BREAKING: It's Over: Mitch McConnell Pulls A Last Minute About-Face --- Blocks Advancement Of Border Bill

To you it doesn’t matter what Biden does.

You’d oppose it anyway

You made that clear.

That’s how all these Trump cultists feel
That's because everything he has done has been damaging to America. You're just too stupid to see it and your cult won't let you see it. It's as clear as a bell to me.
If Mitch achieves this, then it’s time to forgive him for generally being a pussy. At least until he reverts back to his old form.
How do you keep missing the fact that those 5,000 do NOT get released into the country?

That the vast majority go into detention until they’re deported or their court cases are heard?

How do you forget that you scream about the current 10,000 currently who ARE released into the country but THIS is why you want to stop this bill.

You’re just following Trump’s lead

Admit it
They shouldn't be let in in the first place to even be detained.
You're so fucking stupid, he never 'supported' hiring illegals, his comment was just the opposite. It was in fact in support of not allowing illegals in to begin with since the scenario he described is what happens when you do. :cuckoo:
Right. It’s ok to hire illegals but don’t allow them into the country.

Logic is not your friend

Neither is honesty

If it weren’t for business hiring the problem wouldn’t exist.

You fucking dopes
Dude… you sound like the cult member. Not me.
You are the cult. The Democrat cult, perfectly obvious. I am just a patriot who wants to make America great again. I am tired of democrat lawlessness and election interference aren't you?
So if Biden solved the “border crisis” tomorrow and permanently.. you would be against it

There ya go folks

THAT is what we are drawling with
No one has any intentions of solving anything.
There will be no real effort whatsoever to stem the influx in fact it's pretty obvious that our own government is involved in the mass migration going so far as to provide support and direction straight into Mexico and other SA countries. So the legislation is a pile of dog shit.

The real emergency is the start up of the Ukranian money laundry and the resuming of the monthly envelopes.
To you it doesn’t matter what Biden does.

You’d oppose it anyway

You made that clear.

That’s how all these Trump cultists feel
I tell ya what head doofus on this and many topics.
Tell us when Biden told the God's Honest truth.
Or merely didn't lie for an entire day.
I get it.He was considered kinda admired by Dems
way back when running in 2020.But then they had to
lie for him.
Now these same pathetic plebs are not gonna be mocked for
being exposed as a Biden toadie.Because Biden's term is now
Historical.The worst Potus in Modern American History.
And he used the MSM to help him every hour of every day.
The scuttlebutt has it that Biden will never make it to
the party { being the Dems Candidate }.
Nor will Kamala.
The Drat dems will push oily-faced California Governor
Newsome and use Michelle Obama as his running mate.
You are the cult. The Democrat cult, perfectly obvious. I am just a patriot who wants to make America great again. I am tired of democrat lawlessness and election interference aren't you?
Right. Like those MAGA “patriots” that stormed the Capitol

No cult there. Nahhhh
Right. Like those MAGA “patriots” that stormed the Capitol

No cult there. Nahhhh
Speaking of cults, here's yours. Over and over again . Jan 6 pales in comparison

Nah, I nailed it. You are just too obtuse to see it. Choosing to be ignorant is no way to go through life.
Then don’t do it.

Hell the Republicans who helped put this bill together have gotten their marching orders from Trump

The border is on him and then now
Then don’t do it.

Hell the Republicans who helped put this bill together have gotten their marching orders from Trump

The border is on him and then now
Funny how Trump had the Border fixed when he was president. Your boy bidened sure blew it. You are the ignorant one
Funny how Trump had the Border fixed when he was president. Your boy bidened sure blew it. You are the ignorant one
The fuck he did. There were as many illegals during the Trump years as there were during the Obama years

Did Obama have it “fixed”
The fuck he did. There were as many illegals during the Trump years as there were during the Obama years

Did Obama have it “fixed”
Hell yeah he did. Do some research moron. Ignorance is no way to go through your sad and pathetic life
Christ here we go again.

PORK…. Pork!!!

Any time Republicans don’t want a bill they make that bogus claim.

Remember the Burn Pit legislation for our Vets that Republicans fought like hell?

They screamed about pork in that too.

There was none
/——/ So, you’re saying it’s a clean bill with nothing but border security items? Is that what you’re saying?

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