BREAKING! Judge Chutkan Expressed Anger that Trump was still "Free" and Not Behind Bars in a January 6er Case

That happens to be true for every defendant in every courtroom. That's why we have the nolo contendré plea option. She's actually trying to help him out here, because he probably didn't know that.
Who are you trying to fool?
What's the opposite of free? "Not free," right? Where else in the USA can you go to NOT be free? (coming from a judges perspective)
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

She is wise enough that she has to accept Trump being free. As it isn't for her to change.

This has just been revealed. This is bonafide grounds for recusal. Her anti-Trump bias is being exposed in one of her January 6er cases where she expressed deep hatred towards our beloved magnificent patriotic President Trump. Here's the latest.


She sounds like a loyal American, unlike Trump and his minions.
He's a criminal defendant. That's it. He's running for president because he wants to. It's merely a private citizen's desire. He don't have a job or any responsibilities in this role. Court proceedings do not take a back seat to his hobbies.
The more you Progs indict him, the more his legend will grow. Republican voters really do not have many choices unless they toot the agendas Trump does or did and even more. Of course, we will have to know all of the agendas before the election and a drive to get as much done as possible.

"BREAKING! Judge Chutkan Expressed Anger that Trump was still "Free" and Not Behind Bars in a January 6er Case"​

Please provide "credible" proof that Judge Chutkan "EXPRESSED ANGER". Sounds like another NaziCon lie to me.
The more you Progs indict him, the more his legend will grow. Republican voters really do not have many choices unless they toot the agendas Trump does or did and even more. ....

Essentially republicans support Trump because they have no other good candidates.
So much for the deep bench republicans always claimed they had.
That their best hope is to replay the battle they lost.

"BREAKING! Judge Chutkan Expressed Anger that Trump was still "Free" and Not Behind Bars in a January 6er Case"​

Please provide "credible" proof that Judge Chutkan "EXPRESSED ANGER". Sounds like another NaziCon lie to me.
They have people going over everythng the judge ever wrote, and this is the best they can come up with.
That she stated a fact, that the defendant before her, was blindly loyal to Trump, who by the way, remains free.
Last I checked it wasn't the Democrats who conspired an insurrection on January 6th in an attempt to install a dictatorship. That was your cult. The way the lies just roll of your people's tongues is something else.

Last I checked it WAS THE DEMOCRATS who staged racial riots in 90 major population centers around d the country. Staged food and water in advance. Killed 40 people. Destroyed 4 billion dollars worth of property.

Democrats FUNDED that shit. SUPPORTED it. ENCOURAGED it.

You'll excuse me if I don't give a rat"s ass about a Sunday stroll in early January.
Is that your opinion as a legal professional?
She was saying it in a way that suggests she was perplexed by that fact. You can pretend that she ISNT suggesting that he should be in jail, but we arent going to buy it.
No more so, than if Keith Richards doctor noting the notorious musicians drug history questioning "why isn't he dead?"
To those that defend the statement, how is this not problematic? It clearly communicates the fact that she thinks he should be behind bars for his role in Jan 6th.

There is no other way to read that statement. If you cannot pull that from her statement I do not see how you can pull anything from Trump's statements. I do not see why it really is all that complicated, the judge can be switched out and her statements do not change any of the material facts of the case. I do not see why it simply cannot proceed with another judge that has not made any statements about Trump's culpability.
There is no other way to read that statement. If you cannot pull that from her statement I do not see how you can pull anything from Trump's statements.
Because you read a judges statements as if she was a judge.
And as Michael Cohen testified to congress, you have to read Trumps statements as if he were a mafia Don.

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