Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

And the dems wouldn't do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed......yeah riiiiiight

Democrats confirmed Reagan's nominee in February, 1988.

The vacancy occurred in June 1987. Do some research before spouting nonsense!.

Robert Bork was nominated and did not receive approval by the Senate who just happened to be controlled by Democrats. The second nominee withdrew because he smoked marijuana. The third nominee turned out to be Anthony Kennedy, who often sides with the other libs on the court.

Now, what were you saying?
And they confirmed Kennedy in February, 1988 -- 11 months before the next president would be sworn in, just like now.

I swear, you can't find two functioning brain cells among all you rightards combined. <smh>
Quite obviously, there is a political reality to the death of Justice Scalia.

The court is split 4-4 between those appointed by Republican Presidents and those appointed by Democratic Presidents. If party lines are not crossed, there will be a lot of lower court decisions that remain since a 4-4 decisions by the Supreme Court let the lower court rulings stand. I believe that the new formation of the court in the next session can decide to re-hear the cases once the bench is filled. So we may just be hitting the pause button on a lot of cases.

The intersection of our presidential politics and the constitutional duties of the President have, perhaps, never been more interesting. Can you imagine it? The Senate's Majority Leader has said that there will be no hearings this year. This is pretty absurd but whatever...most people do not know enough about the workings of the SCOTUS to weigh in responsibly and whether we need 9 justices or not. As will amount to hitting the "pause button" on a lot of cases. Anyway...the people do not want to hear about what they don't know; to most Americans, you don't wait a year to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court...its dumb.

So lets say that the Senate gives in to what is sure to be the overwhelming public opinion and has hearings. Obama nominates a....well, does it matter? Reflexively, the GOP congress will hate them. Eventually, whoever the eventual nominee that makes it out of committee makes it to the floor and the Senate is set to approve the nominee...It's mid May or June.

Meanwhile the California Primary and it's hundreds of delegates are up for grabs. Cruz is still in it but he has to do this filibuster. The entire Senate despises this dude so they are happy to schedule the vote on the day of the primary so he has to be in Washington talking about non-sense.

Meanwhile the Senate has 24 GOP seats up for grabs. The Dems need to take 4 to re-take the Senate. Its almost a given that they will.
It may be wise to negotiate with Obama over a nominee rather than have zero input next year with Hillary picking the nominee with a Democratic controlled Senate.

Or... even worse for the GOP, Bernie could win. That's a serious gamble on their part.

If Obama nominates a moderate Hispanic, the GOP will be against a wall. Their true "right wing loser" colors will come out.
Quite obviously, there is a political reality to the death of Justice Scalia.

The court is split 4-4 between those appointed by Republican Presidents and those appointed by Democratic Presidents. If party lines are not crossed, there will be a lot of lower court decisions that remain since a 4-4 decisions by the Supreme Court let the lower court rulings stand. I believe that the new formation of the court in the next session can decide to re-hear the cases once the bench is filled. So we may just be hitting the pause button on a lot of cases.

The intersection of our presidential politics and the constitutional duties of the President have, perhaps, never been more interesting. Can you imagine it? The Senate's Majority Leader has said that there will be no hearings this year. This is pretty absurd but whatever...most people do not know enough about the workings of the SCOTUS to weigh in responsibly and whether we need 9 justices or not. As will amount to hitting the "pause button" on a lot of cases. Anyway...the people do not want to hear about what they don't know; to most Americans, you don't wait a year to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court...its dumb.

So lets say that the Senate gives in to what is sure to be the overwhelming public opinion and has hearings. Obama nominates a....well, does it matter? Reflexively, the GOP congress will hate them. Eventually, whoever the eventual nominee that makes it out of committee makes it to the floor and the Senate is set to approve the nominee...It's mid May or June.

Meanwhile the California Primary and it's hundreds of delegates are up for grabs. Cruz is still in it but he has to do this filibuster. The entire Senate despises this dude so they are happy to schedule the vote on the day of the primary so he has to be in Washington talking about non-sense.

Meanwhile the Senate has 24 GOP seats up for grabs. The Dems need to take 4 to re-take the Senate. Its almost a given that they will.
It may be wise to negotiate with Obama over a nominee rather than have zero input next year with Hillary picking the nominee with a Democratic controlled Senate.

Or... even worse for the GOP, Bernie could win. That's a serious gamble on their part.

If Obama nominates a moderate Hispanic, the GOP will be against a wall. Their true "right wing loser" colors will come out.

Obama won't nominate a moderate anything
Quite obviously, there is a political reality to the death of Justice Scalia.

The court is split 4-4 between those appointed by Republican Presidents and those appointed by Democratic Presidents. If party lines are not crossed, there will be a lot of lower court decisions that remain since a 4-4 decisions by the Supreme Court let the lower court rulings stand. I believe that the new formation of the court in the next session can decide to re-hear the cases once the bench is filled. So we may just be hitting the pause button on a lot of cases.

