BREAKING: Islamic attack in France

First thought is if the responsible party(ies) aren't readily apparent, it wasn't terrorists but people pretending to be terrorists for increased psychological effect.

Terrorists claim responsibility and are trying to make a point. 'Criminals' run away and hide. This sounds like criminals more than proper terrorists.

ISIS flags don't mean anything as they're readily available, and if you'ret rying to scare the hell out of people, get one and plant it at the scene of your crime.

If your intent is to murder and terrorize people, then you're a terrorist.

Strictly speaking, not really. If your attempting to push a political agenda, then you're a terrorist. If you're just trying to scare people murdering them then you're just a madman. :)
Writing Arabic on the head and a flag, come on, lets get more inventive. Good grief, why would a Muslim do this, more importantly why wouldn't someone do this and make it look like a Muslim, doesn't really make any sense.
They do it because they want everyone to know that THEY are responsible for the beheading and the deaths.

It ain't rocket science and those assholes have beheaded many. Hope the French kill their asses.
Whatever's happening it's not like France is innocent of wrong-doing and this is all just random violence. France tried Empire just like Britain and the US. France has been involved in Algeria and the arab world in some respects even more so than the US is. If their bad deeds abroad have come home to roost as it were, it's their own damn fault.
They need to announce importations of thousands more with full bennies to apologize for whatever drove this person over the edge.
They need to announce importations of thousands more with full bennies to apologize for whatever drove this person over the edge.

The 'Smallest Book In The World' is the book of French war heros.
There's a new growing organization in France in which their members all wear white armbands. The white arm bands are to signal radical Islamist terrorists that the wearer promises never to offend or stand up to the ragheads.
The Party is called 'Abandon Singe'.
It's always possible the attackers were southern Christians, sent over to France to slow down the uppity movement.
Check them for Confederate flags, and crusade videos.

you actually make a good point------there is and HAS been an affinity between the (what I call) islamo Nazis in the USA---- ie
Nazi of Christian background and-----muslims for a very long time---in fact---even preceding world war II. The only book translated into Arabic in the entire decade 1930s was
MEIN KAMPF. I read the islamo Nazi propaganda which had been promulgated in the USA (lots of old seedy pamphlets) way back circa 1960. I was a child ------it was my early
introduction to ISLAM ------I had no negative image of islam back then and------really did not blame the filth of Nazism on muslims----I had no idea that real live muslims agreed with that stuff until I came into contact with real live muslims
First thought is if the responsible party(ies) aren't readily apparent, it wasn't terrorists but people pretending to be terrorists for increased psychological effect.

Terrorists claim responsibility and are trying to make a point. 'Criminals' run away and hide. This sounds like criminals more than proper terrorists.

ISIS flags don't mean anything as they're readily available, and if you'ret rying to scare the hell out of people, get one and plant it at the scene of your crime.

If your intent is to murder and terrorize people, then you're a terrorist.

Strictly speaking, not really. If your attempting to push a political agenda, then you're a terrorist. If you're just trying to scare people murdering them then you're just a madman. :)

So you don't believe the Charleston shooter was a terrorist ?
Wonder how they'd feel if it was one of their relatives the assholes beheaded??

probably wonder what he did to offend them, and then write an apology letter to the killer.
This is France.
Hmmmmm... you know... for as much as we throw rocks at them for being Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys... the French do have a backbone... and every once-in-a-blue-moon, they actually show it... although it's so rare that we tend to forget it, in the long gaps between manifestations.

Given how much shit that the French have had to put up with from their Muslim population in recent years, I keep looking for the almost-inevitable over-reaction on their part.

They've done it before, in other contexts. I sense another over-reaction waiting in the wings... this one focused upon Muslims... who may be in for a bad time, once they push the French hard enough.

And, of course, this latest takes them one step closer to that over-reaction.

Some riots in the past couple of years, and an act or two along these lines, aren't enough by themselves, but, given a few more like this - and, perhaps, on a larger scale, and we are going to see the French get very, very nasty with their Muslims.

They made their own bed by letting so many immigrate to their country. Bet they wish they could go back a few decades.
Head placed on fence ?

Man Decapitated And Several Hurt In Suspected Islamist Attack On French Factory
Reports stated that one arrest has been made, of a man who identified himself affiliated with Islamic State

A man has been decapitated and an Islamist flag reportedly raised at a company near Lyon in France.

Several people are also said to have been hurt amid explosions at a factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, southeast France.

French police said 'unknown persons' exploded gas containers at the company this morning.

A man's head was later found hanging from a company enclosure, according to reports. Arabic writing was reportedly found on the head.

Man Decapitated And Several Hurt In Suspected Islamist Attack On French Factory - Yahoo News UK

France shouldn't lost its head (pun intended). They need to speak with them, poor people, and if needed, let them give lands to those people so they won't feel so frustrated.

Yeah, that was me using sarcasm right there.
First thought is if the responsible party(ies) aren't readily apparent, it wasn't terrorists but people pretending to be terrorists for increased psychological effect.

Terrorists claim responsibility and are trying to make a point. 'Criminals' run away and hide. This sounds like criminals more than proper terrorists.

ISIS flags don't mean anything as they're readily available, and if you'ret rying to scare the hell out of people, get one and plant it at the scene of your crime.

If your intent is to murder and terrorize people, then you're a terrorist.

Strictly speaking, not really. If your attempting to push a political agenda, then you're a terrorist. If you're just trying to scare people murdering them then you're just a madman. :)

So it's terror only if the cause is political? So say, vandalizing restaurants, threatening and try to physically hurt people in name of Veganism is ok in your book?
Savages! Monsters! Dark Ages Demons!

To cut the head and pin it on the fence ... I don't know what sort of diabolical entity could do such a thing...

I feel for the poor family of the man who died in that horrific way.

What a nightmare these present times are....what a horrible, horrible nightmare!
Savages! Monsters! Dark Ages Demons!

To cut the head and pin it on the fence ... I don't know what sort of diabolical entity could do such a thing...

I feel for the poor family of the man who died in that horrific way.

What a nightmare these present times are....what a horrible, horrible nightmare!
The fucking french have been using arabs as virtual slaves since after WW1.
The fucking joke is now on them. They allowed so many rag heads into the country to do the work fucking lazy frenchmen wouldn't do they ended up with a country no longer even close to resembling france.
Too fucking bad for them......not!

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