BREAKING! Judge Chutkan Expressed Anger that Trump was still "Free" and Not Behind Bars in a January 6er Case

Dem leaders in congress incite MOBS to riot, loot and burn across American and NONE of them are being held accountable. Why the double standard with Trump?

I think we all know, Dems are assholes!
Which of course makes your side perpetual cucks.
Fair and impartial judge huh?

She told Trump in court that if he pleads not guilty he;ll get a much harsher sentence.

Yup...that's America under democrats!
That’s always been America. :rolleyes:
That’s why something like 98% of defendants plead out.
I actually agree.

If you are charging him with INSURRECTION, why is he free,

Isnt he a threat to overthrow the government?

It makes no sense. The indictment is PURE BULLSHIT.
He's free because of who he is & he has money. The idiots who rampaged on J6 who have neither of the above to protect them are rotting in fucking prison while that albino ape pile of shit is living large on a golf course.

Trump should have been locked up two years ago like some of the others were.
This has just been revealed. This is bonafide grounds for recusal. Her anti-Trump bias is being exposed in one of her January 6er cases where she expressed deep hatred towards our beloved magnificent patriotic President Trump. Here's the latest.


Truth is not bias, dope. Tough shit that Trump is stuck with this judge who isn't going to put up with any of his deranged bullshit & his threats. Despite her knowing that Trump is a criminal lowlife she's going to play it by the book so that when Trump is locked up he won't win on appeal.

Sorry, Charlie.
To those that defend the statement, how is this not problematic? It clearly communicates the fact that she thinks he should be behind bars for his role in Jan 6th.

There is no other way to read that statement. If you cannot pull that from her statement I do not see how you can pull anything from Trump's statements. I do not see why it really is all that complicated, the judge can be switched out and her statements do not change any of the material facts of the case. I do not see why it simply cannot proceed with another judge that has not made any statements about Trump's culpability.
She is no longer a neutral magistrate
Essentially republicans support Trump because they have no other good candidates.
So much for the deep bench republicans always claimed they had.
That their best hope is to replay the battle they lost.
Um, you have Tater.
It doesn't take much to get leftie judges angry these days. You almost gotta laugh that the hypocrite babe was on the "individual rights" committee but it seems that those rights don't extend to republicans.
Because if they have the audacity to even TRY to defend themselves then we're REALLY gonna stick it to them!

Yup...sounds like a leftist to me!
Exactly. Showing that sort of audacity in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn’t look good for the defendant. Especially in these cases where there are so many witnesses against the defendant.
It comes across as arrogant and almost begs for the max penalty.
A little repentance goes a long way. :rolleyes:
This has just been revealed. This is bonafide grounds for recusal. Her anti-Trump bias is being exposed in one of her January 6er cases where she expressed deep hatred towards our beloved magnificent patriotic President Trump. Here's the latest.


Spectacular, and this seals the deal; the Democrat fascists will lose on appeal. :)

"BREAKING! Judge Chutkan Expressed Anger that Trump was still "Free" and Not Behind Bars in a January 6er Case"​

Please provide "credible" proof that Judge Chutkan "EXPRESSED ANGER". Sounds like another NaziCon lie to me.
Unfortunately, it is another lie... If it wasn't a lie, then the trumper mouths wouldn't be open and moving! That's what it's come down to, sadly! :(
You're wasting your time putting your support in him....he will be your primary candidate winner, but he will not be our next president....

There are too many Americans that just can't vote for a whoremonger, multi time accused felon. Makes our Nation weak, weaker than it is ever been.

Too many people that know right from wrong, who care about their Nation and put it first, just won't vote for him ...and the guaranteed 4 more years of a circus of self centered chaos, that comes with him. Many of these citizens, have voted twice for him.... they won't do it again...imo.

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