Breaking: LA Ex Cop on killing spree happening now

[It's a shame all of you want to disarm the good people to let the asshats like this nimrod kill without fear.

It's a shame people like you are the face of gun rights. :eek:

many of us who support gun rights and gun control get ignored when the kooks like westie screech so loud:eusa_shhh:

When we have people that are pro gun control gunning people down on the streets I side with the most rabid pro gun asshole in the world.
In the beginning of this guys "manifesto" it sounded like he had a legit beef.
Thats assuming all his accusations are true of course. But the guy obviously has issues.
Rather then starting a bunch of shit at work I believe I would have found employment elsewhere.
Unfortunately he goes with the "everyone must die" plan.
This guy is an F'n left wing loon of the highest order and should be shot down like a rabid dog.
He has had issues his whole life. He beat up kids since first grade. That's why liberals should not make words into weapons. They are just words.

He could've handled things way differently and gotten people to stop using words he didn't like instead of beating them up and letting it escalate his whole life until he turned into a killer.
He has had issues his whole life. He beat up kids since first grade. That's why liberals should not make words into weapons. They are just words.

He could've handled things way differently and gotten people to stop using words he didn't like instead of beating them up and letting it escalate his whole life until he turned into a killer.

Democrats told him that teasing blacks is a hate crime & they must be harshly punished.
That's why you need non nuts with guns (who outnumber the nutcases BTW) to deal with them. It's a shame all of you want to disarm the good people to let the asshats like this nimrod kill without fear.

All the people being murdered are non nuts and are armed. How the fuck is that working out?

Dante is not anti-gun. But what are ex-military and ex-law enforcement with mental issues doing with guns?

The guy that is killing people is anti gun, do you find that strange?

He is an Obama false flag attacker to elevate the gun ban sentiment.
He has killed three people so far claims he will kill everyone responsible for him being fired from LA police department. He is driving a dark gray pick up truck.


Cops are all over Los Angeles, San Diego where Dorner is believed to have stolen a boat yet was unable to get it running. His wallet found at Limburgh Airport in San Diego.

He has already killed 1 cop 1 female and 1 male.

The female is daughter of fellow officer.

The police have shot two innocent people believing them to be doner because of the truck they were driving.


Full text: Ex-LAPD cop, suspected murderer Christopher Dorner's ... hours ago

Full text: Ex-LAPD cop, suspected murderer Christopher Dorner's manifesto ... The following is the full text of Christopher Dorner's 'manifesto', ...
Ex-cop manhunt: Fresh tracks found in Big Bear snow

February 7, 2013

Authorities in Big Bear have spotted fresh tracks believed to be those of a fugitive ex-Los Angeles police officer wanted in connection with a series of shootings and are combing the area for him, a Fire Department official told The Times.

Big Bear Lake Fire Department Asst. Chief Mark Mills also said the burning pickup discovered on a forest road has been linked to Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, sought in connection with a series of shootings that have left three people dead and two wounded.

TV helicopters showed the pickup being readied to be towed from the scene.

The truck was discovered hours into an intensive manhunt for Dorner that spanned Southern California. Although sources said there had been multiple reported sightings of Dorner's truck in the Big Bear area on Thursday, the burnt truck was too badly charred to immediately confirm it was his.

Meanwhile, the mountain community locked down schools and closed the nearby Bear Mountain Resort as a fatigue-clad SWAT team walked through the woods, rifles drawn.

Sean Jacques, director of loss prevention for Big Bear Mountain Resorts, said that after the burning truck was discovered on a forest service road, local law enforcement told resort officials to keep an eye out for Dorner and provided a description of the suspect.


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Ex-cop manhunt: Fresh tracks found in Big Bear snow -
All the people being murdered are non nuts and are armed. How the fuck is that working out?

Dante is not anti-gun. But what are ex-military and ex-law enforcement with mental issues doing with guns?

The guy that is killing people is anti gun, do you find that strange?

He is an Obama false flag attacker to elevate the gun ban sentiment.

He is a gun control supporter. Read his Manifesto.
The same as that nut case Loughner being called a right wing crazed veteran by the media. The left-wing nutters don't care about accuracy they only care about getting their propaganda out. They fling a bunch of turds and hope some stick then deny that they threw any at all.
Beautiful. Just fucking beautiful. And so GOD damned predictable. The usual suspects can't help but make this political. He's a lefty! No, He's a righty!


When a person is this fucking disturbed how can anyone seriously believe that politics plays any role whatsoever? Or that it fucking matters?
I wonder if Morgan will admit that his and other Left wingers Anti-gun rhetoric maybe at least partially responsible for this man?

Piers Morgan Fan Goes On Shooting Rampage, Killing Three? | Weasel Zippers

From Christopher Dorner’s manifesto:


Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook.

Loves Piers Morgan:

…give Piers Morgan an indefinite resident alien and Visa card. Mr. Morgan, the problem that many American gun owners have with you and your continuous discussion of gun control is that you are not an American citizen and have an accent that is distinct and clarifies that you are a foreigner. I want you to know that I agree with you 100% on enacting stricter firearm laws.

The killer is also a huge Obama supporter and fan of gun-control.

Loves Obama:

You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama.

Pro Gun Control:

Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”
He has killed three people so far claims he will kill everyone responsible for him being fired from LA police department. He is driving a dark gray pick up truck.


Cops are all over Los Angeles, San Diego where Dorner is believed to have stolen a boat yet was unable to get it running. His wallet found at Limburgh Airport in San Diego.

He has already killed 1 cop 1 female and 1 male.

The female is daughter of fellow officer.

The police have shot two innocent people believing them to be doner because of the truck they were driving.
I feel for everyone 'fitting the description' there. Seriously, they shot two innocents already? Damn. Cops make me sick sometimes. They get pissed when you don't immediately pull over, imagine how pumped they are now.

They also took out that George Bush was his second favorite president and he was a Gary Johnson supporter last election. Sadly, he never did name his favoritest president. I'd guess Ronnie.

Allow me to assist you in answering that question...

Hillary Clinton. You’ll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest. Look at Castro in San Antonio as a running mate or possible secretary of state. He’s (good people) and I have faith and confidence in him. Look after Bill. He was always my favorite President.
Beautiful. Just fucking beautiful. And so GOD damned predictable. The usual suspects can't help but make this political. He's a lefty! No, He's a righty!


When a person is this fucking disturbed how can anyone seriously believe that politics plays any role whatsoever? Or that it fucking matters?

After reading the sections of the letter provided at Misty's link, I'd say he is not crazy.

I read loughner writings...and he was doubt about it.

This guy is just full of hate.

He knows what he is doing it's evil...he even calls it a necessary evil.

IMO, he believes the LAPD destroyed his life, and he is going to get revenge.
Don't make this political let's pay attention to cops shooting people by 'mistake'. They are as bad as nut in this case.
He has killed three people so far claims he will kill everyone responsible for him being fired from LA police department. He is driving a dark gray pick up truck.


Cops are all over Los Angeles, San Diego where Dorner is believed to have stolen a boat yet was unable to get it running. His wallet found at Limburgh Airport in San Diego.

He has already killed 1 cop 1 female and 1 male.

The female is daughter of fellow officer.

The police have shot two innocent people believing them to be doner because of the truck they were driving.
I feel for everyone 'fitting the description' there. Seriously, they shot two innocents already? Damn. Cops make me sick sometimes. They get pissed when you don't immediately pull over, imagine how pumped they are now.

I could be wrong, but I doubt those two women looked anything like the ex football player. The fracking truck wasn't even the same color as the one they were looking for.

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