Breaking: LA Ex Cop on killing spree happening now

He is nothing like me, he is a coward, killing someones family members because they are an easier target, not only is he a coward, he is lazy, he needs to take up his problems with the people directly involved.

you need to pay more attention to things you are commenting on,....he is going after people who he says harmed him.


If you read the manifesto he is going after people who kicked black people during arrests and who called him the "n" word and were not punished for their actions.

He has been beating up kids in school from the time he was young for calling him the "n" word.
You know, people who get filled with rage and strike out are angry because of whatever happens to them in their lives and they can't handle it sanely. The Columbine killers were angry at being bullied. The kid who killed all those babies in Newtown was angry at being different and being sent to an institution, Ted Bundy was angry at how some woman with long dark hair parted in the middle treated him, Aileen Wuornos didn't like the way men treated her, etc. This guy didn't like the way some racists treated him. This really isn't about race, it's about people who go nuts and want to kill a lot of other people because of their uncontrolable, evil rage.

He's a sick, evil nut just like Wuornos, Bundy, Harris & Klebold, Lanza and all the others. Put it into perspective and do not make this a racial issue.
He has killed three people so far claims he will kill everyone responsible for him being fired from LA police department. He is driving a dark gray pick up truck.


Cops are all over Los Angeles, San Diego where Dorner is believed to have stolen a boat yet was unable to get it running. His wallet found at Limburgh Airport in San Diego.

He has already killed 1 cop 1 female and 1 male.

The female is daughter of fellow officer.

The police have shot two innocent people believing them to be doner because of the truck they were driving.
I feel for everyone 'fitting the description' there. Seriously, they shot two innocents already? Damn. Cops make me sick sometimes. They get pissed when you don't immediately pull over, imagine how pumped they are now.
Those cops should be summarily fired. There is absolutely no excuse for their action and they clearly cannot be trusted to behave responsibly under arms. As it is they have engendered multi-million dollar lawsuits which will be impossible to defend.
I have read parts of this guy's manifesto where he gives praise to CNN, MSNBC and some of their on air people and some other liberal mined people while I don't think anything they have said or done has inspired him or played any part in what he has done it will be interesting to see if the media fixates on the networks or people he praised. I have seen neither CNN, or MSNBC cover this story tonight I think we all know if this guy had been praising FOX and some their on air people and other conservatives we would have seen a ton of coverage about him and probably several threads on here about it.
all of the recent mass shooters have the same left wing mind set as this piece of shit !! the left has spawned these loons.

They were all radical right wing nutcases. The right wing machine turns the feeble minded into violent lunatics.

not in this case apparently, or it that to tough for you to swallow?:eusa_whistle:
Thanks to all of the press on gun violence this guy is busting caps instead of tearing down Tea Party signs.

What do you think was the catalyst for his sudden anger over being fired years ago?
Wow!A leftist mass murderer who kills with a gun and wants Obama to institute gun control.

Can't make this stuff up.

How do we know his politics? Nothing far as I can tell

He was a cop, first and cop killer second.

What we do know is the guy is pissed at the cops.

If you know more than that about his political POV, I'd love to see it.
The guy that is killing people is anti gun, do you find that strange?
I believe that is residual from his police orientation. The vast majority of (if not all) police are in favor of rigid restrictions on civilian access to firearms.

There are a lot of police officer forums. Take a look at a few and then decide whether the vast majority (if not all) police are in favor of rigid restrictions on civilian access to firearms.

I would post links but I'm not sure what this board's policy is on links to other message boards. LEO forums are readily available.
Wow!A leftist mass murderer who kills with a gun and wants Obama to institute gun control.

Can't make this stuff up.

How do we know his politics? Nothing far as I can tell

He was a cop, first and cop killer second.

What we do know is the guy is pissed at the cops.

If you know more than that about his political POV, I'd love to see it.

Did you not read the manifesto? It's pretty clear where he stands.
He has killed three people so far claims he will kill everyone responsible for him being fired from LA police department. He is driving a dark gray pick up truck.


Cops are all over Los Angeles, San Diego where Dorner is believed to have stolen a boat yet was unable to get it running. His wallet found at Limburgh Airport in San Diego.

He has already killed 1 cop 1 female and 1 male.

The female is daughter of fellow officer.

The police have shot two innocent people believing them to be doner because of the truck they were driving.
I feel for everyone 'fitting the description' there. Seriously, they shot two innocents already? Damn. Cops make me sick sometimes. They get pissed when you don't immediately pull over, imagine how pumped they are now.
Those cops should be summarily fired. There is absolutely no excuse for their action and they clearly cannot be trusted to behave responsibly under arms. As it is they have engendered multi-million dollar lawsuits which will be impossible to defend.

