BREAKING: Iranian Forces Fire On and seize Cargo Ship

Wrmk 11300012
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

I gave you the opposite of a concession. I told you ISIS is a threat to Iraq. You claimed I and others wrote in a specific thread that I wrote that ISIS was a not a threaten to Iraq.

I want to see the actual basis for your mentally unprepared claim that I wrote something that I didn't write-

I bet you believed that they were just the JJV team as well..

Need to change your name to far left drone..
Obama is an idiot compare ISIS with JV team....

I hate community leaders!:mad-61:
Obama is an idiot compare ISIS with JV team....

I hate community leaders!:mad-61:

Why don't y'all write a letter to ISIS and explain how weak our country is with Obama at the helm. Tell them to steal a boat, fill it with ISIS terrorists, and bring it right into New York City and kick some Christian Yankee ass. Tell them that NY is chock full of fags, especially around the Theater district. Best time to hit would be the Gay Parade they hold every year. Be sure to tell em that Obama won't lift a finger because he is a communist or in cahoots with Iran or something.. I apologize because I can't keep track of who you think the president is representing on most days..

Me, I would love to see how Obama responds to such an attack. It is clear that Obama needs to see a real attack on our country to settle all this talk.
The ship was seized in reprisal for the US naval patrol assisting Saudi Arabia blockading Yemen from receiving Iranian arms.

The ship was flagged to the Marshall Islands that under treaty the US is obliged to protect!

In the usual defeatist, pathetically weak and submissive manner under Obama the State Dep refused to condemn the seizure of the ship.

Another win for Iran and a world wide utter loss of respect the now second rate nation that is the USA,


The warmonger-zionut axis of evil is trying to provoke Iran by any means necessary.

This is what happens when retards are allowed to post on internet websites.

The continuing criminal enterprise known as the US government is planning
a massive U.S. military drill dubbed “Jade Helm 15” . Analysts are suggesting that it may be some sort of exercise practicing to impose martial law on Americans fed up with an out-of-control federal government.

But the dingleberry is concerned about Iran.

Go fig.


By "analysts", you mean mouth-breathers posting on the internet from their mom's basement, right?

Nope, I meant those of us who who are not on Jonathan Gruber no brains list.



I know, one of the biggest appeals of conspiracy theories is that they make you feel in on something, that somehow, no matter how shitty your life is, you have something to hold on to that makes you feel special, because you know "the truth".

That's why you guys keep believing this nonsense, no matter how many times you get made a fool of.

Don't worry about a thang

Continue watching Oprah reruns and collecting food stamps

Get out of the way some real Americans can keep your ass free.



This is a perfect example of exactly what I was talking about. I hope you realize that.

Smoke your medical marihuana, dream on and look for pretexts to avoid questioning authorities.

skye 11300996
Obama is an idiot compare ISIS with JV team....

I think everyone is an idiot whoever thinks Daesh terrorist scum is a varsity team. My god woman think!!!!!! If you can. Daesh thinks they can establish a defendable nation in this day and age by bloody conquest and they have no Air Force or Navy and no means of sustaining a viable economic economy other than pillage and stealing.

You think that is "varsity"? How stupid is that? That's like a coach of a PeeWee team thinking his kids could play with and beat the New England Patriots without helmets and shoulder pads.

I get it that you believe in the cowards Daesh for political reasons but how about some sanity checks once in a while? How's their 'caliphate, doing in Iraq? Shiites and US bombs are decimating the bastards. No Varsity there at all. They are just cowardly killers who would appreciate your vote of confidence - perhaps you should write to them.
skye 11300996
Obama is an idiot compare ISIS with JV team....

I think everyone is an idiot whoever thinks Daesh terrorist scum is a varsity team. My god woman think!!!!!! If you can. Daesh thinks they can establish a defendable nation in this day and age by bloody conquest and they have no Air Force or Navy and no means of sustaining a viable economic economy other than pillage and stealing.

You think that is "varsity"? How stupid is that? That's like a coach of a PeeWee team thinking his kids could play with and beat the New England Patriots with helmets and shoulder pads.

