BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

What are you talking about? You think day-to-day Israeli farmers cary firearms?!


Thanks, I already know this. Sadly there are those who don't really double check things before writing.
Well….at least we get to know how Iran spent some of the billion dollars the people in control of Biden them…rockets aren’t cheap, and the Biden billion can buy a lot of them….

Well, there is this recent event, on the 6th, that explains a lot, and why Iran's hired thugs attacked.

Output to Help Secure Israel Deal​

Riyadh signaled to White House it would act if crude prices are too high to win goodwill in Congress​

Also explains some of why we're on alert as well. Like I said, these are never spontaneous attacks; only idiots believe that. It's about the alliance against Iran, mostly. Iran is punishing them for making another deal. The Saudis aren't vulnerable, but Israel and the U.S. are.
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I just don''t understand where or why, some of these folks that call themselves Americans, can advocate for killing women and children.

I don't care if they are Muslim or Jew.

I suppose it shouldn't surprise me. They were doing the same thing over the Ukrainians and Russians.

Even if some foreign power were invading my home state, and killing my neighbors, friends and family, I still would not wish death on their women and children.

I just don't understand some folks. I really don't. That didn't use to be that nation I grew up in. I really didn't think we were like that.

Are you dressing up like Jane Fonda now, too? lol
White phosphorous those pieces of shit. Bomb the shit out of them.

Don't send troops in and get all ugly.

Lay down fire and walk it steady, raze everything. (Maybe spare historical architecture)

Then send troops in to kill only the fighting age hostile men.

They have hostages. Go take something for your vapors, and let the adults do the thinking.
None of this makes any sense. They can't possibly hope to win this. I just don't understand all this violence and death.

It's what happens when you keep people in a state of desperation indefinitely.

Your fault, their fault, nobody's fault. This is the consequences. And the irony is, the over emotional women posing as men commenting on this board right now. Sound just like the Palestinians they are berating.

I can't tell the difference anymore.
They have killed 40+ Israelis. They have clearly indicated they aren't taking hostages.

It's already been reported they have. It would have been a wasted trip if they haven't. But if friendly fire casualties is your thing, then kill a few Israelis yourself.
Biden is secretly arming the tens of million of illegals he let in of fighting age. I wonder why?
And why can they have unregistered, full auto weapons....and we Americans have to jump endless hoops to do so?

Oh, he's calling again for Americans to surrender their arms and 2A rights. Strange huh ?

Maybe if we just trust the Demunists/Commiecrats they will make sure we're all safe?
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It's what happens when you keep people in a state of desperation indefinitely.

Yes, the Egyptians and Syrians and Iraqis refused to take their own people back. Jordan allowed many of them in, but they soon shit on his head and tried to seize the country, so he expelled them. Now they're busy fucking up Lebanon for their Iranian buddies. You should be proud.

Global condemnation after Israeli riot police attack worshippers at Al-Aqsa mosque​

Global criticism and concern mounted Wednesday after Israeli police attacked Palestinians inside Islam's third-holiest site, sparking a military exchange of rockets and air strikes, with fears of further escalation.


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Aljazeera ahhahhahahhahhahahhaaaass!
Yes, the Egyptians and Syrians and Iraqis refused to take their own people back. Jordan allowed many of them in, but they soon shit on his head and tried to seize the country, so he expelled them. Now they're busy fucking up Lebanon for their Iranian buddies. You should be proud.

Now you sound like an overly emotional girl.

Calm down Sally. Jesus isn't coming back.

Now grow the fuck up, and understand real world issues.
It's already been reported they have. It would have been a wasted trip if they haven't. But if friendly fire casualties is your thing, then kill a few Israelis yourself.
Oh boy, you didn't hear the reports of militants going into homes along the border and slaughtering Israeli families. Pay attention. Those hostages aren't going to live long.

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