BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)

Where is the memo? Has it come out yet? I cannot wait to read it.
What? 19 days of this bullshit? I'm gonna run out of fucking popcorn and bombshells!

I smell fear and hot cocoa.

You ALWAYS smell hot cocoa.


What? 19 days of this bullshit? I'm gonna run out of fucking popcorn and bombshells!

I smell fear and hot cocoa.

You ALWAYS smell hot cocoa.

Coming from that safe space of yours, yes. What did you do with the puppies and coloring books?

The denial in you is strong!

All you have to do is follow the bouncing ball-)

1. Is the whole thing, for the most part against Trump the Russian, Collusion/delusion? YES or NO!

2. Why would the Republicans go directly to the Democrats strongest case? Does that sound counter-intuitive? YES or NO?

3. Why would the Republicans go to the Democrats largest case, and demand disclosure? Doesn't that also seem strange? YES or NO?

4. Why would the Trump team hold on to the evidence until January? Think that there is any time in January that a large audience would be watching? YES or NO?

5. When you hear Leftists talk about our current President, do they try and paint him as a traitor? YES or NO?

6. Do uninformed voters after listening to them, try and make the same case? YES or NO?

7. What would happen if Americans became privy to the fact that it was all a lie? Would they change their opinion on Trump because of how everything else is going? YES or NO?

8. And if it was proven a lie, how would Americans react at being MANIPULATED by the people who did it? Would they shun, disown, and basically vote against them? YES or NO?

Now you know why it is POPCORN time-) You are going to see the dismantling of the Democratic party, because an outsider got elected.

They were counting, believing, arrogantly certain, that Hillary was going to be POTUS, and if she was, we NEVER would find out what we are very close to discovering. So arrogant were they, they actually used GOVERMENT DEVICES to communicate their treason. And now, it has all come home to roost!

Goodbye Leftists in 18, and probably 2020 also. After that, the census will take care of your rearends, and we are ALL going to be patting you on the head as the little party on the coasts who can't!
You dumb fuckers. When will you decide that you've had enough. It is almost hard to watch. I thought it would be fun
watching you all come to your senses. But it is becoming sad. I'm beginning to pity you. I almost want to send you money.
What? 19 days of this bullshit? I'm gonna run out of fucking popcorn and bombshells!

It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo

Man, this is REALLY bad timing for Andy McCabe's vacation-retirement plans! HEY ANDY! ANDY! Are you reading this? I hear they have quite a kitchen there in Leavenworth! How are you at peeling potatoes?

Don't forget the fun outdoor breaking rocks.....

Nah, won't be 19 days. Just wait, this is gonna get better once it gets the publics attention.

How do you do that when the MSM refuses to cover it?

By releasing it in front of America, that is how-)

I know the paid posters on here don't believe it, or refuse to accept it, but your side is going to be BURIED-)

They won't be good paid posters if you could wave the facts or truth in front of them and it matter one bit.
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo

Why will it take 19 days to release it?

Do it now.

Hope it will not be heavily redacted.

But - better late than never! :biggrin:

People deserve to know the truth!

The KEY word here is MAY-) It will NOT. It will be released before the State of The Union. That is what this whole "wait till now" has been about. The Republicans are not stupid, and Trump is smarter than they are.

Does ANYONE think, that if this is his vindication, it won't be addressed in the SOTU? A man like Trump, would NEVER let that opportunity pass; and you know what.........I can't think of any other President who would either!

Far Leftists should be really, really, nervous! It makes no difference what they have, because more can be added as time goes on. But have something big they do, for if they did not, the Republicans would not release it so quickly, while basically proclaiming, it is a game changer.

When you add to it that the Democrats didn't want it released, then you have to know which way the wind is blowing politically on this one. The only real question is------> how BAD is it!

We can all speculate, now can't we. But here is what I know to be true------------> Trump is no fool, even as the Left tries to claim he is. He knows what he has, and its worth. So does Chucky Shmucky-) Isn't it an amazing thing that Trump has allowed Chucky to shut down the government without caving. You know what that means don't ya---------> Chucky is in deep-deep-doo, as is the far leftists.

Good luck there Leftists in 18. I have a feeling this OBAMAGATE is going to keep you from getting ANYTHING up to, and including dogcatcher anywhere, but the deepest of blue states.

Think I am wrong?

Well then, you explain to all of these nice people why in the hell all these Republicans supposedly on the hotseat for re-election, would back this release, MONTHS before everyone gets to vote-) That type of nonsense is what political ads are made of in elections coming in November. Nobody is stupid enough to do that, nor stand behind a President that has low approval ratings, UNLESS they can prove something big.

So what do you far Leftists think it is-) I am relatively sure, I already know..............but I want to watch ALL OF YOU head for the hills when you realize that you are screwed, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. And the BEST part is going to get WORSE for you, as the year goes along!

Exactly.....the Republicans aren't clever enough to build something up that isn't true...the way democrats do....

