Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Obama has 341 days left......I'm finding it hard to believe they can stonewall constitutional duties for purely partisan intentions.

Personally, I've found a lot of things hard to believe regarding the so-called "loyal opposition" and they've defied expectations every time.
If the GOP blocks Obama's nomination, they will prove to the US voters they THEY are the obstructionist. They lose the election for the WH, the Senate and most of their House majority.

Choose you Poison. Mitch.
March 17, 2014

Not so suddenly, there’s an elderly quartet at the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg just turned eighty-one, and she’s followed closely in age by Antonin Scalia, seventy-eight; Anthony Kennedy, seventy-seven; and Stephen Breyer, seventy-five. None of these Justices has signalled a desire to leave the Court anytime soon, but time catches up with everyone.

If President Obama has another chance to fill another vacancy (or more) on the Court, he will be in a very different position than he was when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan in the first and second years of his Presidency.

Presidents generally pick Justices who were appointed to the federal appellate courts by Presidents of their own party; given enough time, they can pick federal judges whom they appointed themselves. Now, unlike in 2009 and 2010, Obama has his own farm team of appellate judges. According to Obama Administration insiders (and knowledgeable outsiders), here is a preliminary list of possibilities.

The Supreme Court Farm Team - The New Yorker
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

And in doing so, the GOP antagonizes the Nation and loses the Presidency. Which do you choose, a Supreme Court position or the White House?

The Republicans are in a precarious position either way. They will likely lose Senate seats and the White House anyway.
They have the most senate seats up-for-grabs, yes so if McConnell fucks this up by using his typical stalling, ther'll be hell to pay :eusa_drool: :badgrin:
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!

No, he gets to NOMINATE one. The Senate is under no obligation to approve that nomination.
thomas's confirmatiin took a little over 100 days. think they can really leave a supreme court vacancy open for three times that?

Why not?

how can they fight the well earned obstructionists label in the elections while holding up a nomination for the supreme court?

then there's practically all the leadership on record saying nominations deserve an up or down vote. it's the constitutional option after all
If the GOP blocks Obama's nomination, they will prove to the US voters they THEY are the obstructionist. They lose the election for the WH, the Senate and most of their House majority.

Choose you Poison. Mitch.
Not so.................It could cause massive turn outs for both sides when the reality of who picks the replacement is Front and Center.......................

Unless Obama tries a rope a dope.
If the GOP blocks Obama's nomination, they will prove to the US voters they THEY are the obstructionist. They lose the election for the WH, the Senate and most of their House majority.

Choose you Poison. Mitch.

They're not gonna lose their House majority over this. They'd be losing seats anyway in a Presidential election, but they've drawn their districts too well to lose their majority, even if they make themselves look bad.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!

No, he gets to NOMINATE one. The Senate is under no obligation to approve that nomination.
thomas's confirmatiin took a little over 100 days. think they can really leave a supreme court vacancy open for three times that?

Why not?

If they do leave it vacant for the rest of the calendar year, the GOP will suffer as never before.
Uh, Oh....Who is Uncle Clarence Thomas going to lean on now that his mentor is gone?

I don't rejoice over anyone's death and my condolences to the bereaved. Looks like Obama has the last laugh after all and his Obamacare is all but guaranteed well into the 21st century, BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

R.I.P 'Tony"

Why? Because I love my country and ALL of it's democratic minded citizens?
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

And in doing so, the GOP antagonizes the Nation and loses the Presidency. Which do you choose, a Supreme Court position or the White House?

The Republicans are in a precarious position either way. They will likely lose Senate seats and the White House anyway.
They have the most senate seats up-for-grabs, yes so if McConnell fucks this up by stalling, ther'll be hell to pay :eusa_drool: :badgrin:

Would be funny if they piss everyone off stalling and then Bernie wins.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

And in doing so, the GOP antagonizes the Nation and loses the Presidency. Which do you choose, a Supreme Court position or the White House?

The Republicans are in a precarious position either way. They will likely lose Senate seats and the White House anyway.
They have the most senate seats up-for-grabs, yes so if McConnell fucks this up by stalling, ther'll be hell to pay :eusa_drool: :badgrin:

Would be funny if they piss everyone off stalling and then Bernie wins.

The fix is in for Hillary, Sanders never had a prayer
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!

No, he gets to NOMINATE one. The Senate is under no obligation to approve that nomination.
thomas's confirmatiin took a little over 100 days. think they can really leave a supreme court vacancy open for three times that?

Why not?

If they do leave it vacant for the rest of the calendar year, the GOP will suffer as never before.

Sorry, I know they'd likely take a PR hit, but I just don't see it hurting them as badly as you and others say.

I predict this seat won't be filled by an Obama nominee.
They will have to approve someone. And no matter who it is, no mater how moderate, the conservative base will view it as Republicans caving to Obama, ....again.

It is nearly a no win scenario for the Republicans. If they try to delay this for A YEAR that will energize the Democratic base, which is already on fire for Bernie, to turn out in large numbers. All they have to do is remind the African American voter, "these Republicans are trying to destroy President Obama's legacy!".

And, all Obama has to do is nominate a left-leaning moderate hispanic or a woman. If the Republicans oppose they lose that vote as well.

There are few win scenarios for conservatives on this.
If the GOP blocks Obama's nomination, they will prove to the US voters they THEY are the obstructionist. They lose the election for the WH, the Senate and most of their House majority.

Choose you Poison. Mitch.
Not so.................It could cause massive turn outs for both sides when the reality of who picks the replacement is Front and Center.......................

Unless Obama tries a rope a dope.

If it does, demographics say the GOP loses big. Remember, the GOP loses when the turn out is large. They win when people sit at home, or when they can suppress the vote.
If the GOP blocks Obama's nomination, they will prove to the US voters they THEY are the obstructionist. They lose the election for the WH, the Senate and most of their House majority.

Choose you Poison. Mitch.
Not so.................It could cause massive turn outs for both sides when the reality of who picks the replacement is Front and Center.......................

Unless Obama tries a rope a dope.

If it does, demographics say the GOP loses big. Remember, the GOP loses when the turn out is large. They win when people sit at home, or when they can suppress the vote.
This is an odd year...................during an Insurgency..................odd times break the mold.

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