BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)

Why won't Devin Nunes release the memo that Devin Nunes wrote and which Devin Nunes unfairly marked as classified?
Good question. Part of the reason is because the release of the 'Summary of Evidence' contains names and info that will embarrass the sh!te out of people - especially on the Left.

One Democrat argued that it should not be released because Americans are 'too stupid to understand it'.
-- Talk about insulting the American people because you want to cover your party's ass!

What pisses me off more is how the Intel Committee has this massive proof that power was abused and Americans were illegally spied on ... but they kept the info from Congress until now, after the FISA BS has been renewed.
- It is ALMOST as bad as Mueller, Holder, and Obama hiding Russia's intent to secure 20% of US uranium and hiding all of their crimes (Bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc) that was part of it until AFTER Russia had purchased Uranium One.
You need to find somebody with more credibility than Nunes. He is clearly on Trumps side.
He's the last person anybody would trust to accuse somebody with a reputation that Mueller has built.
'Nice' attempt to distract from existing evidence....
Cryptic texts between Trump-hating FBI lovers referred to clandestine clique

Two top FBI officials under fire for exchanging anti-Trump text messages during the 2016 election spoke of a “secret society” the day after President Trump's victory, according to two lawmakers.

“We learned today about information that in the immediate aftermath of [Trump’s] election, that there may have been a secret society of folks within the Department of Justice and the FBI -- to include Page and Strzok -- that would be working against him,” Ratcliffe said...

The developments come as the DOJ announced that the FBI “failed to preserve” five months of texts between Strzok and Page.

The missing messages from Strzok and Page span a crucial window, between the presidential transition and the launch of Mueller’s Russia probe. Strzok was removed from the probe by Mueller after he learned of the messages."


FBI's Strzok and Page spoke of 'secret society' after Trump election, lawmakers say
Gowdy has stated he is the one that wrote the memo, from information he got from the fbi, for the committee to see what has been uncovered-all with documentation.
He also stated a vote is needed in committee to be able to release it, and due to classified information in it.
It is a 'Summary Of Evidence'...something Liberals / snowflakes know nothing about.

Cryptic texts between Trump-hating FBI lovers referred to clandestine clique

Two top FBI officials under fire for exchanging anti-Trump text messages during the 2016 election spoke of a “secret society” the day after President Trump's victory, according to two lawmakers.

“We learned today about information that in the immediate aftermath of [Trump’s] election, that there may have been a secret society of folks within the Department of Justice and the FBI -- to include Page and Strzok -- that would be working against him,” Ratcliffe said...

The developments come as the DOJ announced that the FBI “failed to preserve” five months of texts between Strzok and Page.

The missing messages from Strzok and Page span a crucial window, between the presidential transition and the launch of Mueller’s Russia probe. Strzok was removed from the probe by Mueller after he learned of the messages."


FBI's Strzok and Page spoke of 'secret society' after Trump election, lawmakers say
GOP senator says that such texts dont taint the entire process of investigation.
Also, its not a scandal. It shows that Mueller runs a tight ship, and he is policing his own people.

Where is this so-called evidence? Something that a Trump loyalist created? why doesnt Nunes release his concocted evidence.
Where is this so-called evidence? Something that a Trump loyalist created?

I can see how snowflakes can't recognize evidence when they see it...since Mueller / Democrats have not been able to produce any against Trump or that a crime was even ever committed in over a let me help you out:

E-Mails / Texts / Documents proving
- Strzok altered the FBI's final report, protecting Hillary from getting indicted for her crimes, which included 'Gross Negligence'

- Strzok protecting Hillary, Mills, and Abedin from indictment

- Strzok exposing the 'Secret Society'

- Deputy FBI Director McCabe declaring they had an 'Insurance Policy' in case Trump won the Presidency

- Comey ADMITTING Hillary broke the law but trying to claim 'ignorance of the law' is a valid defense for breaking the law, which it is not

- Comey writing Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was over

- Lynch knew before the investigation was over that Hillary would not be charged

- The FBI / Hillary buying and illegally using in a US election a fake Russia Propaganda-filled document from a foreign agent / ex-spy who worked for the Russians

- etc...

Yeah, aside from all those documents, e-mails, texts, etc...there s no evidence. :p
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It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo
Finally, The "Memo" Has Been Released
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo
Finally, The "Memo" Has Been Released
That sucka is more secret than the GOP's Obamacare replacement bill
The memo was written by a Republican...
It is a compilation of descriptions of evidence that the FBI has already.

If that's true? Then why is Nunes refusing to give a copy to the FBI? It was nothing but a talking point that Nunes and his lackeys were trying to get Trump supporters riled up and deflect from the REAL investigation.
Scooter Libby was convicted of a crime that had NOTHING to do with the Democrats' witch hunt at the time. Dozens of committee hearings, hundreds of hours, thousands of documents reviewed, millions of dollars wasted - all like the butt-hurt Democrats are doing now - and they convicted Libby so they would not end up with NOTHING.

The point is, Scooter did exactly what he was accused of. He lied to the FBI about his being the source that outed Plame.

And really, guy, when you spend 70 million investigating whether Clinton lied about getting a beej, you really shouldn't complain about who outed one of our spies.

Good thing Scooter got his sentence commuted, though, his memory might have gotten better.
Scooter Libby was convicted of a crime that had NOTHING to do with the Democrats' witch hunt at the time. Dozens of committee hearings, hundreds of hours, thousands of documents reviewed, millions of dollars wasted - all like the butt-hurt Democrats are doing now - and they convicted Libby so they would not end up with NOTHING.

