BREAKING: McAllen, TX declares state of DISASTER after Biden dumped 1,500 illegals with COVID last week

Sorry but you can present yourself at the border and ask for asylum and it is legal. The alternative is to try to sneak in which is illegal. If you apply for asylum you are permitted to stay until a court date which will determine what happens next. If you present yourself at the board you have entered legally.

we are talking about the ones sneaking in, not the ones coming through the door,,
It would mean so much more if right-wing Governors were not against masks and vaccinations.
hahaa why do you deflect with lies?

with that said what good are vaccines ans mask when xiden is flooding our country with more positive people and new variants?
hahaa why do you deflect with lies?

with that said what good are vaccines ans mask when xiden is flooding our country with more positive people and new variants?
This is the key difference:

The documents were obtained by The Washington Post. As they note, COVID-19 vaccines are still highly effective against the delta variant at preventing serious illness and death.

BREAKING: McAllen, TX declares state of DISASTER after Biden dumped 1,500 illegals with COVID last week​

Biden’s superspreader event at the border has left McAllen, Texas declaring a state of disaster after over 1,500 illegals with COVID were dumped in their city last week.

Bill Melugin reports:

Another reporter asked Melugin how they know the illegals are infected, and he explains that a third party vendor tests them once they are dropped off in McAllen:

tell me again how this pandemic is real and not political??
Tell me again why this is on "therightscoop" and not even on FAUX?
This is the key difference:

The documents were obtained by The Washington Post. As they note, COVID-19 vaccines are still highly effective against the delta variant at preventing serious illness and death.
cool but people are still getting it…also that’s true for the india virus on unvaccinated people too

BREAKING: McAllen, TX declares state of DISASTER after Biden dumped 1,500 illegals with COVID last week​

Biden’s superspreader event at the border has left McAllen, Texas declaring a state of disaster after over 1,500 illegals with COVID were dumped in their city last week.

Bill Melugin reports:

Another reporter asked Melugin how they know the illegals are infected, and he explains that a third party vendor tests them once they are dropped off in McAllen:

tell me again how this pandemic is real and not political??
There is no reasoning with the left. They can only be defeated.

BREAKING: McAllen, TX declares state of DISASTER after Biden dumped 1,500 illegals with COVID last week​

Biden’s superspreader event at the border has left McAllen, Texas declaring a state of disaster after over 1,500 illegals with COVID were dumped in their city last week.

Bill Melugin reports:

Another reporter asked Melugin how they know the illegals are infected, and he explains that a third party vendor tests them once they are dropped off in McAllen:

tell me again how this pandemic is real and not political??
How in the world can Biden claim to care about COVID cases on the rise around the country and even ridicule the governors of Florida and Texas for higher cases, when he’s allowing new COVID cases across the border by the truckload???
he is not allowing them to cross the border!!
Living in hell for the next 3.5 years:
The only problem with impeaching Biden, at least in the short term, is that Kamala is worse. And if both of them were somehow impeached, Pelosi is next in line. Talk about living in hell….
How in the world can Biden claim to care about COVID cases on the rise around the country and even ridicule the governors of Florida and Texas for higher cases, when he’s allowing new COVID cases across the border by the truckload???
he is not allowing them to cross the border!!
I love watching the left defend Biden.

He literally told them to COME. Then when the optics got bad he half-heartedly backed off that, while leaving the policies that encourage the flood, intact
Living in hell for the next 3.5 years:
The only problem with impeaching Biden, at least in the short term, is that Kamala is worse. And if both of them were somehow impeached, Pelosi is next in line. Talk about living in hell….
They're not gonna be removed. But if they were, it would force the left to radically change
How in the world can Biden claim to care about COVID cases on the rise around the country and even ridicule the governors of Florida and Texas for higher cases, when he’s allowing new COVID cases across the border by the truckload???
he is not allowing them to cross the border!!
as usual your comment shows what a fucking idiot you are,,,

why do I feel dirty everytime I talk to you??
Biden concerns about the border as much as tramp didn't. tramp was concerned about his wall.

In 2019 President Trump reduced border crossings by 90% by the end of the year. Dementia reversed most all of Trump's successful policies, and now the BP is reporting our border problem is the worst it's been in 20 years. The wall was one of many strategies Trump used to curb illegal crossings and it worked. Now we are paying federal agents to guard all the supplies of the wall that Dementia stopped building.

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