Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

If Obama nominates a moderate Hispanic, the GOP will be against a wall. Their true "right wing loser" colors will come out.

Somehow, I think sticking it to this President will override that concern. Who knows, maybe they know they already look like dirt to that demographic and will jsut say, "fuck it".

The political reality of Justice Scalia's death is likely the greatest blow to the Conservative Movement since Stonewall Jackson being killed by his own men. R.E. Lee was reported to have said that he had just lost "his right arm". The conservative anchor of the high court has passed. And us liberals have a golden opportunity to sieze the court for the next generation (or 2) if we don't screw up and nominate Bernie Sanders who simply cannot win in the General Election unless there is a MAJOR gaffe by his Republican Opponent. And by MAJOR gaffe, I'm saying something along the lines of using a racial slur or flashing a Crips or Bloods gang sign at a rally....

Its time for the Democrats to get serious about the election and install Secretary Clinton as their standard bearer. She is not only the best qualified person on either side in this election, she is the best qualified to take on the GOP. Obama's first year to eighteen months was almost criminally naive in terms of what he expected from Congress. Ms. Clinton will have no such illusions about the opposition. For them, it's party over people, principles that are for sale to the highest bidder, and a morally bankrupt constituency that seems to think a realty TV star is our best bet going forward.

These are the stakes; not only for the time and place but for the nation. I mean, who is he going to nominate for the High Court? Judge Judy...based on the fact that more people listen to her decisions than any other judge?

As we discuss the political reality, we should keep in mind that Justice Scalia had a large family and was admired (if not agreed with) by his contemporaries. He was a remarkable public servant who deserves our thanks for his service. We need more people like him--who will put up with the slings and arrows for 30 years in the public limelight when he could be making millions upon millions in private practice.
I agree with most of your statements however, I think we should be looking for really fair impartial judges. With the exception of political junkies, I think this is really what most Americans want. In so many countries, judges are bought and paid for before they ever sit on the bench. They serve their masters, not the people.
I would invite you to closely examine Chief Justice Robert's status of "bought and paid for"; after being appointed by President Bush 43, I think those who bought Mr. Roberts may be asking for a refund. Additionally, didn't Anthony Kennedy get appointed by Reagan or Bush 41? Now he's seen as left leaning.

Moreover, I'll quote "Larry the Liquidator" from the great but overlooked movie, "Other People's Money". He is discussing lawyers with Penelope Ann Miller and comes off with this brilliant quote; "They're like nuclear warheads. They have theirs, so I have mine. Once you use them, they fuck up everything." If you can assure me that there will be no more Citizens United rulings, no more rulings that allow States to draw any voting district those in power want, allow companies sell our information to anyone with 2 nickles...I'll be happy to appoint Dudley Do-Right to the bench. Until then, I want someone who leans toward protecting privacy, protecting freedom of choice in reproductive rights, and someone who thinks there is probably some connection between 300 zillion guns on the streets and our outsized number of gun deaths

Whether we're conservative or liberal, we need to be looking for judges that know the law, the constitution, and can put their personal and political beliefs aside and judge cases based on their merit. Unfortunately in Washington, a good judge is one that will rule in favor of issues you support regardless of the law or case.

Well, that's just human nature when you have to be the decision maker or arbiter. It's a very tough gig and as I stated, I admire justices like Scalia who put up with 30 years of being called every name in the book when they could be pocketing 7 figures easily in the private sector.


I would be tickled pink if we could find a surrogate that agrees to serve until the Senate confirms a new justice. Get someone universally respected like Bob Dole or Warren Rudman or Sandra O'Connor to fill in until the new President is sworn in on the condition that there is no filibuster of the new President's choice. It would be a terrible deal for the Dems likely but we would have some decisions handed down instead of allowing partisan politics to first delay the decisions then delay the appointment of a new justice....

SCOTUS is a joke. We know how they will rule before they ever do.

Here is the two things to know. They will rule in favor of something if:

1. It increases the power of the Federal government
2. And/or increases the power of corporate America which is one in the same.

It really is that easy.

You have my pity.
McConnell correctly pointed out that the next President should get to pick the SCOTUS judge

If it were suggested that an American Citizen go 10 months (or more) without a Senator or Congressman; there would be zero support for such suggestion. Allowing the court to be incomplete for 10 months is a bizarre suggestion as well.
McConnell correctly pointed out that the next President should get to pick the SCOTUS judge

If it were suggested that an American Citizen go 10 months (or more) without a Senator or Congressman; there would be zero support for such suggestion. Allowing the court to be incomplete for 10 months is a bizarre suggestion as well.

Actually, you may find a whole lot of support considering Congress only has a 13% approval rating.
this is where obama gets to guillotine the country. Was it natural or did obama have him assassinated?

you mean by appointing a justice who doesn't pervert our entire body of caselaw like scalia did?

nutcase. :cuckoo:

If you think that you're the nutcase:uhoh3:
Was there ever any doubt?

So spaketh the RWNJ's. :cuckoo:

No offense sweetie, but your law school is a radical, left wing place, with students that gave legal assistance to the the "occupy wall street movement".. Sorry if I'm not impressed with it
If this had happened say 2-3 months before the election I'd say they could stall that long and not get beaten silly over it. Not now, it's too far away. 9 months away, almost a year. A stall like that would herald in a permanent break-down of US Constitutional government.

