Breaking: LA Ex Cop on killing spree happening now

Great. Another story to get you guys jazzed up and in the mood.
Disappointed you can't claim he's a Tea Party member or a FOX News watcher?

Are you happy that you can say he watches and is a fan of Piers Morgan and is a gun control advocate?

Does it get your jollies off?

This is all a sports game to you. Political football.

Try reading my first post on this subject it will answer your questions dumb ass.
I have read parts of this guy's manifesto where he gives praise to CNN, MSNBC and some of their on air people and some other liberal mined people while I don't think anything they have said or done has inspired him or played any part in what he has done it will be interesting to see if the media fixates on the networks or people he praised. I have seen neither CNN, or MSNBC cover this story tonight I think we all know if this guy had been praising FOX and some their on air people and other conservatives we would have seen a ton of coverage about him and probably several threads on here about it.
all of the recent mass shooters have the same left wing mind set as this piece of shit !! the left has spawned these loons.

They were all radical right wing nutcases. The right wing machine turns the feeble minded into violent lunatics.
I wonder if Morgan will admit that his and other Left wingers Anti-gun rhetoric maybe at least partially responsible for this man?

Piers Morgan Fan Goes On Shooting Rampage, Killing Three? | Weasel Zippers

From Christopher Dorner’s manifesto:


Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook.

Loves Piers Morgan:

…give Piers Morgan an indefinite resident alien and Visa card. Mr. Morgan, the problem that many American gun owners have with you and your continuous discussion of gun control is that you are not an American citizen and have an accent that is distinct and clarifies that you are a foreigner. I want you to know that I agree with you 100% on enacting stricter firearm laws.

The killer is also a huge Obama supporter and fan of gun-control.

Loves Obama:

You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama.

Pro Gun Control:

Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”

Weasel Zippers? Soopermexican? What kind of bullshit sites is that? :lol:

Nice try, but this is just more fabricated, ultra-right wing BS.
He has a hard time in the military too. He was heavily invested in racism. He filed numerous complaints of racial harrassment while in the LAPD all based on lies cooked up in his own deranged and racially motivated mind. That's why he was fired. He's another Colin Ferguson.

I didn't read that.

In his letter he said his partner kicked a suspect in custody, he reported it, the suspect confirmed it, his partners attorney admitted it...but he was fired.

I could see this happening.

Thin blue line and all, reporting his superior, a ranking female officer.

I will try to find something on that but it's almost impossible to get unflattering facts from the media.

I was surprised at the last news on the ground report. The officer giving the latest update said that the majority of people who live up there are well armed and have been told to be on the lookout for anyone who looks suspicious. Um who would be looking suspicious on that snow white mountain top?

Let me translate that ground report...

We are scared shitless and shooting at everything that moves...those civilians are on their own, cuz we aren't going up there in the dark...let them handle it, he isn't trying to kill them.

End report.

Not a good way to promote gun control...

"Why do you need an AR15?" They asked.

I need an AR15 for that day when a disturbed cop killer, ex-combat veteran, former law enforcement officer, fugitive from the police, bent on revenge invades my I at least have a chance to defend my family and neighbors... fact, I need two.
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And yet another example of how the police selection process is flawed. I wanna know why that weasel Cooper held onto the box for almost a week and let this dude go on his rampage.

I need an AR15 for that day when a disturbed cop killer, ex-combat veteran, former law enforcement officer, fugitive from the police, bent on revenge invades my mountain...

I would be more worriied about the cops who are shooting up every dark colored truck going by.
Killed Fullerton coach and fiance...
Manhunt on for ex-cop, Navy reservist accused of killing 3
February 7, 2013 -- A fired police officer who threatened to bring "warfare" to the Los Angeles Police Department went on a shooting rampage that left a policeman and two others dead and set off an extraordinary manhunt Thursday that put Southern California on edge, led hair-trigger officers to mistakenly shoot at innocent citizens and forced police to guard their own.
The search for Christopher Dorner had three states and Mexico on alert before shifting Thursday afternoon to the snowy mountains around Big Bear Lake, about 80 miles east of Los Angeles, where police found his burned-out pickup truck and tracks leading away from the vehicle. San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said 125 officers were going door to door and attempting to track the suspect, and that a SWAT team was providing added security to those in the community. Schools were put on lockdown while investigators examined the vehicle and spread out across the area. "He could be anywhere at this point, and that's why we're searching door to door," McMahon said, adding that the manhunt would continue "as long as we can." A snow storm was expected in the region with temperatures dipping into the teens overnight.

Said LAPD Assistant Chief Michel Moore: "This complex and violent investigation has led to this mountain." The pickup was to be processed at a crime lab Thursday evening and examined by investigators from multiple agencies. Throughout the day, thousands of heavily armed officers patrolled highways throughout Southern California, while some stood guard outside the homes of people police say Dorner vowed to attack in a rant posted online. Electronic billboards, which usually alert motorists about the commute, urged them to call 911 if they saw him. "I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare" to Los Angeles Police Department officers, on or off duty, said the manifesto. It also asserted: "Unfortunately, I will not be alive to see my name cleared. That's what this is about, my name. A man is nothing without his name."

