Breaking: LA Ex Cop on killing spree happening now

He sounds like someone who was always a little off, and then when he lost his job, it just tipped him over the edge. They read a few excerpts from his "manifesto" on this news this morning, all I can say is wow, he's crazy.
He got fired in 2008. The trigger was his getting dismissed from the Naval Reserve Unit.

But it was his dismissal as commanding officer of a Naval Security Forces reserve unit this month that may have unleashed frustration from years of feeling disrespected, experts said. As a result, he wants to "eradicate the symbols of injustice," Levin said.

Christopher Dorner's manifesto reveals an unraveled mind, experts say - LA Daily News
Imagine the insanity if this guy was a Tea Party member who hates Obama.

Instead one of his inspirations is the words of Obama.

Unbelievable, but I predicted this weeks ago.
Poor Liberals, I guess the Union wasn't enough to keep this Obama supporting ex cop from getting fired, and losing his mind. It's time to take away guns from ex cops who register as Democrats.
He sounds like someone who was always a little off, and then when he lost his job, it just tipped him over the edge. They read a few excerpts from his "manifesto" on this news this morning, all I can say is wow, he's crazy.

He was more than a little off since grade school. He says every time someone said ****** that he punched, kicked & strangled them & wanted to shoot them. He was disciplined many times for that in school. It is his main source of friction with his fellow officers. He failed to comprehend "sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". When someone said something he did not like, he violently attacked them.

His training had to have covered lawful use of force. You cannot use force unless you are physically assaulted or have a genuine fear for your life. He has been way out of bounds his entire life. This is so far beyond "stand your ground".

This is a Democrat created issue. He has been radicalized by their hate crime & hate speech rhetoric. This blood is on their hands, it is their mess to clean up.
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Did I miss something? How do we know this man is an "Obama supporter"?:confused:

You missed a lot.

{ Mr. President, I haven't agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven't agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you've done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn't think you were going to pull that one off. Romney, stop being a sore loser. You could've exited graciously and still contributed significantly to public service, not now. Mr. President, get back to work. Many want to see you fail as they have stated so many times previously. Unfortunately, if you fail, the U.S. fails but your opponents do not concern themselves about the big picture. }


The party media has redacted the last 11 pages of the manifesto on most sites.
I can't find that passage in your link. :/

I know in his manifesto, he praised Bush, Clinton, Christie, and Colin Powell, as well has a host of celebrities, but I hadn't heard anything about Obama.
Did I miss something? How do we know this man is an "Obama supporter"?:confused:

From what he posted online, in his own words:

Mr. President, I haven’t agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven’t agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you’ve done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn’t think you were going to pull that one off.

He was also a Huntsman fan. Likes Feinstein too:

Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing...

An uncensored version is found here:

Christopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) «

However screwed up his political affiliations, I hope they put him down quick.
He's not on that mountain any more. Any fool could see that he parked his car in a place where it would be easily found, torched to make sure they did find it and he drove off in a now unidentified vehicle.

I thought the same thing last night. No way he'd be that obvious with the burning truck and then hang around in the mountains. I could be wrong, but I bet he's nowhere near there.

I was thinking he may have had a motorcycle in the back of his truck and then burned the truck as a distraction while he drove away. He'd be hidden under a helmet he could be long gone by now.

The torture of these cop's families, knowing that this guy is laying in wait to kill them, must be unbearable.
And of course like any nutter, he has a nutter following him rooting him on, to kill.

Ya this is a bad week to pass in your guns.
Why do all the uncensored versions end mid-sentence? Does his manifesto indeed end mid-sentence?
Just because he SAYS he supports obama doesn't mean he really does.

^ and that my friends will be the talking point of the day sent to all good liberal democrats everywhere, courtesy of those Democrats who know best for everybody else. :lol:
In the beginning of this guys "manifesto" it sounded like he had a legit beef.
Thats assuming all his accusations are true of course. But the guy obviously has issues.
Rather then starting a bunch of shit at work I believe I would have found employment elsewhere.
Unfortunately he goes with the "everyone must die" plan.
This guy is an F'n left wing loon of the highest order and should be shot down like a rabid dog.

It's LAPD, basically a criminal street gang. Little question that his accusations are true.

Doesn't excuse him, though. Writing an expose or starting blog are the way to expose LAPD.

This is exactly why guns must be confiscated, if people didn't have guns, none of this would have happened, nor would he have had the balls to post that shit on the net.
Him and all the rest of you would have gone to work the next day and except life.
In the beginning of this guys "manifesto" it sounded like he had a legit beef.
Thats assuming all his accusations are true of course. But the guy obviously has issues.
Rather then starting a bunch of shit at work I believe I would have found employment elsewhere.
Unfortunately he goes with the "everyone must die" plan.
This guy is an F'n left wing loon of the highest order and should be shot down like a rabid dog.

It's LAPD, basically a criminal street gang. Little question that his accusations are true.

Doesn't excuse him, though. Writing an expose or starting blog are the way to expose LAPD.

This is exactly why guns must be confiscated, if people didn't have guns, none of this would have happened, nor would he have had the balls to post that shit on the net.
Him and all the rest of you would have gone to work the next day and except life.

So you're saying cops shouldnt have guns?
Did I miss something? How do we know this man is an "Obama supporter"?:confused:

From what he posted online, in his own words:

Mr. President, I haven’t agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven’t agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you’ve done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn’t think you were going to pull that one off.

He was also a Huntsman fan. Likes Feinstein too:

Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing...

An uncensored version is found here:

Christopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) «

However screwed up his political affiliations, I hope they put him down quick.

I don't care who he likes but I am at a loss as the splitting of hairs and lack of media angst, if this guy had been white, and mentioned bush, condi and glen beck even if he threw some nibbles feinstien or obama way, it would not matter, imagine if he belonged to a "right wing" militia despite the fact hes had a huge amount of military and police trng., ( symptomatic of rw nutters everywhere), he'd have been cast as Loughner was already , hey does he have any Hispanic family members, we can classify him as afro-Hispanic;)
Why do all the uncensored versions end mid-sentence? Does his manifesto indeed end mid-sentence?

Not sure what you mean. I believe this is the entire version:

Christopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) «

Warning, it's a long unfocused rant.

From your link. The last paragraph.

Mr. Bill Cosby, you are a reasonable and talented man who has spoken the truth of the cultural anomalies within the black communities that need to change now. The black communities’ resentment toward you is because they don’t like hearing the truth or having their clear and evident dirty laundry aired to the nation. The problem is, the country is not blind nor dumb. They believe we are animals. Do not mute your unvarnished truthful speech or moral compass. Blacks must strive for more in life than bling, hoes, and cars. The current culture is an epidemic that leaves them with no discernible future. They’re suffocating and don’t even know it. MLK Jr. Would be mortified at what he worked so hard for in our acceptance as equal beings and how unfortunately we stopped progressing and began digressing. Chicago’s youth violence is a prime example of how our black communities values have declined. We can not address this nation’s intolerant issues until we address our own communities morality issues first. Accountability. We need to hold ou”

At the end of your link is another link to an uncensored version which ends the same way.

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