I get it that you believe in the cowards Daesh for political reasons but how about some sanity checks once in a while? How's their 'caliphate, doing in Iraq? Shiites and US bombs are decimating the bastards. No Varsity there at all. They are just cowardly killers who would appreciate your vote of confidence - perhaps you should write to them.
How cool is it that one never has to wait from more than a very few moments before one of the Ideological Left is found singing the praises of Islam?

It's as if they're one in the same.
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ow cool is it that one never has to wait from more than a very few moments before one of the Ideological Left is found singing the praises of Islam?

I dont think Skye is one of the ideological left. I'm not either. Did you read my post? Skye elevates the Daesh terrorist scum to Varsity. They can't even stand up to and defeat the Iraqi Shiite citizen militias.

The Shiites will participate in liberating Anbar. Isn't it great when Daesh terrorist scum in Anbar are being killed by Shiites on the ground rather than Americans having to risk their lives to do it?
I agree. And your your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted

I asked and you have no answer:

How's the Daesh 'caliphate, doing in Iraq?

Shiites and Anerican bombs are kicking their cowardly asses. What is varsity about these murderous cowards?
I agree. And your your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted

I asked and you have no answer:

How's the Daesh 'caliphate, doing in Iraq?

Shiites and Anerican bombs are kicking their cowardly asses. What is varsity about these murderous cowards?

ISIS is winning in Iraq... . The last intelligence estimates are that ISIS is growing from somewhere between 500 and 1500 new fighters a day

Air strikes against unconventional forces are the last thing on the chart before ya get to 'a waste of time, ordinance and fuel'.

Wrmk 11307812
ISIS is winning in Iraq... . The last intelligence estimates are that ISIS is growing from somewhere between 500 and 1500 new fighters a day

The latest Pentagon assessment is that daesh terrorist scum gave lost up to 30% of territory they formerly held in Iraq. How long has this 1000 new fighters a day been going on? They certainly didn't show up to defend Tikrit or reinforce the attempted take over of a Kobani.

Are you making up recruitment propaganda for these terrorists? Where did you get that recent intelligence assessment? Certainly there is a period of time that an intelligence estimate would have clearly established. Do you have the answer? Or are you going to run away from your claim again?
Wrmk 11307812
ISIS is winning in Iraq... . The last intelligence estimates are that ISIS is growing from somewhere between 500 and 1500 new fighters a day

The latest Pentagon assessment is that daesh terrorist scum gave lost up to 30% of territory they formerly held in Iraq. How long has this 1000 new fighters a day been going on? They certainly didn't show up to defend Tikrit or reinforce the attempted take over of a Kobani.

Are you making up recruitment propaganda for these terrorists? Where did you get that recent intelligence assessment? Certainly there is a period of time that an intelligence estimate would have clearly established. Do you have the answer? Or are you going to run away from your claim again?

Do you know any facts or do you just constantly run the far left narrative without question of hesitation?
Why don't y'all write a letter to ISIS and explain how weak our country is with Obama at the helm.

ISIS doesn't need to be informed of that, skid mark.

I'm not interested in ISIS's needs. That seems to be something you are more concerned with. How does it feel to be several levels and 50 IQ points lower than a skid mark?
You're the one who had a dumbass statement corrected, skid mark.
Why don't y'all write a letter to ISIS and explain how weak our country is with Obama at the helm.

ISIS doesn't need to be informed of that, skid mark.

I'm not interested in ISIS's needs. That seems to be something you are more concerned with. How does it feel to be several levels and 50 IQ points lower than a skid mark?
You're the one who had a dumbass statement corrected, skid mark.

Whiners whine. Crybabies cry.
Why don't y'all write a letter to ISIS and explain how weak our country is with Obama at the helm.

ISIS doesn't need to be informed of that, skid mark.

I'm not interested in ISIS's needs. That seems to be something you are more concerned with. How does it feel to be several levels and 50 IQ points lower than a skid mark?
You're the one who had a dumbass statement corrected, skid mark.

Whiners whine. Crybabies cry.

Back in the bin with you. Toodles!

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