Breaking: Man Set to Testify Against Clinton Foundation Found Dead of Apparent Suicide

Cut another notch?

Let's see if this thread disappears as quickly as mine of that title.....
it should's FAKE as far as the title....this has NOTHING to do with the Clintons or the Clinton foundation, at least NOT in this linked article. No where, other than a right winger's lie that it did....the news part in the article DID NOT mention one itty bitty connection to the Clinton foundation?
Cut another notch?

Let's see if this thread disappears as quickly as mine of that title.....
it should's FAKE as far as the title....this has NOTHING to do with the Clintons or the Clinton foundation, at least NOT in this linked article. No where, other than a right winger's lie that it did....the news part in the article DID NOT mention one itty bitty connection to the Clinton foundation?
The other thread on this has an article that mentions the guy was also expected to testify about the Clinton Foundation misappropriating donations. No other explanation or details given.
Apparently his restaurant was feeding 2,000 people a day after the earthquake. Photo: Muncheez -

Translated by google

Tribute to Klaus Eberwein: "We do not strike a man ashore"! By Cyrus Sibert
13 July 2017 aladanel 3 Reviews
# Haiti - "The vicissitudes of technicians, pressed by hypocritical politicians who act in the shadows"

Cap-Haitien, Thursday 13 July 2017 (( - The announcement of the death of Klaus Eberwein is sad. Klaus is known as a humble, wise, good-natured man who does not like to disappoint his friends. He is, to some extent, a victim of his good-natured character. For it is a rumor that, having lost control of the administration he led, the accounts are not well ordered.

Unlike all those who find in the death of this young man an opportunity to express their animality, at ReseauCitadelle we think that it should launch the debate on the delimitation between the political power and the public administration.

According to information, Klaus lived a difficult life in Florida, with many economic difficulties, health problems, a continuous depression with impacts on his family life. The man would have lived his last days in a very modest room that does not fit with the perception of a dilapidator of the coffers of the state that one seeks to stick to his reputation.

Parliamentarians and influential politicians played on his kindness to demand donations, funding, materials, projects, and a loss of control over the administration he led.

Klaus, whose body is sought to be dragged through the mud, is a good and great man. He ended up in a stalemate because he abandoned his private activities as a businessman for public administration like so many others who wanted to serve their country. We doubt that he did not have the means to defend himself. On the contrary, not being able to undergo political persecution, man has cracked. He is disgusted by the hypocrisy of those he has served without reserve, those who had stormed his administration in the name of friendship, political brotherhood or mutual aid between institutions of The state (legislative / executive).

The parliamentarians, the influential personalities, all those who forced Klaus Eberwein's note and then abandoned him to his fate, have blood on their hands.

If Klaus committed suicide, without praising suicide, we think firmly, it is out of greatness of soul. The man chose death instead of being humiliated by these parliamentarians, those unconscious politicians, those ex-advisers of the President of the Republic who demanded more and more from him.

Unfortunately, Klaus did not have the courage of this ex-finance minister who keeps repeating to parliamentarians that they are the primary beneficiaries of PetroCaribe funds; Politicians hidden behind professionals who authorize or account for public funds against whom they exert all forms of pressure.

It is no secret that the electoral campaign of all parliamentarians of INITE in 2009 was funded by the PetroCaribe funds. Other parliamentary figures were responsible for several projects funded by PetroCaribe in Artibonite.

Even when we are accountable, we must not condone this practice of scapegoats, this institutionalized hypocrisy by Haitian parliamentarians, in their logic of total political control, widespread impunity through immunity and social domination .

At ReseauCitadelle, we are not fooled!

comments are a bit interesting to if one takes the time to translate them.

Apparently linked to this guy to somehow....PART III - CONFLICT OF INTEREST?

And Klaus owned these url's plus fb page Datavision and Datavision S.A. and another connector in that all goes to Jean-Marc Mercier has been Global Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets at HSBC Holdings plc since May 2015. Jean-Marc Mercier served as Head of European Syndicate at HSBC Holdings plc from December 2007 to 2010. Jean-Marc Mercier served as Global Head of Debt Syndicate at HSBC Holdings ...and I bet if one searches far enough it will also tie in a certain lebanese mexican in the mix.

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