BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)

Why will it take 19 days to release it?

Do it now.

Hope it will not be heavily redacted.

But - better late than never! :biggrin:

People deserve to know the truth!

IT will take about 19 days to go through the security's clearance process. Every agency of the US government will have to state why information must be kept from the public. My bet is your going to hear mountains of bull shit to keep this document hidden. Trump could choose to end it and simply declassify it in its entirety. In which case we could all see it tomorrow.
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Unless that time gives them enough to be able to spin and twist their explanations.
What? 19 days of this bullshit? I'm gonna run out of fucking popcorn and bombshells!

It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo

Man, this is REALLY bad timing for Andy McCabe's vacation-retirement plans! HEY ANDY! ANDY! Are you reading this? I hear they have quite a kitchen there in Leavenworth! How are you at peeling potatoes?

Don't forget the fun outdoor breaking rocks.....

Nah, won't be 19 days. Just wait, this is gonna get better once it gets the publics attention.

How do you do that when the MSM refuses to cover it?

By releasing it in front of America, that is how-)

I know the paid posters on here don't believe it, or refuse to accept it, but your side is going to be BURIED-)
The memo was written by a Republican...
Actually its 8 people who were not yet named but part of the Inspector General's staff...Do you have information about a top secret document not yet declassified or are you simply spoutin BS??

Do you actually follow the news?

I'm still waiting for you to show proof of your inside source that said ANTIFA shot down the police helicopter in Charlottesville. If I were you, I'd be the last person trying to question another person's source.
Actually I follow the FACTS... I have found your news sources are about as credible as Enquirer..
The memo was written by a Republican...
Actually its 8 people who were not yet named but part of the Inspector General's staff...Do you have information about a top secret document not yet declassified or are you simply spoutin BS??

Do you actually follow the news?

I'm still waiting for you to show proof of your inside source that said ANTIFA shot down the police helicopter in Charlottesville. If I were you, I'd be the last person trying to question another person's source.
Actually I follow the FACTS... I have found your news sources are about as credible as Enquirer..

Glad to see you avoided what I said. You've been proven totally wrong before... on something you fought for pages about swearing up and down it was true. Just keep trying.

Do you really think Nunes is going to be objective in the memo? The same guy that went behind the back of the entire committee to secretly tell Trump stuff that had been uncovered about the investigation into him and his campaign? Get the fuck out of here...
Heads would explode if Trump just told the news agencies I am releasing this document, with its corroborating evidence, immediately.

This is precisely what Paul Ryan has asked for... just about an hour ago...
coming out?
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..
coming out?
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..

Well we know NOW that the FISA was allowed because the Feds were tipped off by the Australian government... because Popadopolous was bragging about Russian hacking and that they were helping Trump.
coming out?
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..

Well we know NOW that the FISA was allowed because the Feds were tipped off by the Australian government... because Popadopolous was bragging about Russian hacking and that they were helping Trump.

That's WashPo bloviation. Not even a solid connection to the operating core of the campaign. Wanna bet that NEVER MADE INTO the FISA requests we're about to see???
coming out?
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..

Not to be a negative nelly, but every week there is a post on here about some great and amazing discovery that is going to bring down either Trump or the DNC.

So far they have all been 100% fake, no reason to think this is any different.
coming out?
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..

Well we know NOW that the FISA was allowed because the Feds were tipped off by the Australian government... because Popadopolous was bragging about Russian hacking and that they were helping Trump.

That's WashPo bloviation. Not even a solid connection to the operating core of the campaign. Wanna bet that NEVER MADE INTO the FISA requests we're about to see???

That's not just the Washington Post. It was part of the testimony that was given by the head of Fusion GPS. It was what the feds told him when they informed the intelligence about what they had uncovered while doing opposition research.
The fat lady is warming up her vocal chords, folks... get ready for some real fireworks.

