Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!

No, he gets to NOMINATE one. The Senate is under no obligation to approve that nomination.
thomas's confirmatiin took a little over 100 days. think they can really leave a supreme court vacancy open for three times that?

Why not?

If they do leave it vacant for the rest of the calendar year, the GOP will suffer as never before.

Sorry, I know they'd likely take a PR hit, but I just don't see it hurting them as badly as you and others say.

I predict this seat won't be filled by an Obama nominee.
maybe not. but they are protecting incumbents in the majority of the senate elections this year. people don't like gridlock and this is going to be a very, very visible example of right wing gridlock.
I can't wait to hear Obama's eulogy on Scalia. If he has any balls at all, he would NOT say anything. As a lame duck president no one can touch him if he decides to
snub the whole affair. However being the gentleman he is, Obama will say sweet and nice things about one of his most visible critics and one of his most crude antagonists.
I can't wait to hear Obama's eulogy on Scalia. If he has any balls at all, he would NOT say anything. As a lame duck president no one can touch him if he decides to
snub the whole affair. However being the gentleman he is, Obama will say sweet and nice things about one of his most visible critics and one of his most crude antagonists.

Like "if I had a son"?
it's not just Scalia's bench to be replaced but a multitude of other judicial appointments as well, this will only highlight what has already been Republican recalcitrance and the shirking of their Constitutional duty for purely self motivated partisan ideology.

it's not just Scalia's bench to be replaced but a multitude of other judicial appointments as well, this will only highlight what has already been Republican recalcitrance and the shirking of their Constitutional duty for purely self motivated partisan ideology.


Obama hasn't shirked his Constitutional duties?
I can't wait to hear Obama's eulogy on Scalia. If he has any balls at all, he would NOT say anything. As a lame duck president no one can touch him if he decides to
snub the whole affair. However being the gentleman he is, Obama will say sweet and nice things about one of his most visible critics and one of his most crude antagonists.

Like "if I had a son"?

"If I had a son, I'd take a walk with him to this justice's grave and we'd both whip ours out and piss on it."

Any bibs your children have outgrown - any small towels in neutral colours.

Send to "Occupant", 1600 Washington, DC, 20500.

Bibs to help control the out-of-control salivation over a chance to pack the court.

Towels to catch the tears later when Our Kenyan Emperor faces the reality of trying to get one of his comrades through The Senate.
it's not just Scalia's bench to be replaced but a multitude of other judicial appointments as well, this will only highlight what has already been Republican recalcitrance and the shirking of their Constitutional duty for purely self motivated partisan ideology.


Obama hasn't shirked his Constitutional duties?

Some liberals are already celebrating Scalia's death and are excited about a liberal judge replacing him. We shouldn't be able to tell the difference between left and right judges since they have the same exact duty, which is to uphold the constitution. Sad that the decisions are often more based on political ideology than the written law.

And the dems wouldn't do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed......yeah riiiiiight

Democrats confirmed Reagan's nominee in February, 1988.

The vacancy occurred in June 1987. Do some research before spouting nonsense!.

Robert Bork was nominated and did not receive approval by the Senate who just happened to be controlled by Democrats. The second nominee withdrew because he smoked marijuana. The third nominee turned out to be Anthony Kennedy, who often sides with the other libs on the court.

Now, what were you saying?
And they confirmed Kennedy in February, 1988 -- 11 months before the next president would be sworn in, just like now.

I swear, you can't find two functioning brain cells among all you rightards combined. <smh>

How long did the seat stay vacant, dim bulb?

Also, how did that work out since Kennedy is the swing vote, depending on which way the wind is blowing?
Obama can now do anything he wants, and i mean anything. the 8 memeber court now will uphold anything he does. Its more imperative than ever now to elect trump as he is the only one that can beat hillary.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!

tha's life
ONE bad thing about Scalia's death The SOB died in his sleep

Mods, please step in here !
Yeah, Any liberal MODS out there? Help us maintain democracy here... these CONS want to shut down free speech here.....

unless it's them saying a liberal justice should be killed.
I can't wait to hear Obama's eulogy on Scalia. If he has any balls at all, he would NOT say anything. As a lame duck president no one can touch him if he decides to
snub the whole affair. However being the gentleman he is, Obama will say sweet and nice things about one of his most visible critics and one of his most crude antagonists.

Like "if I had a son"?

"If I had a son, I'd take a walk with him to this justice's grave and we'd both whip ours out and piss on it."

You actually think that was funny? Really?
Ah, so dreaming for someone's death is acceptable but cheering it once it happens, that's taboo?

Need a tissue?

obama can choose next .......?
is it true?

He nominates and then Congress has to confirm the person he nominated.

obama can choose liberal or not ?

He will choose a liberal, it remains to be seen if he can get them confirmed.

Naahhh, he will appoint a Kenyan conservative. Then everyone will be happy!
I can't wait to hear Obama's eulogy on Scalia. If he has any balls at all, he would NOT say anything. As a lame duck president no one can touch him if he decides to
snub the whole affair. However being the gentleman he is, Obama will say sweet and nice things about one of his most visible critics and one of his most crude antagonists.

Like "if I had a son"?

"If I had a son, I'd take a walk with him to this justice's grave and we'd both whip ours out and piss on it."

You actually think that was funny? Really?

Feel free to shove your faux sanctimony.

When the Rude Pundit weighs in on this, I'll be sure to share his words with everyone here. Not only will it likely be much funnier, it'll be at least 10 times nastier.
I can't wait to hear Obama's eulogy on Scalia. If he has any balls at all, he would NOT say anything. As a lame duck president no one can touch him if he decides to
snub the whole affair. However being the gentleman he is, Obama will say sweet and nice things about one of his most visible critics and one of his most crude antagonists.

Like "if I had a son"?

"If I had a son, I'd take a walk with him to this justice's grave and we'd both whip ours out and piss on it."

You actually think that was funny? Really?

Feel free to shove your faux sanctimony.

When the Rude Pundit weighs in on this, I'll be sure to share his words with everyone here. Not only will it likely be much funnier, it'll be at least 10 times nastier.

Bleh, you're an idiot...go take a nap, toad

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