Breaking: LA Ex Cop on killing spree happening now

Why do all the uncensored versions end mid-sentence? Does his manifesto indeed end mid-sentence?


All of the uncensored versions are identical. The ones the party propaganda outlets are posting vary considerably.
Why do all the uncensored versions end mid-sentence? Does his manifesto indeed end mid-sentence?

Not sure what you mean. I believe this is the entire version:

Christopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) «

Warning, it's a long unfocused rant.

From your link. The last paragraph.

Mr. Bill Cosby, you are a reasonable and talented man who has spoken the truth of the cultural anomalies within the black communities that need to change now. The black communities’ resentment toward you is because they don’t like hearing the truth or having their clear and evident dirty laundry aired to the nation. The problem is, the country is not blind nor dumb. They believe we are animals. Do not mute your unvarnished truthful speech or moral compass. Blacks must strive for more in life than bling, hoes, and cars. The current culture is an epidemic that leaves them with no discernible future. They’re suffocating and don’t even know it. MLK Jr. Would be mortified at what he worked so hard for in our acceptance as equal beings and how unfortunately we stopped progressing and began digressing. Chicago’s youth violence is a prime example of how our black communities values have declined. We can not address this nation’s intolerant issues until we address our own communities morality issues first. Accountability. We need to hold ou”

At the end of your link is another link to an uncensored version which ends the same way.

Ah, now I see. That is weird.
I copied the entire Christopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) into MS word document. It is 47 pages long & contains 16,879 words.

He is a radicalized Obama supporter who hates people who speak against Obama.
Her's the relevant part:

"No amount of IMINT, MASINT, and ELINT assist you in capturing me. I am off the grid. You better use your feet, tongue and every available DOD/ NON-DOD HUMINT agency, contractor to find me. I know your route to and from home, and your division. I know your significant others routine, your children’s best friends and recess. I know Your Sancha’s gym hours and routine. I assure you that the casualty rate will be high. Because of that, no one will remember your name. You will merely be a DR# and “that guy” who was KIA/EOW or long term IOD/light duty in the kit room. This is exactly why “station 500″ was created. Unfortunately, orphanages will be making a comeback in the 21st century.

If you had a well regulated AWB, this would not happen. The time is now to reinstitute a ban that will save lives. Why does any sportsman need a 30 round magazine for hunting? Why does anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a AR15 rifle? This is the same small arms weapons system utilized in eradicating Al Qaeda, Taliban, and every enemy combatant since the Vietnam war. Don’t give me that crap that its not a select fire or full auto rifle like the DoD uses. That’s bullshit because troops who carry the M-4/M-16 weapon system for combat ops outside the wire rarely utilize the select fire function when in contact with enemy combatants. The use of select fire probably isn’t even 1% in combat. So in essence, the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle is the same as the M-4/M-16. These do not need to be purchased as easily as walking to your local Walmart or striking the enter key on your keyboard to “add to cart”. All the firearms utilized in my activities are registered to me and were legally purchased at gun stores and private party transfers. All concealable weapons (pistols) were also legally register in my name at police stations or FFL’s. Unfortunately, are you aware that I obtained class III weapons (suppressors) without a background check thru NICS or DROS completely LEGALLY several times? I was able to use a trust account that I created on quicken will maker and a $10 notary charge at a mailbox etc. to obtain them legally. Granted, I am not a felon, nor have a DV misdemeanor conviction or active TRO against me on a NCIC file. I can buy any firearm I want, but should I be able to purchase these class III weapons (SBR’s, and suppressors) without a background check and just a $10 notary signature on a quicken will maker program? The answer is NO. I’m not even a resident of the state i purchased them in. Lock n Load just wanted money so they allow you to purchase class III weapons with just a notarized trust, military ID. Shame on you, Lock n Load. NFA and ATF need new laws and policies that do not allow loopholes such as this. In the end, I hope that you will realize that the small arms I utilize should not be accessed with the ease that I obtained them. Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”

Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national AWB. Never again should any public official state that their prayers and thoughts are with the family. That has become cliche’ and meaningless. Its time for action. Let this be your legacy that you bestow to America. Do not be swayed by obstacles, antagaonist, and naysayers. Remember the innocent children at Austin, Kent, Stockton, Fullerton, San Diego, Iowa City, Jonesboro, Columbine, Nickel Mines, Blacksburg, Springfield, Red Lake, Chardon, Aurora, and Newtown. Make sure this never happens again!!!

In my cache you will find several small arms. In the cache, Bushmaster firearms, Remington precision rifles, and AAC Suppressors (silencers). All of these small arms are manufactured by Cerberus/Freedom Group. The same company responsible for the Portland mall shooting, Webster , NY, and Sandy Hook massacre.