So g'night dems.
This is the chink in the armor... the hole in the dam... the final straw... this will bring down the dems as a viable party for quite some time to come. Mueller will be gone and better hope he doesn't get thrown in prison along with all the others for his partisan hack participation. Chiff, gone, Comey, gone, Storkz, gone, Rosenstein, gone, McCabe, gone, Ohr, gone, Hitlery, gone, the list just goes on and on, and my guess is... now get this demtards... it'll go ALL THE WAY UP TO OBAMA. That little America hating muslim kenyan dog turd better hope he has somewhere to go that won't extradite him back to America, probably KENYA where he was born, because that will be NEXT. US Marshalls will be sent to HAWAII with WARRANT IN HAND to search for this FABLED hard copy certificate of birth that no one has ever seen, and when none is found, Barry will be the number one most wanted man in the world for FRAUD, TREASON and HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..

Well we know NOW that the FISA was allowed because the Feds were tipped off by the Australian government... because Popadopolous was bragging about Russian hacking and that they were helping Trump.

That's WashPo bloviation. Not even a solid connection to the operating core of the campaign. Wanna bet that NEVER MADE INTO the FISA requests we're about to see???

That's not just the Washington Post. It was part of the testimony that was given by the head of Fusion GPS. It was what the feds told him when they informed the intelligence about what they had uncovered while doing opposition research.

Look at what you just wrote. Then tell me WHY the "Feds" would tell Fusion GPS ANYTHING about ongoing investigations.. Didn't you even get a whiff of suspicion when you wrote that??
I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..

Well we know NOW that the FISA was allowed because the Feds were tipped off by the Australian government... because Popadopolous was bragging about Russian hacking and that they were helping Trump.

That's WashPo bloviation. Not even a solid connection to the operating core of the campaign. Wanna bet that NEVER MADE INTO the FISA requests we're about to see???

That's not just the Washington Post. It was part of the testimony that was given by the head of Fusion GPS. It was what the feds told him when they informed the intelligence about what they had uncovered while doing opposition research.

Look at what you just wrote. Then tell me WHY the "Feds" would tell Fusion GPS ANYTHING about ongoing investigations.. Didn't you even get a whiff of suspicion when you wrote that??

You have to actually care about unbiased investigations to recognize that little issue. Just sayin...
I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.

Low-level people don't decide to argue warrants for domestic surveillance in front of the FISA court. I think the issue here is gonna be that the justifications GIVEN to the FISA court were (to quote Nancy Pelosi) --- a large bowl of doggy doo doo with a cherry on top..

Which started the entire spying on an opposition political campaign and produced a special counsel to look into collusion with the Russians AFTER the election night shock and awe made the conspirators vulnerable to prosecution.

The EVIDENCE for the FISA warrants and thus the spying and the special counsel, was in fact PURCHASED from willing Russian Intel folks who have a hobby of spreading fictional disinformation.. PURCHASED by DNC/Hillary campaign.

With this information, the structure of the "Russia Russia Russia" plot becomes crystal clear. And starts to look like the FBI/DOJ were weaponized to hinder an election and then COVER-UP the conspiracy..

Well we know NOW that the FISA was allowed because the Feds were tipped off by the Australian government... because Popadopolous was bragging about Russian hacking and that they were helping Trump.

That's WashPo bloviation. Not even a solid connection to the operating core of the campaign. Wanna bet that NEVER MADE INTO the FISA requests we're about to see???

That's not just the Washington Post. It was part of the testimony that was given by the head of Fusion GPS. It was what the feds told him when they informed the intelligence about what they had uncovered while doing opposition research.

Look at what you just wrote. Then tell me WHY the "Feds" would tell Fusion GPS ANYTHING about ongoing investigations.. Didn't you even get a whiff of suspicion when you wrote that??

Why would they tell them? You men tell them they already know what Fusion GPS is trying to report?... maybe so that Fusion GPS doesn't go telling other people that the government doesn't give two shits if a politician is compromised by a foreign government?

I think the important thing here is, why would you want to keep trying to give excuses to cover for people that obviously worked with a foreign government to win a Presidential election?

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