They won't be fired. They were a special detail guarding one of the named targets in the manifesto. They had orders to shoot to kill. They did not shoot to kill, the women received minor wounds. Torrance will pay these women off for their injuries and that's the end of it.
In the beginning of this guys "manifesto" it sounded like he had a legit beef.
Thats assuming all his accusations are true of course. But the guy obviously has issues.
Rather then starting a bunch of shit at work I believe I would have found employment elsewhere.
Unfortunately he goes with the "everyone must die" plan.
This guy is an F'n left wing loon of the highest order and should be shot down like a rabid dog.

It's LAPD, basically a criminal street gang. Little question that his accusations are true.

Doesn't excuse him, though. Writing an expose or starting blog are the way to expose LAPD. Murder actually diminishes his message.
Torrance will pay these women off for their injuries...

No more delivering newspapers. They're California's latest millionaires.

Nope. They'll get a few thousand each and a new car. The police didn't do anything wrong, in these circumstances, at least. These police officers acted very reasonably with extreme caution because they did not shoot to kill.
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Full text: Ex-LAPD cop, suspected murderer Christopher Dorner's ... hours ago

Full text: Ex-LAPD cop, suspected murderer Christopher Dorner's manifesto ... The following is the full text of Christopher Dorner's 'manifesto', ...

That is nowhere NEAR the 22 page manifesto Dorner posted.

Here is the real one.
News Media Scrub Cop Murderer?s Manifesto of Pro-Obama, Hillary, MSNBC, CNN, Gay, and Anti-Gun Comments | SOOPERMEXICAN

Notice how the redacted one you posted cut out;

{ In the end, I hope that you will realize that the small arms I utilize should not be accessed with the ease that I obtained them. Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”}

Dorner is a leftist whackjob, a gungrabbing Obamabot.
Torrance will pay these women off for their injuries...

No more delivering newspapers. They're California's latest millionaires.

Nope. They'll get a few thousand each and a new car. The police didn't do anything wrong, in these circumstances, at least. These police officers acted very reasonably with extreme caution because they did not shoot to kill.

I guess we'll see what they get, but I disagree they acted reasonably (one should NEVER shoot without knowing one's target) and I disagree even more that they "did not shoot to kill". I suspect they simply missed...and if you've seen the pictures of the truck full of bullet holes, they missed a lot.

With one exception, the cops I know hit the range no more than once per year to qualify with less than 100 rounds while my IPSC/IDPA buddies and I can put over 25,000 rounds downrange each year.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens with these innocent ladies. I read one took a bullet in the hand, the other in the back. I really feel for them.
On the 11 pm news, they had a whole string of people to interview singing Dorner's praises. They did everything but put a halo around his poor misunderstood head. He was just done wrong.

He's not on that mountain any more. Any fool could see that he parked his car in a place where it would be easily found, torched to make sure they did find it and he drove off in a now unidentified vehicle. Someone is helping him. He's got homies who are as racist as he is and hate the police just as much or more.
No more delivering newspapers. They're California's latest millionaires.

Nope. They'll get a few thousand each and a new car. The police didn't do anything wrong, in these circumstances, at least. These police officers acted very reasonably with extreme caution because they did not shoot to kill.

I guess we'll see what they get, but I disagree they acted reasonably (one should NEVER shoot without knowing one's target) and I disagree even more that they "did not shoot to kill". I suspect they simply missed...and if you've seen the pictures of the truck full of bullet holes, they missed a lot.

With one exception, the cops I know hit the range no more than once per year to qualify with less than 100 rounds while my IPSC/IDPA buddies and I can put over 25,000 rounds downrange each year.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens with these innocent ladies. I read one took a bullet in the hand, the other in the back. I really feel for them.

I feel sorry for them too. It's called failure to be aware. If they had been paying attention, they would have known that they were driving the same kind of vehicle that the police were looking for and put it in the garage, taken another car. The ladies had no idea that they were delivering papers to a residence under armed guard. It was a set of unfortunate circumstances.

The range the Torrance cops use is Sharpshooters on 208th street. I've been there a million times. It's always full of TPD.
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He's not on that mountain any more. Any fool could see that he parked his car in a place where it would be easily found, torched to make sure they did find it and he drove off in a now unidentified vehicle.

I thought the same thing last night. No way he'd be that obvious with the burning truck and then hang around in the mountains. I could be wrong, but I bet he's nowhere near there.

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