The intersection of our presidential politics and the constitutional duties of the President have, perhaps, never been more interesting. Can you imagine it? The Senate's Majority Leader has said that there will be no hearings this year. This is pretty absurd but whatever...most people do not know enough about the workings of the SCOTUS to weigh in responsibly and whether we need 9 justices or not. As will amount to hitting the "pause button" on a lot of cases. Anyway...the people do not want to hear about what they don't know; to most Americans, you don't wait a year to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court...its dumb.

So lets say that the Senate gives in to what is sure to be the overwhelming public opinion and has hearings. Obama nominates a....well, does it matter? Reflexively, the GOP congress will hate them. Eventually, whoever the eventual nominee that makes it out of committee makes it to the floor and the Senate is set to approve the nominee...It's mid May or June.

Meanwhile the California Primary and it's hundreds of delegates are up for grabs. Cruz is still in it but he has to do this filibuster. The entire Senate despises this dude so they are happy to schedule the vote on the day of the primary so he has to be in Washington talking about non-sense.

Meanwhile the Senate has 24 GOP seats up for grabs. The Dems need to take 4 to re-take the Senate. Its almost a given that they will.
It may be wise to negotiate with Obama over a nominee rather than have zero input next year with Hillary picking the nominee with a Democratic controlled Senate.

Or... even worse for the GOP, Bernie could win. That's a serious gamble on their part.

If Obama nominates a moderate Hispanic, the GOP will be against a wall. Their true "right wing loser" colors will come out.

Somehow, I think sticking it to this President will override that concern. Who knows, maybe they know they already look like dirt to that demographic and will jsut say, "fuck it".
Time for a secret meeting between Donald and Ted Cruz. Ted slow-walks his campaign, throws his delegates to Donald at the convention to avoid a GOPe brokered convention, Donald nominates Ted to the Supreme Court. Game, set, match.

And the dems wouldn't do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed......yeah riiiiiight

Democrats confirmed Reagan's nominee in February, 1988.

The vacancy occurred in June 1987. Do some research before spouting nonsense!.

Robert Bork was nominated and did not receive approval by the Senate who just happened to be controlled by Democrats. The second nominee withdrew because he smoked marijuana. The third nominee turned out to be Anthony Kennedy, who often sides with the other libs on the court.

Now, what were you saying?
And they confirmed Kennedy in February, 1988 -- 11 months before the next president would be sworn in, just like now.

I swear, you can't find two functioning brain cells among all you rightards combined. <smh>

Scalia and Ginsburg each got over 90 votes. Those days are gone forever, Dems made it bloodsport
"I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure" -- Clarence Darrow

Sure, Scalia was a nice guy. Despite being opposed on every issue, he and Justice Ginsberg were close friends. If she thought he was a quality person, I'll trust her judgement.

However, his decisions did grievous harm to the nation and the world. I take pleasure in knowing that many millions of people will no longer be harmed by Scalia's decisions. It's not his death that pleases me, it's that he's no longer capable of harming so many people. I'd have been just as happy if he retired.

While the court is shorthanded, some 5-4 decisions will now go 4-4. Ties mean that the lower court ruling is upheld.

So, for example, the SC was planning to soon hear a case on the Clean Power Act concerning regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and it was anticipated the SC would overturn it 5-4. That won't happen now. With a 4-4 tie, the new law will be upheld.

Hopefully Ruth joins hi
Obama has 341 days left......I'm finding it hard to believe they can stonewall constitutional duties for purely partisan intentions.

All Obama has to do is nominate someone to fill the "Conservative Italian American" Seat on SCOTUS

so it's the left that wishes people dead, huh?


You fuckers are tap dancing on Scalias grave. Please go stuff your self righteousness
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!

He will never get one past the senate. The next President will be picking his replacement.
I wouldn't count on that. Without Scillia, SCOTUS is going to be a more liberal court possibly for a year. The question is does Mitch McConnell want to gamble on a Republican in the White House next Jan and continued control of the Senate or does he want to negotiate with Obama now to get a appointee that Republicans could live with.

Then there's the Trump wild card. Suppose Trump get's to make the appointment next year. Would he play ball with Senate Republicans and appoint someone acceptable are would he pull a Trump and appoint his wife or a judge that ruled in his favor in one his lawsuits.

Keep in mind Hillary thought Obama on the Supreme Court would be a great idea.
This certainly brightened up my otherwise cold, dull day!


The first thing that struck me the moment I read the news was: there will be liberals celebrating his death. Sure enough, this post.

Nyvin, you're a real asshole you know that?
Aren't you glad he is in a better place? Rejoice; for Scalia no longer has to suffer the indignities heaped upon him by the Chief Justice and Obama. That PPACA passage is what killed him. He just couldn't bear to know that it was going to be in place for a long time.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

And in doing so, the GOP antagonizes the Nation and loses the Presidency. Which do you choose, a Supreme Court position or the White House?

The Republicans are in a precarious position either way. They will likely lose Senate seats and the White House anyway.

Time for a secret meeting between Donald and Ted Cruz. Ted slow-walks his campaign, throws his delegates to Donald at the convention to avoid a GOPe brokered convention, Donald nominates Ted to the Supreme Court. Game, set, match.

Great idea, except neither one of them can win the General. Try Again...

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