You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama. A woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives. You call his supporters, whether black, brown, yellow, or white, leeches, FSA, welfare recipients, and ni$&er lovers. You say this openly without any discretion. Before you start with your argument that you believe I would vote for Obama because he has the same skin color as me, fuck you. I didn’t vote in this last election as my choice of candidate, John Huntsman, didn’t win the primary candidacy for his party. Mr. President, I haven’t agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven’t agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you’ve done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn’t think you were going to pull that one off. Romney, stop being a sore loser. You could’ve exited graciously and still contributed significantly to public service, not now. Mr. President, get back to work. Many want to see you fail as they have stated so many times previously. Unfortunately, if you fail, the U.S. fails but your opponents do not concern themselves about the big picture. Do not forget your commitment to transparency in your administration. Sometimes I believe your administration forgets that. America, you will realize today and tomorrow that this world is made up of all human beings who have the same general needs and wants in life for themselves, their kin, community, and state. That is the freedom to LIVE and LOVE. They may eat different foods, enjoy different music, have different dialects, or speak a second language, but in essence are no different from you and I. This is America. We are not a perfect sovereign country as we have our own flaws but we are the closest that will ever exist."
In the beginning of this guys "manifesto" it sounded like he had a legit beef.
Thats assuming all his accusations are true of course. But the guy obviously has issues.
Rather then starting a bunch of shit at work I believe I would have found employment elsewhere.Unfortunately he goes with the "everyone must die" plan.This guy is an F'n left wing loon of the highest order and should be shot down like a rabid dog.
It's LAPD, basically a criminal street gang. Little question that his accusations are true.
oesn't excuse him, though. Writing an expose or starting blog are the waytoexpose LAPD.
This is exactly why guns must be confiscated, if people didn't have guns, none of this would have happened, nor would he have had the balls to post that shit on the net.Him and all the rest of you would have gone to work the next day and except life.

Are you being sarcastic? or did you leave out the word "not"?
I feel really horrible about the 2 women that were accidentally shot.

That could've been anyone of us. I think the LAPD acted like scared little pussies shooting at a truck just cuz it was dark. It's unbelievable.

They should each get a million bucks. Actually everyone in California should get a million bucks since our coppers are such pussies.

They shoot innocent people all the time out here.

I think dorner is a kook but the cops are out of control especially in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is a hell hole. A disgrace to California.
I hope those cops lose their jobs and the city pays millions.

This is exactly why guns must be confiscated, if people didn't have guns, none of this would have happened, nor would he have had the balls to post that shit on the net.

Are you on crack? Cops are the only ones you Feinstein minions think should have guns. But unfortunately for you he not only is breaking the law now, but was breaking the law when he was a police officer by owning banned weapons. And I am gonna drive that nail in your Leftytoon skulls every chance I get.

I feel really horrible about the 2 women that were accidentally shot.

They were intentionally shot.
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I feel really horrible about the 2 women that were accidentally shot.

That could've been anyone of us. I think the LAPD acted like scared little pussies shooting at a truck just cuz it was dark. It's unbelievable.

They should each get a million bucks. Actually everyone in California should get a million bucks since our coppers are such pussies.

They shoot innocent people all the time out here.

I think dorner is a kook but the cops are out of control especially in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is a hell hole. A disgrace to California.

The wimen were not shot by LAPD? It didn't even happen in Los Angeles. Actually nothing happened in Los Angeles.
I feel really horrible about the 2 women that were accidentally shot.
That could've been anyone of us. I think the LAPD acted like scared little pussies shooting at a truck just cuz it was dark. It's unbelievable.

They should each get a million bucks. Actually everyone in California should get a million bucks since our coppers are such pussies.

They shoot innocent people all the time out here.
I think dorner is a kook but the cops are out of control especially in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles is a hell hole. A disgrace to California.

The wimen were not shot by LAPD? It didn't even happen in Los Angeles. Actually nothing happened in Los Angeles.

"Two women who were delivering newspapers in Torrance, Calif., early Thursday were shot by jittery Los Angeles police officers who mistakenly thought cop-hunting fugitive Christopher Dorner might be in their vehicle, reported.
One was shot once and the other twice; both were were expected to survive. Police did not release their names.

REUTERS/Patrick T. Fallon
Police detectives investigate a shooting scene involving a black Honda pickup truck in Torrance, Calif. Police opened fire on the vehicle in a case of mistaken identity while searching for former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner.

The LAPD detectives were in the neighborhood to watch over a home they believed Dorner might target. Hours earlier, the fired cop had allegedly ambushed officers in two other cities, killing one of them."