If one party can in effect rule on their own in perpetuity by delay this form of government has run its course. We will have reached a point where one cohort in the population has deemed their beliefs trump the Constitution or form of government we have.

Go read some history, this is how democracies end. Not with a big bang, but by slow strangulation. I'm certainly not predicting anything, but history is not to be ignored.
I would not put it past the RW to stall and stall and stall...and I would not put it past the LW to take advantage of it in political ads.

As for the dead Justice....condolences to his children and grandchildren.
I don't think they will buckle...........some can be bought though.
Barney Fife.jpg

Just remember GOP, it's click it or ticket!
You went from this :
to this :
What, it's OK for you to cheer death, but not 'left loons'?

Their not dead, dumbass...but I can dream

Ah, so dreaming for someone's death is acceptable but cheering it once it happens, that's taboo?

Need a tissue?

obama can choose next .......?
is it true?

He nominates and then Congress has to confirm the person he nominated.
The Senate...not all of Congress.
McConnell correctly pointed out that the next President should get to pick the SCOTUS judge

If it were suggested that an American Citizen go 10 months (or more) without a Senator or Congressman; there would be zero support for such suggestion. Allowing the court to be incomplete for 10 months is a bizarre suggestion as well.

That's funny! The Dems took almost that long in 1987-88 when Powell retired. It took from June 1987 to February 1988 to get a new justice confirmed by the Dems in the Senate.
There is no way a replacement will be approved by the Senate in Obamas' term.

This should make the elections even more exciting.
this is where obama gets to guillotine the country. Was it natural or did obama have him assassinated?

you mean by appointing a justice who doesn't pervert our entire body of caselaw like scalia did?

nutcase. :cuckoo:

How did he "pervert" it? How do you pervert what is already perverted?

Oh look, Mr. Unelected Tyrannical Judges suddenly falls in love with the Court.

not to mention the "we the people" losers forget that "we the people" elected this president twice and WANT him to nominate justices.

little maroons.

The rest of us prefer not to be sold into your communist slavery.
you mean by appointing a justice who doesn't pervert our entire body of caselaw like scalia did?

nutcase. :cuckoo:

How did he "pervert" it? How do you pervert what is already perverted?

Oh look, Mr. Unelected Tyrannical Judges suddenly falls in love with the Court.

not to mention the "we the people" losers forget that "we the people" elected this president twice and WANT him to nominate justices.

little maroons.

he can nominate all he wants

getting in though may be harder


so "we the people" only matters when it's the winger brigade minority at the far right of the loony spectrum?

okie dokie, nut bar.

When "we the people" want to make me a slave, they can go fuck themselves.
Well....the longest period from nomination to confirmation in the last 50 years is 107 days.....

From March 1st to December 31st 2016 is 305 days.

Think the Republicans can hold out that long? hahaha

Well you dems loved that nuke option, how does it look now?
The Nuclear Option doesn't apply to SCOTUS nominations I believe.

I believe they can Schumer is already threatening it
What can Schumer do about it?
Quite obviously, there is a political reality to the death of Justice Scalia.

The court is split 4-4 between those appointed by Republican Presidents and those appointed by Democratic Presidents. If party lines are not crossed, there will be a lot of lower court decisions that remain since a 4-4 decisions by the Supreme Court let the lower court rulings stand. I believe that the new formation of the court in the next session can decide to re-hear the cases once the bench is filled. So we may just be hitting the pause button on a lot of cases.

The intersection of our presidential politics and the constitutional duties of the President have, perhaps, never been more interesting. Can you imagine it? The Senate's Majority Leader has said that there will be no hearings this year. This is pretty absurd but whatever...most people do not know enough about the workings of the SCOTUS to weigh in responsibly and whether we need 9 justices or not. As will amount to hitting the "pause button" on a lot of cases. Anyway...the people do not want to hear about what they don't know; to most Americans, you don't wait a year to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court...its dumb.

So lets say that the Senate gives in to what is sure to be the overwhelming public opinion and has hearings. Obama nominates a....well, does it matter? Reflexively, the GOP congress will hate them. Eventually, whoever the eventual nominee that makes it out of committee makes it to the floor and the Senate is set to approve the nominee...It's mid May or June.

Meanwhile the California Primary and it's hundreds of delegates are up for grabs. Cruz is still in it but he has to do this filibuster. The entire Senate despises this dude so they are happy to schedule the vote on the day of the primary so he has to be in Washington talking about non-sense.

Meanwhile the Senate has 24 GOP seats up for grabs. The Dems need to take 4 to re-take the Senate. Its almost a given that they will.
It may be wise to negotiate with Obama over a nominee rather than have zero input next year with Hillary picking the nominee with a Democratic controlled Senate.

Or... even worse for the GOP, Bernie could win. That's a serious gamble on their part.

If Obama nominates a moderate Hispanic, the GOP will be against a wall. Their true "right wing loser" colors will come out.

Obama won't nominate a moderate anything
There are no moderate democrats
So you are saying democrats are either conservative or liberal... RIGHT?
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

do tell what other presidents have been denied a justice a year before he will no longer be president?

we'll wait. although we do know you wingers couldn't care less what gets appointed.

just keep going for that G-d guns and gays, baby!
LBJ. He nominated Abe Fortas and he was never confirmed.

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