BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)

Right on cue. lol
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo

The memo that GOP staffers wrote?
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo

The memo that GOP staffers wrote?
Fit will hit the shan when it is all released.

Leadership at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration will further be exposed for their abuse of power, crines, and sedition, and treason.

The Mueller investigation will collapae, then it will be 'open-season' on Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Trzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, and Obama.

dude, you're getting spooge on your keyboard again.

Reality- this will be a big nothingburger, and the Mueller hunt for Trump will continue.
Fit will hit the shan when it is all released.

Leadership at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration will further be exposed for their abuse of power, crines, and sedition, and treason.

The Mueller investigation will collapae, then it will be 'open-season' on Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Trzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, and Obama.

dude, you're getting spooge on your keyboard again.

Reality- this will be a big nothingburger, and the Mueller hunt for Trump will continue.
How old are you, Joe...12?

There is nothing to get excited about. I am just starting fact.

We are entering the 'discovery' phase of the real scandal - the largest scandal in US History.

Evidence exists proving the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State accepted Bribes from the KGB Bank / Russians, Lied to Congress, had an un-approved, un-encrypted, un-secured server on which she had TOP SECRET / SCI information, information so classified - OBAMA said - that the release of that information would cause grave damage to the United States.

In the easiest to prove crime ever, Hillary was proven guilty of criminally mishandling that classified information, of being guilty of 'gross negligence, and her actions even meet the definition of 'Espionage'. She gave access to this highly classified information to people without security clearances - like her maid - and allowed her server to be stored in a BATHROOM of a small tech company that did not have the security clearance to have her server in their possession.

She was easily proven to have violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act more than 15,000 times EACH.

After Barry left the DNC $24 MILLION in debt, Hillary swept in and 'BOUGHT' the DNC. She then committed multiple crimes through the DNC. She took donations intended for other candidates and used them on her own failed campaign. Most egregious, she illegally bought and used in a US election a false document that contained Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent / spy through a company working for the Russians and used it in an election against the GOP candidate. Both of those are CRIMES.

Evidence shows her aides, Abedin and Mills, were protected from the crime of Lying to the FBI.

During the election Hillary was under multiple FBI investigations - for crimes we all know she did commit - and she was allowed to stay in the race, something Democrats would never have let a GOP candidate under the same circumstances remain.

Memos show Lynch met with Bill Clinton during the investigation - to talk about the case.

Evidence shows McCabe took over the investigation personally and e-mails show McCabe declaring the FBI had an 'Insurance Policy' in case Trump Won.

Evidence shows Comey wrote Hillary's exoneration before the investigation had finished.

Evidence shows Strzok and his little adulterous chicky-poo knew Hillary was being protected and would go innocent.


Hillary's whole team was ass-deep involved with the Russians:
- She took $145 million from the KGB Bank
- Bill too $500k a speech from the KGB Bank.
----- Bill attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear Commissioners & when he couldn't he met with Putin himself
- John Podesta, campaign manager, took thousands in unreported Russian Stock and half of his company's board of directors consisted of Russians with connections to the Kremlin and Putin himself.
- Fat Tony Podesta worked for both the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency

MUELLER: Hid Russian crimes and protected Hillary

COMEY: His wife took Clinton cash, he hid evidence of Russian crimes / hacking / interference, and he protected Hillary

McCabe: His wife took Clinton Cash, & he protected Hillary - not to mention evidence of his treason 'Insurance Policy'

Strzok: Changed the final FBI report language to protect Hillary from indictment, protected Abedin and Mills, and his memos - the ones suddenly 'missing' from the FBI - show the FBI and US AG made it clear / knew Hillary would be protected from Indictment all along.

Evidence shows the Obama administration was engaged in criminal activity - illegally leaking classified, illegally unmasking Americans, obstruction, etc...

At the very core of all these crimes are 3 basic, simple themes / explanations:
1. The Obama administration hid Russian crimes, helped them acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium, covered up Russian hacking, etc....SO HE COULD GET PUTIN'S PERMISSION TO INVADE SYRIA.

