Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Those are not liberals, we would never mock his death. Enemy or not he was, unlike so many, worthy of deep, deep, respect. A sad night, and the God help us in the politics that follows...
No Negro Nomination....he is "way too Negro"

Saturday, Feb 13, 2016 · 9:07:39 PM EST · Joan McCarter

First question to Trump on Scalia. Dickerson asks that if he were president and had 11 months left in his term, would he abdicate that responsibility?

Trump says sure he’d want to, and President Obama will want to, but “Mitch” and the gang to stop it. “Delay, delay, delay,” and the crowd goes wild.
A very sad day for America.

I wouldn't put it past Obama to have borrowed some Polonium-210 from Putin.
Those are not liberals, we would never mock his death. Enemy or not he was, unlike so many, worthy of deep, deep, respect. A sad night, and the God help us in the politics that follows...
There are liberals dancing in the streets tonight....just like the cons would be doing if it would have been Shrillary.
Sheriff Clark for SCOTUS!!!!


Let's see the left's BIGOTRY and hatred of Blacks shown to the world!
He's slightly more qualified than Harriet Miers.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!

No, he gets to NOMINATE one. The Senate is under no obligation to approve that nomination.
thomas's confirmation took a little over 100 days. think they can really leave a supreme court vacancy open for three times that?
Yes, but if Senate Republicans block the nomination for 10 months they will take a lot of heat and that's not too good an idea in an election year when 24 republican seats up for grabs and a loss of 4 seats would send control back to the democrats. I think they will opt to negotiate with Obama, however Obama might not be in a negotiating mood because if republicans block his nomination, then the democrats would have a liberal court for a year. If republicans win with Trump, there is no guarantee Trump would nominate a conservative.

However, what current senator up for re election now is going to vote for any Obama candidate? They'll be eaten alive by the GOP base, thereby ensuring the Democrats take over the senate and Obama gets his nominee on the court. I think McConnell will have no choice but to protect those seats.

I don't expect Obama to get his nominee through, I hope I'm wrong.
A lot depends on who is nominated and how politically neutral he or she is. In spite of all the deep political divide, I believe most voters want fair and impartial judges.

I think there is reason for McConnell to want to see this vacancy filled. To do nothing means a left leaning court for at least a year. Republican senators are going to be facing democrats accusing them of not doing their job. And what if Trump becomes the nominee and is elected? He's so unpredictable, he maybe just as bad or worst than dealing with a democrat.
Please Obama please finally show the "liberal" the right has said you are just this once. 1 time, no apologies.
lets see, can obozo find another lesbian, half black, half Hispanic, pro-choice, liberal, socialist, America-hating female? maybe a gay Asian male who shares those beliefs?

Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi.

Will congress grow some balls and block it until president Trump takes over?
Just a reminder the Cloture rules requiring 60 votes to end debate in the Senate still applies for SCOTUS nominees. Yes Harry Reid dropped the nuke for executive appointments but exempted SCOTUS nominees. If 40 GOPers stand strong the nightmare of Obama getting to replace Scalia shall not pass.
I kept hearing it was a given the Dems would retain the Senate in 2014

how's president romney doing?

he he he

Who controls the Senate? he he he he. Dumbasses

Ask us again on a Wednesday in November....Dumbass.

--LOL nice try

Well, it's all that will matter; is it not?

If the Senate can mute public opinion for 11 months and keep the number of functional branches of the Federal Government to 2 (if you count Congress as "functional" which it clearly isn't)...the next President will have to either:

get their selection through the Senate which will either be controlled by the Dems or have a fillibuster that will derail any hawkish conservative that a GOP president will nominate.

get their selection through the Senate which will either be controlled by the Dems or hae a filibuster by the GOP that will derail any flaming liberal that a DEM president nominates....

Unless the Dems get a filibuster proof majority. which probably won't happen (but it did in 2008 as you recall under the same circumstances; an energized Democratic Party set to make history with a Presidential First; a GOP that is confused, confounded, seen as hateful, bitter, divisive, and above all else; bigoted...

More and more Its as if the Gods themselves have gone out of their way to install Secretary Clinton in the Oval.

Something else to consider....

Lets say that Mitch and Grassley and that doofus out of Texas (not Cruz, the other doofus) Cornyn keep refusing to have hearings....for 11 months. HRC and your President will be able to effectively make the case of the GOP being the "party of no" all during the contest.

The Super PACs and the other non-affiliated entities can really go to town on the Congress since Hillary is 2 degrees removed; they won't have to mention her name at all to paint whomever the GOP nominee is as a member of this regrettable band of legislators.

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