It's not rocket science. Follow the money, is all.

Who left Hamas to take over Gaza, and establish themselves as a 'govt.'?

And. After the 7 day War they should have Never given it back.
Something good, finally.
This message was posted a minute ago. A woman from the Town of Patish posted: I put here the list of those safe an sound (from the nature party). Please, if you know of someone who's missing, and their name appears here, call their families to let them know!

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That's good! I'm sorry, but I can't read that. I had a friend that could have, but she died.
Well, it is getting closer to the prophesy on it.... Ya gotta have a war between the two, in order for a 7 year peace agreement to be made, which is then later broken.... and Israel is betrayed.
Pardon me while I don't take your word on anything biblical.
Well….at least we get to know how Iran spent some of the billion dollars the people in control of Biden them…rockets aren’t cheap, and the Biden billion can buy a lot of them….
Idk about all that. The UN gives Palestine plenty of money. The UN was funding their entire terrorist school system for a while with US taxpayer dollars. Don't ask for no links, that goes back to like 2013-2014 or so.
Welcome to the sand pit of the Middle East.

Religion of Peace on a stack of dead bodies.
I just don''t understand where or why, some of these folks that call themselves Americans, can advocate for killing women and children.

I don't care if they are Muslim or Jew.

I suppose it shouldn't surprise me. They were doing the same thing over the Ukrainians and Russians.

Even if some foreign power were invading my home state, and killing my neighbors, friends and family, I still would not wish death on their women and children.

I just don't understand some folks. I really don't. That didn't use to be that nation I grew up in. I really didn't think we were like that.
I just don''t understand where or why, some of these folks that call themselves Americans, can advocate for killing women and children.

I don't care if they are Muslim or Jew.

I suppose it shouldn't surprise me. They were doing the same thing over the Ukrainians and Russians.

Even if some foreign power were invading my home state, and killing my neighbors, friends and family, I still would not wish death on their women and children.

I just don't understand some folks. I really don't. That didn't use to be that nation I grew up in. I really didn't think we were like that.
Somebody raised up them boys to be as bad as they are being. The UN probably funded a lot of it.
צילום מסך 2023-10-07 135848.png

Hamas takes over Be'eri. An official says: they've taken multiple houses, there are hostages, many injured and casualties, they can't be attended. People ask, in case they (the Hamas terrorists) set their bomb shelter on fire, should they escape and allow themselves to be taken or stay and die in there. We beg, we cry out, come save us, they're at our door. Nobody says anything, nobody's coming.
View attachment 839709
Hamas takes over Be'eri. An official says: they've taken multiple houses, there are hostages, many injured and casualties, they can't be attended. People ask, in case they (the Hamas terrorists) set their bomb shelter on fire, should they escape and allow themselves to be taken or stay and die in there. We beg, we cry out, come save us, they're at our door. Nobody says anything, nobody's coming.
Where is IDF? Israeli citizens don't have guns?
Sheikh Mawpak Tarif, the spiritual head of the Druze community:
Starting the early hours of the morning, the country has witnessed difficult and tragic security conditions. In these circumstances, we can only pray to God for the return of safety and security to the south of the country and the entire region.

As it has been until today, the Druze community is an inseparable part of the State of Israel. Our sons serve in all branches of the Defense Forces and the Security Forces and are present in the defense line. We pray for their protection, maintenance and safe return to their homes and families.

We confirm our position in supporting the security forces in defeating the terrorist attack on population centers in the south of the country. Terrorism never differentiates between a Jew or an Arab.

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