2. Hillary was the 2016 DNC Presidential Nominee before the 1st Democrat threw their hat in the ring - It has been proven that the Democrats rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, engaged in election campaign violations by using donations intended for other candidates on Hillary's campaign, engaged in campaign violations by using a false report filled with Russian Propaganda during an election, and the FBI and DOJ conspiratorially engaged in protecting Hillary and her associates from indictment / prosecution for their crimes.

3. From even before the election the hatred of Donald Trump drove the Obama administration and Democrats to do everything they could - legal and illegal - to overthrow / undermine the current President.

The overwhelming amount of evidence that exists proving all of this is UNDENIABLE....AND IT'S COMING OUT!

Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama have been proven to be the most criminal American politicians ever, and Obama has run the most criminal administration in U.S. History.

The 'USS Riff Raff' is leaking like a sieve, and - unbeknownst to them - Captains Hillary and Barry are going down with the ship.
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo
Follow this rule of thumb: If Steve McGarrett says something will happen, the opposite will.
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo
Related thread: List of times Steve_McGarrett declared Mueller's investigation "over"
There is nothing to get excited about. I am just starting fact.

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the ass. You've been here telling us about how they were going to get Hillary any day now..
ain't happening and never will.

And the rest of your post is a lot of the same batshit crazy you guys destroyed the country with because you hate Hillary for having a vagina and an opinion.
There is nothing to get excited about. I am just starting fact.

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the ass. You've been here telling us about how they were going to get Hillary any day now..
ain't happening and never will.

And the rest of your post is a lot of the same batshit crazy you guys destroyed the country with because you hate Hillary for having a vagina and an opinion.
Says the guy who supports idiots who can't even produce evidence proving a crime was committed warranting an investigation of Trump after over a year of multiple invetigations....

...says the guy whose party just shut down the govt to stand with illegals over Americans depite getting everything they wanted in the budget bill

Says the guy who supports idiots who can't even produce evidence proving a crime was committed warranting an investigation of Trump after over a year of multiple invetigations....

Um, we've indicted 4 Trump cronies, and two of them have cut deals to testify....

Um, we've indicted 4 Trump cronies, and two of them have cut deals to testify...

2 for tax evasion charges dating back to before Obama was elected President...

1 who was a Mueller plant, wearing a wite and shopping a book deal...reportedly part of the reason for investigating Trump was due to an 'overheard conversation' between this self-important, unpaid Trump campaign volunteer and a supposed Aussie rep when he was drumk in an English pub...

And Flynn, whose indictment will be throw out because of Strzok's exposed extreme bias and crimes....

...meanwhile in doing so, Democrats exposed evidence of crimes by Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and even Obama...

Nice job, snowflake! :p

2 for tax evasion charges dating back to before Obama was elected President...

1 who was a Mueller plant, wearing a wite and shopping a book deal...reportedly part of the reason for investigating Trump was due to an 'overheard conversation' between this self-important, unpaid Trump campaign volunteer and a supposed Aussie rep when he was drumk in an English pub...

And Flynn, whose indictment will be throw out because of Strzok's exposed extreme bias and crimes....


Scooter Libby was convicted.... so you really aren't using the best metaphor there.

The thing was, even Bush had to commute Scooter's sentence in case his memory got better in jail.
...meanwhile in doing so, Democrats exposed evidence of crimes by Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, and even Obama...

Nice job, snowflake! :p
Why won't Devin Nunes release the memo that Devin Nunes wrote and which Devin Nunes unfairly marked as classified?

Its just like history repeating itself, like back in the 50's.

But keep your chin up, you've got the help of the russians.

is it released yet?

will the new speshial counsel that will be appointed "ruh roh" anytime now use it to lock up maobama, killary, mueller, and comey?