Dorner, 33, had several weapons including an assault rifle, said police Chief Charlie Beck, who urged him to surrender at a press conference held amid heightened security in an underground room at police headquarters. "Of course he knows what he's doing; we trained him. He was also a member of the Armed Forces," he said. "It is extremely worrisome and scary." The nearly 10,000-member LAPD dispatched officers to protect more than 40 potential targets, including police officers and their families. The department also pulled officers from motorcycle duty, fearing they would make for easy targets. "I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, I'm terminating yours," the manifesto said. At one point, officers guarding one location mistakenly opened fire on a pickup truck, believing it matched the description of Dorner's dark-colored 2005 Nissan Titan. Two occupants were injured.

The chief said there had been a "night of extreme tragedy in the Los Angeles area" and that the department was taking measures to ensure the safety of officers. The search for Dorner, who was fired from the LAPD in 2008 for making false statements, began after he was linked to a weekend killing in which one of the victims was the daughter of a former police captain who had represented him during his disciplinary hearing. Thursday was the anniversary of his first day on the job at the department eight years ago. Monica Quan and her fiance, Keith Lawrence, were found shot in their car at a parking structure at their condominium on Sunday in Irvine. Quan, 28, was an assistant women's basketball coach at Cal State Fullerton. Lawrence, 27, was a public safety officer at the University of Southern California.


See also:

Car of Fired US Policeman Suspected of Killing 3 is Found
February 07, 2013 - Police are searching the mountains near a California ski resort for a fired Los Angeles officer suspected in three murders and who is threatening to kill all officers.
Police found Christopher Dorner's burned-out car in the woods near the town of Big Bear after a day-long manhunt. Dorner wrote in a very long and often rambling on-line manifesto that he will wage "unconventional and symmetrical warfare" on the Los Angeles Police Department. He says the attacks will stop only when the department states what he calls the truth about his firing.

Dorner has already allegedly killed three people. They include one officer, the daughter of the retired police captain who represented him at his disciplinary hearing, and her fiance. Authorities also say Dorner tied up the owner of a yacht in San Diego and tried to escape on his boat, but fled when the engine would not start. Police have stationed guards at the homes of officers who are potential targets. Two women were wounded when police fired at them near one home, mistaking their truck for Dorner's.

The 33-year-old Dorner was a Los Angeles police officer from 2005 until he was fired in 2008 for what the department says was making false statements. He had accused a fellow-officer of kicking a suspect in the face and chest. He says that officer is still on the force while he was fired. Dorner, an African-American, also accuses Los Angeles officers of racism and making fun of the Holocaust.

I can't believe the cops are shooting innocent people. wtf?

here's the perp:

L.L. Cool J??????
The LUNATIC FRINGE speaks out!


Yes they do and this US Combat Veteran, First Responder, and American hero who is spouting off about the 'tree of liberty' is very much like the Lunatic Fringe right here @ USMB

You say 'tree of liberty' like you have a problem with Thomas Jefferson. Is that true?

I'm tired of hearing that phrase come from knuckle-draggers and mouth-breathers who couldn't really tell you who Thomas Jefferson was.

They think it's just a cool t-shirt.
Armed Crazed Combat Veteran and ex Cop, ranting and raving about Liberty, like many people here do...on the loose. He has a manifesto online....crazed gun man rants about assault weapons ban..."tree of liberty must be..."

does this guy post here? If so, turn yourself in!

The Latest : UPDATE: Police seek Ex-LAPD officer Dorner in Riverside police shootings; 1 dead, manhunt underway in Southern California | 89.3 KPCC

This crazed veteran and hero and first responder is ranting about 'liberty1'

see what happens when nuts with guns and a grudge mistakenly believe the kind of crap Tea Party whackos, Occupy Anarchists and other misfits like Rand and Ron Paul followers spout?..

That's why you need non nuts with guns (who outnumber the nutcases BTW) to deal with them. It's a shame all of you want to disarm the good people to let the asshats like this nimrod kill without fear.

You mean like the non nuts/good people at the shooting range who did nothing when Chris Kyle was killed?
If he's going to kill the people responsible for his being fired, he has to off himself first because he was the one who lied.

This is ENTITLEMENT taken to its logical end. He was entitled to that job as police officer. That he was not qualified is not even a consideration. He was entitled. He was cheated of his entitlement. Of course this pretty much confirmes that he was never qualified, but that again, is beside the point.

I haven't met many cops who don't have a sense of entitlement. It has nothing to do with skin color.

You haven't met many cops.
I have, and Bfgrn is correct.
[It's a shame all of you want to disarm the good people to let the asshats like this nimrod kill without fear.

It's a shame people like you are the face of gun rights. :eek:

many of us who support gun rights and gun control get ignored when the kooks like westie screech so loud:eusa_shhh:

When we have people that are pro gun control gunning people down on the streets I side with the most rabid pro gun asshole in the world.
Like you need that excuse. :lol:

They also took out that George Bush was his second favorite president and he was a Gary Johnson supporter last election. Sadly, he never did name his favoritest president. I'd guess Ronnie.

Which proves that Bush is not a Republican.
Well, then he must be a fucking genius, because he fooled the entire Republican Party, in every state, and nearly half the country in 2000 and again in 2004.

Either that, or Republicans truly are dumbasses. :lol:

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