Check out Sara Carter...she has been on top of this story from the beginning.....she has the sources that have pretty much exposed this mess...
Precisely. Sarah Carter wouldn't risk her career over something as this if it was bogus. But it's not bogus. She's been reporting the truth. In any other time, she'd be up for a Pulitzer Prize for this investigative journalism.

This Sarah Carter?

View attachment 172683

What? 19 days of this bullshit? I'm gonna run out of fucking popcorn and bombshells!

I smell fear and hot cocoa.

You ALWAYS smell hot cocoa.

Coming from that safe space of yours, yes. What did you do with the puppies and coloring books?

Are you looking for some attention? I might just be bored enough to provide it.

What? 19 days of this bullshit? I'm gonna run out of fucking popcorn and bombshells!

I smell fear and hot cocoa.

You ALWAYS smell hot cocoa.

What? 19 days of this bullshit? I'm gonna run out of fucking popcorn and bombshells!

I smell fear and hot cocoa.

You ALWAYS smell hot cocoa.

Coming from that safe space of yours, yes. What did you do with the puppies and coloring books?

The denial in you is strong!

All you have to do is follow the bouncing ball-)

1. Is the whole thing, for the most part against Trump the Russian, Collusion/delusion? YES or NO!

2. Why would the Republicans go directly to the Democrats strongest case? Does that sound counter-intuitive? YES or NO?

3. Why would the Republicans go to the Democrats largest case, and demand disclosure? Doesn't that also seem strange? YES or NO?

4. Why would the Trump team hold on to the evidence until January? Think that there is any time in January that a large audience would be watching? YES or NO?

5. When you hear Leftists talk about our current President, do they try and paint him as a traitor? YES or NO?

6. Do uninformed voters after listening to them, try and make the same case? YES or NO?

7. What would happen if Americans became privy to the fact that it was all a lie? Would they change their opinion on Trump because of how everything else is going? YES or NO?

8. And if it was proven a lie, how would Americans react at being MANIPULATED by the people who did it? Would they shun, disown, and basically vote against them? YES or NO?

Now you know why it is POPCORN time-) You are going to see the dismantling of the Democratic party, because an outsider got elected.

They were counting, believing, arrogantly certain, that Hillary was going to be POTUS, and if she was, we NEVER would find out what we are very close to discovering. So arrogant were they, they actually used GOVERMENT DEVICES to communicate their treason. And now, it has all come home to roost!

Goodbye Leftists in 18, and probably 2020 also. After that, the census will take care of your rearends, and we are ALL going to be patting you on the head as the little party on the coasts who can't!

By the way, gotta love the left, you really do! When we demanded that Mueller release something that proves anything, what did they say? ---------> Wait, wait, wait, it is all coming, you are all screwed, the Orange one is done, it will come out, we have it!

But when we set a timeline for disclosure of 19 days or less, all they do is cry, whine, bitch, and moan like the Leftists that they are.

Want to know why.........and I mean this seriously.

Because they want time to SPIN, lol! They want it all released BEFORE the SOTU address. They have no idea what Trump is going to release BESIDES the memo, or what evidence besides the MEMO he has that he will release.

It is as plain as the nose on your face, that the Democrats are now in DEFENSIVE mode, and they need a heads up to what is coming to destroy them. They want to goad him into early release.

NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! You better think on your feet RATS, because this time, you are busted. No need to tell you what you did, you already know. Only thing you don't know is.................what the Trump team knows in total. Lets all be surprised-)
You dumb fuckers. When will you decide that you've had enough. It is almost hard to watch. I thought it would be fun
watching you all come to your senses. But it is becoming sad. I'm beginning to pity you. I almost want to send you money.

Send MONEY? I accept, from a transfer of wealth Democrat, hell ya!

You are screwed, and we can tell that you know it, lol. Your demeanor is a dead giveaway.

It's ok, really, get your crummy coasts together, and see what you can do-)

Dude. Let me tell you something.

I spent the day with 3000 liberals. We were marching and networking all day. Not a single person
brought up this dopey subject the entire day. It doesn't register. You and all the Russian bots in the universe can't
turn Nunes' memo into a criminal indictment of a single person.
any minute now

devin nunes' word isn't good enough for you?
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo

I hope you are right. I just don’t see the GOP having the balls.
coming out?
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.
coming out?
Have patience. The longer it takes the sooner criminals will be on the run.

I have lots of patience, what I have is little faith.

Here is my prediction, feel free to mark it and let me know if I am wrong...

This will be one more nothing burger, a few low level people may get charged but that is it.

You people fall way too easy for the drama queens.
Little people maybe in the past but this time dynasties will fall.
Why will it take 19 days to release it?
Can't wait to see it

Next month is finr

If it's half as damaging as we have heard, it will help us with this year's elections
The memo was written by a Republican...
Actually its 8 people who were not yet named but part of the Inspector General's staff...Do you have information about a top secret document not yet declassified or are you simply spoutin BS??

Do you actually follow the news?

I'm still waiting for you to show proof of your inside source that said ANTIFA shot down the police helicopter in Charlottesville. If I were you, I'd be the last person trying to question another person's source.

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