The point is, Scooter did exactly what he was accused of. He lied to the FBI about his being the source that outed Plame.

And really, guy, when you spend 70 million investigating whether Clinton lied about getting a beej, you really shouldn't complain about who outed one of our spies.

Good thing Scooter got his sentence commuted, though, his memory might have gotten better.
Scooter Libby was the victim of a Witch Hunt, the Fall Guy needed to justify that Witch Hunt.

Mueller has nothing but Scooter Libby's.

He doesn't even have evidence to prove a crime was committed warranting his political witch-hunt..
Scooter Libby was the victim of a Witch Hunt, the Fall Guy needed to justify that Witch Hunt.

No, he was a dumb ass who tried to get away with lying to the FBI. Give Karl Rove Credit, he had the good sense to not lie to the FBI. Neither did Armitage.

Mueller has nothing but Scooter Libby's.

Well, not really. I don't see any of these guys going to prison for Trump. Scooter was willing tofall on his sword to protect Bush and Cheney.

He doesn't even have evidence to prove a crime was committed warranting his political witch-hunt..

Actually, the crime was committed when he told Comey to drop the Flynn matter and fired him when he didnt. Anything else is gravy.

But I still suspect the thing that will blow up the Trumps will be the Money-laundering. Once they start digging through Trump's financials and how the Russians own his companies....
Scooter Libby was convicted of a crime that had NOTHING to do with the Democrats' witch hunt at the time. Dozens of committee hearings, hundreds of hours, thousands of documents reviewed, millions of dollars wasted - all like the butt-hurt Democrats are doing now - and they convicted Libby so they would not end up with NOTHING.

The point is, Scooter did exactly what he was accused of. He lied to the FBI about his being the source that outed Plame.

And really, guy, when you spend 70 million investigating whether Clinton lied about getting a beej, you really shouldn't complain about who outed one of our spies.

Good thing Scooter got his sentence commuted, though, his memory might have gotten better.
Scooter Libby was the victim of a Witch Hunt, the Fall Guy needed to justify that Witch Hunt.

Mueller has nothing but Scooter Libby's.

He doesn't even have evidence to prove a crime was committed warranting his political witch-hunt..

Mueller has 2 guilty pleas and their complete cooperation. With Papodopoulos' fiancée giving us a lovely preview today of what to expect;

The fiancee of George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI last year, said there’s a lot the public doesn’t know yet.

There’s a lot to come,” Simona Mangiante told The Washington Post. “He was the first one to break a hole on all of this.”

She didn’t give details, but said Papadopoulos would be remembered as the John Dean of the Russia scandal.

Dean was White House counsel for President Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal, and ultimately cooperated with prosecutors.

Former Trump Aide's Fiancee Warns White House: ‘A Lot To Come’ | HuffPost

And Bannon agreeing to cooperate with Mueller after calling Team Trump contacts with Russians 'treasonous'.

Keep those eyes screwed shut, Easy. Keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that everything is fine. Mueller just keeps on coming.
Cry Baby Schumer showed his collusion with Mueller. It's ridiculous. Time to eventually replace Mueller by showing no bipartisan during the Trump Russia hoax. Wasting time.
Scooter Libby was convicted of a crime that had NOTHING to do with the Democrats' witch hunt at the time. Dozens of committee hearings, hundreds of hours, thousands of documents reviewed, millions of dollars wasted - all like the butt-hurt Democrats are doing now - and they convicted Libby so they would not end up with NOTHING.

The point is, Scooter did exactly what he was accused of. He lied to the FBI about his being the source that outed Plame.

And really, guy, when you spend 70 million investigating whether Clinton lied about getting a beej, you really shouldn't complain about who outed one of our spies.

Good thing Scooter got his sentence commuted, though, his memory might have gotten better.
Scooter Libby was the victim of a Witch Hunt, the Fall Guy needed to justify that Witch Hunt.

Mueller has nothing but Scooter Libby's.

He doesn't even have evidence to prove a crime was committed warranting his political witch-hunt..

Mueller has 2 guilty pleas and their complete cooperation. With Papodopoulos' fiancée giving us a lovely preview today of what to expect;

The fiancee of George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI last year, said there’s a lot the public doesn’t know yet.

There’s a lot to come,” Simona Mangiante told The Washington Post. “He was the first one to break a hole on all of this.”

She didn’t give details, but said Papadopoulos would be remembered as the John Dean of the Russia scandal.

Dean was White House counsel for President Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal, and ultimately cooperated with prosecutors.

Former Trump Aide's Fiancee Warns White House: ‘A Lot To Come’ | HuffPost

And Bannon agreeing to cooperate with Mueller after calling Team Trump contacts with Russians 'treasonous'.

Keep those eyes screwed shut, Easy. Keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that everything is fine. Mueller just keeps on coming.
You just repeated eveything that has already been debunked.

Just provide 1 thing, short-round...provide the / any evidence of a crime having been committed ... by Trump not the proven criminal Democrats ... watranting an investigation.

If you do you will have done something no Democrat has done yet...

So, where is the memo? We are into week 2 and still no memo.

You know, the folks from both parties in DC are sitting back drinking a beer laughing their asses off at all of you rubes. I bet they even have a pool going to see how long they can drag this out and still have the zealots licking their chops waiting for their next nothing burger.
So, where is the memo? We are into week 2 and still no memo.

You know, the folks from both parties in DC are sitting back drinking a beer laughing their asses off at all of you rubes. I bet they even have a pool going to see how long they can drag this out and still have the zealots licking their chops waiting for their next nothing burger.

They won't even allow the FBI to see a copy of the memo...

It was all just a scam.

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