Scooter Libby was convicted.... so you really aren't using the best metaphor there.
Scooter Libby was convicted of a crime that had NOTHING to do with the Democrats' witch hunt at the time. Dozens of committee hearings, hundreds of hours, thousands of documents reviewed, millions of dollars wasted - all like the butt-hurt Democrats are doing now - and they convicted Libby so they would not end up with NOTHING.
Why won't Devin Nunes release the memo that Devin Nunes wrote and which Devin Nunes unfairly marked as classified?
Good question. Part of the reason is because the release of the 'Summary of Evidence' contains names and info that will embarrass the sh!te out of people - especially on the Left.

One Democrat argued that it should not be released because Americans are 'too stupid to understand it'.
-- Talk about insulting the American people because you want to cover your party's ass!

What pisses me off more is how the Intel Committee has this massive proof that power was abused and Americans were illegally spied on ... but they kept the info from Congress until now, after the FISA BS has been renewed.
- It is ALMOST as bad as Mueller, Holder, and Obama hiding Russia's intent to secure 20% of US uranium and hiding all of their crimes (Bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc) that was part of it until AFTER Russia had purchased Uranium One.
FBI 'Secret Society' Met Day After Election...

Page and Strzok Referenced FBI 'Secret Society' that Met the Day After the Election

"There is serious talk on Capitol Hill about the appointment of a second special counsel amid several new bombshell revelations swirling around the Trump/Russia probe. First, there are the allegations of shocking and substantial government surveillance abuses under President Obama outlined in the FISA abuse memo. Secondly, the FBI lost five months of key text messages between the anti-Trump/pro-Clinton FBI officials Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. And now there's talk of a "secret society" of officials within the FBI that apparently met the day after the election of Donald J. Trump to plot against the president-elect.

The thousands of texts @TGowdySC and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against @realDonaldTrump. The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a "secret society."
— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe)
January 23, 2018 "

"Rep. Ratcliffe said that former FBI director James Comey needs to come back to Capitol Hill to testify again under oath on the question of when the decision to exonerate former secretary of State Hillary Clinton was made. The latest batch of text messages between Strzok and Page suggests that Comey was coordinating with Attorney General Lynch on the decision well ahead of his July 5 press conference.

"It's really clear to me that the decision was made in May of 2016 -- two months before the press conference," Gowdy said. "Of course Loretta Lynch knew he wasn't going to be charged. Everyone except the public knew that she was not going to be charged."

"You have this 'insurance policy' in the Spring of 2016 and then the day after the election ... there's a text exchange between these two FBI agents -- these two (supposed to be objective, fact-centric) FBI agents saying, 'perhaps this is the first meeting of the secret society,'" Gowdy explained. "So of course I'm gonna want to know what 'secret society' are you talking about -- because you're supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won the Electoral College."

The Obama administration will be forever known as the most criminal in US history, but we are only finding out NOW as evidence is exposed that Obama created his own little 'Secret Society' that met the day after the election to conspire and commit treason...and the evidence is being exposed proving Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Hillary, and even Obama himself were involved.

Page and Strzok Referenced FBI 'Secret Society' that Met the Day After the Election

When it is fully exposed, they should all be PERP-WALKED and sent to GITMO as enemies to this nation, not sent to some minimum security 'country club'.
Why won't Devin Nunes release the memo that Devin Nunes wrote and which Devin Nunes unfairly marked as classified?
Good question. Part of the reason is because the release of the 'Summary of Evidence' contains names and info that will embarrass the sh!te out of people - especially on the Left.

One Democrat argued that it should not be released because Americans are 'too stupid to understand it'.
-- Talk about insulting the American people because you want to cover your party's ass!

What pisses me off more is how the Intel Committee has this massive proof that power was abused and Americans were illegally spied on ... but they kept the info from Congress until now, after the FISA BS has been renewed.
- It is ALMOST as bad as Mueller, Holder, and Obama hiding Russia's intent to secure 20% of US uranium and hiding all of their crimes (Bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc) that was part of it until AFTER Russia had purchased Uranium One.
You need to find somebody with more credibility than Nunes. He is clearly on Trumps side.
He's the last person anybody would trust to accuse somebody with a reputation that Mueller has built.

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