Ok so LAPD shot them in Torrence.
Nothing happened in Los Angeles. Not so far. The daughter of Dornan's lawyer and her boyfriend were shot in Irvine. In Orange county. Two officers were shot one killed in Corona. Riverside county. The burned out truck was found in Big Bear. San Bernardino county.
I've driven from san Diego to Santa barbara a million and one times and first you start off in beautiful California then you enter this horrible disgusting hell hole, Los Angeles, then you get on the other side of it and you are back in beautiful California again. It's very weird.
Nothing happened in Los Angeles. Not so far. The daughter of Dornan's lawyer and her boyfriend were shot in Irvine. In Orange county. Two officers were shot one killed in Corona. Riverside county. The burned out truck was found in Big Bear. San Bernardino county.

He was also in national city down by the border where he tried to steal a boat and point Loma where he spent 2 nights in a hotel.

But the 2 chicks were shot by LAPD.
Wow!A leftist mass murderer who kills with a gun and wants Obama to institute gun control.

Can't make this stuff up.

How do we know his politics? Nothing far as I can tell

He was a cop, first and cop killer second.

What we do know is the guy is pissed at the cops.

If you know more than that about his political POV, I'd love to see it.

He wrote a manifesto where he praised gun control, Obama, Clinton, and Piers Fucking Morgan. How do you not know his politics? Is it because you get all your news from MSNBC?
I feel for everyone 'fitting the description' there. Seriously, they shot two innocents already? Damn. Cops make me sick sometimes. They get pissed when you don't immediately pull over, imagine how pumped they are now.
Those cops should be summarily fired. There is absolutely no excuse for their action and they clearly cannot be trusted to behave responsibly under arms. As it is they have engendered multi-million dollar lawsuits which will be impossible to defend.

They won't be fired. They were a special detail guarding one of the named targets in the manifesto. They had orders to shoot to kill. They did not shoot to kill, the women received minor wounds. Torrance will pay these women off for their injuries and that's the end of it.

They should be fired. If their orders sanctioned opening fire on innocent people delivering newspapers the person who gave those orders should be prosecuted.
No more delivering newspapers. They're California's latest millionaires.

Nope. They'll get a few thousand each and a new car. The police didn't do anything wrong, in these circumstances, at least. These police officers acted very reasonably with extreme caution because they did not shoot to kill.

I guess we'll see what they get, but I disagree they acted reasonably (one should NEVER shoot without knowing one's target) and I disagree even more that they "did not shoot to kill". I suspect they simply missed...and if you've seen the pictures of the truck full of bullet holes, they missed a lot.

With one exception, the cops I know hit the range no more than once per year to qualify with less than 100 rounds while my IPSC/IDPA buddies and I can put over 25,000 rounds downrange each year.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens with these innocent ladies. I read one took a bullet in the hand, the other in the back. I really feel for them.

More than a lot. The women were lucky they aren't dead, and the city is going to settle this one ASAP.
Nope. They'll get a few thousand each and a new car. The police didn't do anything wrong, in these circumstances, at least. These police officers acted very reasonably with extreme caution because they did not shoot to kill.

I guess we'll see what they get, but I disagree they acted reasonably (one should NEVER shoot without knowing one's target) and I disagree even more that they "did not shoot to kill". I suspect they simply missed...and if you've seen the pictures of the truck full of bullet holes, they missed a lot.

With one exception, the cops I know hit the range no more than once per year to qualify with less than 100 rounds while my IPSC/IDPA buddies and I can put over 25,000 rounds downrange each year.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens with these innocent ladies. I read one took a bullet in the hand, the other in the back. I really feel for them.

I feel sorry for them too. It's called failure to be aware. If they had been paying attention, they would have known that they were driving the same kind of vehicle that the police were looking for and put it in the garage, taken another car. The ladies had no idea that they were delivering papers to a residence under armed guard. It was a set of unfortunate circumstances.

The range the Torrance cops use is Sharpshooters on 208th street. I've been there a million times. It's always full of TPD.

Fuck that, the fact that the cops are looking for a vehicle is does not mean anyone else who owns a similar vehicle shouldn't drive it, it means the police have to pay attention.
It's LAPD, basically a criminal street gang. Little question that his accusations are true.

Doesn't excuse him, though. Writing an expose or starting blog are the way to expose LAPD.

This is exactly why guns must be confiscated, if people didn't have guns, none of this would have happened, nor would he have had the balls to post that shit on the net.
Him and all the rest of you would have gone to work the next day and except life.

So you're saying cops shouldnt have guns?

That would certainly reduce the collateral damage.
It's LAPD, basically a criminal street gang. Little question that his accusations are true.

Doesn't excuse him, though. Writing an expose or starting blog are the way to expose LAPD.

This is exactly why guns must be confiscated, if people didn't have guns, none of this would have happened, nor would he have had the balls to post that shit on the net.
Him and all the rest of you would have gone to work the next day and except life.

So you're saying cops shouldnt have guns?

Cops should never have guns. Only citizens should have arms. Cops are dangerous & kill 5.5 times more innocent people than armed citizens even though armed citizens kill 2.5 times more criminals than cops.

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