BREAKING: Mario Cuomo Dead at 82

That's sad to hear let's hope all the partisan political garbage we see when a politician dies is kept to a minimum.

Mario was a huge disappointment to most liberals like Dante. He struggled over a decision to lead when the people called out for him and needed him most.

He was a good man, a compassionate man, a great liberal and in the end a greatly admired man.
I remember he had a chance to be on the Supreme Court once
He had a chance to be President too. He would have made a great Justice.

But as with Geraldine Ferraro, I think Marion struggled with what the right wing assassins would dig up and slander him and his family with -- guilt by association and the politics of the personal attack.

amusing to see so many creeps feigning sympathy when if Cuomo had ...

oh never mind.

let the phoney bs continue
a good Catholic rather than an obedient and conservative one --

But Mr. Cuomo could not satisfy everyone’s hopes. He responded to an inherited $1.8 billion deficit by proposing tax increases and deep cuts in the state payroll, stunning the labor unions that had supported him. Many other supporters grew disenchanted.

He seemed inexhaustible, though. Reporters and legislators discovered that he was apt to pick up his own phone if they called his office on a Friday evening. “I’m sleeping less and less,” he said. “I work all the time. I’m not saying that’s a virtue.”

He displayed a restless intellect and a love of learning. He liked to cite the French theologian and Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), who wrote that endeavors should be based not on personal ambition, which can be a sin, but on a desire to contribute to the greater good of mankind and God.​
Mr. Cuomo seized his moment, depicting President Reagan as having turned his back on struggling Americans.
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“A shining city is perhaps all the president sees from the portico of the White House and the veranda of his ranch, where everyone seems to be doing well,” Mr. Cuomo said. “But there’s another part to the shining city. In this part of the city there are more poor than ever, more families in trouble, more and more people who need help but can’t find it.”​
Mr. Cuomo seized his moment, depicting President Reagan as having turned his back on struggling Americans.
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“A shining city is perhaps all the president sees from the portico of the White House and the veranda of his ranch, where everyone seems to be doing well,” Mr. Cuomo said. “But there’s another part to the shining city. In this part of the city there are more poor than ever, more families in trouble, more and more people who need help but can’t find it.”​
Our government wasn't founded to supply and endless titty for its' subjects to nurse off of. Thank God that socialist asshole didn't make it into the White House. Many dirt poor people move here from foreign countries barely speaking the language but take advantage of our system and do very well. It isn't Bill Gates that keeps to downtrodden down. It is liberals like Cuomo who taught them that a hand out is just as good a way to survive as earning it by hard work.
Mr. Cuomo seized his moment, depicting President Reagan as having turned his back on struggling Americans.
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“A shining city is perhaps all the president sees from the portico of the White House and the veranda of his ranch, where everyone seems to be doing well,” Mr. Cuomo said. “But there’s another part to the shining city. In this part of the city there are more poor than ever, more families in trouble, more and more people who need help but can’t find it.”​
Our government wasn't founded to supply and endless titty for its' subjects to nurse off of. Thank God that socialist asshole didn't make it into the White House. Many dirt poor people move here from foreign countries barely speaking the language but take advantage of our system and do very well. It isn't Bill Gates that keeps to downtrodden down. It is liberals like Cuomo who taught them that a hand out is just as good a way to survive as earning it by hard work.

Iceweasel go away. crawl back under your rock
Mr. Cuomo seized his moment, depicting President Reagan as having turned his back on struggling Americans.
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“A shining city is perhaps all the president sees from the portico of the White House and the veranda of his ranch, where everyone seems to be doing well,” Mr. Cuomo said. “But there’s another part to the shining city. In this part of the city there are more poor than ever, more families in trouble, more and more people who need help but can’t find it.”​
Our government wasn't founded to supply and endless titty for its' subjects to nurse off of. Thank God that socialist asshole didn't make it into the White House. Many dirt poor people move here from foreign countries barely speaking the language but take advantage of our system and do very well. It isn't Bill Gates that keeps to downtrodden down. It is liberals like Cuomo who taught them that a hand out is just as good a way to survive as earning it by hard work.
Iceweasel go away. crawl back under your rock
Quit playing with your self.
Most poor people who move here from foreign countries, barely speaking the language, take advantage of our system and barely get by, but it's usually an opportunity for their children that is the payoff.

Bill Gates thinks wealthy American's have a duty to provide
It is an old story...

It's an old story. It's as old as our history. The difference between Democrats and Republicans has always been measured in courage and confidence. The Republicans — The Republicans believe that the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the young, some of the weak are left behind by the side of the trail. "The strong" — "The strong," they tell us, "will inherit the land."

We Democrats believe in something else. We democrats believe that we can make it all the way with the whole family intact, and we have more than once. Ever since Franklin Roosevelt lifted himself from his wheelchair to lift this nation from its knees — wagon train after wagon train — to new frontiers of education, housing, peace; the whole family aboard, constantly reaching out to extend and enlarge that family; lifting them up into the wagon on the way; blacks and Hispanics, and people of every ethnic group, and native Americans — all those struggling to build their families and claim some small share of America. For nearly 50 years we carried them all to new levels of comfort, and security, and dignity, even affluence. And remember this, some of us in this room today are here only because this nation had that kind of confidence. And it would be wrong to forget that.

WATCH Mario Cuomo s Speech At The 1984 Democratic Convention The Two-Way NPR
Most poor people who move here from foreign countries, barely speaking the language, take advantage of our system and barely get by, but it's usually an opportunity for their children that is the payoff.

Bill Gates thinks wealthy American's have a duty to provide
Yep, he's a liberal Democrat, like many others at the top. If immigrants are getting by here they are probably in better shape than from where they came from and if there kids are better of yet what does that say about all those on generational assistance? We do not have the duty to provide, it's easy to say when you have a few billion dollars laying around in your sock drawer.

This is a land of opportunity and the more we take from those who utilize the opportunity the less people will seek it out. We are increasingly having fewer people pulling more people riding in the wagon.
Most poor people who move here from foreign countries, barely speaking the language, take advantage of our system and barely get by, but it's usually an opportunity for their children that is the payoff.

Bill Gates thinks wealthy American's have a duty to provide
Yep, he's a liberal Democrat, like many others at the top. If immigrants are getting by here they are probably in better shape than from where they came from and if there kids are better of yet what does that say about all those on generational assistance? We do not have the duty to provide, it's easy to say when you have a few billion dollars laying around in your sock drawer.

This is a land of opportunity and the more we take from those who utilize the opportunity the less people will seek it out. We are increasingly having fewer people pulling more people riding in the wagon.

that libertarian and Radnian view is pure nonsense.

We are increasingly having fewer people sharing in the wealth growth, and more people becoming extremely wealthy at the expense of the over all society. It is a recipe for revolution.

The only reason more people get benefits is because the system is killing off the middle class, not because people want a hand out.

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