Breaking — McCloskeys charged with felony by Kim Gardner…

They are charged with a felony so the government can confiscate their firearms.

She has to prove first that they break the law.

Care to explain what law did they break?
565.056 said:
1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;


Sooooo. how many "protesters" were charged with felony for breaking into private property and apprehended the property owners with their presence?
None since trespassing is a class B misdemeanor in Missouri, not a felony. Are you always this melodramatic?

Oh, now they were "trespassing". I mean, there is a screaming mob, beating drums, breaking into property, and there is no reason to worry at all?
Why would McCloskeys even feel threatened to pull the guns out? No reason at all.
That same crowd walked past many houses. They didn't touch one. The McCloskey's were not threatened by them. They had no legal right to assault that crowd.

Yet somehow in your head, breaking into property is not a threat, but reaction to break in is.

This is part where you try to convince me that people who break into someone property have good intentions. Maybe they just wanted to fix the plumbing, paint some art on the outside, and peacefully mow the lawn.
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.
They were threatening too.. to kill them, kill their animals
Those threats came after the McCloskey's already threatened their lives with guns.

Can you tell us, in your "expert opinion", why would McCloskey threaten anyone?
My best guess is being yuge Impeached Trump fanatics, they obeyed his message of countering protesters with firearms. They were clearly not threatened as they feigned. One of them even admitted he pulled his gun out before they were threatened. And no sane person is going to approach a crowd of hundreds with a non-functioning gun if they're truly in fear for their life.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.

"Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate..."

... that's as far as I got in your delusional diatribe as that is not true. Guns were drawn on that crowd before the gate was broken. You lose again like always because you're fucked in tbe head and have no clue what you're talking about.

Did they breach the secured and gated community? Ummmm, yes......were the McCloskeys well within their right to stand their ground and secure their property? Ummmmm, yes. Were these commie fucks trespassing? Ummm, yes, since they didn't have a gate card to enter and broke the gate. I wholeheartedly support the McCloskeys and what they did.l Don't like it? Tough shit.....these commie fucks are lucky that they showed at least some good sense and didn't push the issue or they would still be cleaning up commie brain matter and guts off of the streets....not that I would give a fuck if they all croaked.

Commie lives don't matter, faun, the perv.

They weren't trespassing on the McCloskey's property. That you're too fucked in the head to comprehend that is your problem.

Regardless, you lied (or hallucinated) that breaking the gate justified the McCloskey's armed response since the guns came out before the gate was broken.
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.

You lying asshole.

I know you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and sometimes are just confused but in this case it is a blatant lie.

Are you really this stupid?

What stupidity are you going to claim next, that the McCloskeys had the guns out before the Neggra/Communist mob threatened them? Oh wait, you already did that.

You racist dumbfuck, it was Mark McCloskey himself who admitted he had his gun out before anyone threatened him.
When the event happened I was loudly and roundly criticized for saying that the McCloskey's were idiots. I said that they had acted stupidly from a strategic standpoint, a tactical standpoint, and possibly a legal standpoint. Waving the bang stick around tends to get charges filed. I pointed out that in Georgia, they would have been arrested same day for Aggravated Assault.

I was told that they were heroes, and deserved our admiration. I was right about the Strategic, and right about the Tactical, and now I have been proven right by the filing of charges on the legal issue.

Now what should they have done? Gone inside and called the police, and then kept their weapons at hand INSIDE the house. If the trespassers threatening violence had tried to enter the house, then you can shoot them legally. You have a leg to stand on, you are defending yourself in your home. Self Defense comes into play, and if like me you have USCCA insurance than they'll pay for your legal defense. However, if you are out in the yard waving the bang stick around in violation of the law, even if it is a chicken shit charge, chances are that USCCA will try to weasel out of paying saying you were committing a crime.

People need to be smart when it comes to guns, and these idiots were not. Now they have the expense of a legal defense, and their ability to purchase firearms in the foreseeable future is in jeopardy. If anyone lends them or sells them a gun privately, they will be committing a federal felony. Fine if they want more legal problems.
They were well with in their rights. You notice the pussies didn't do anything but threaten the Mccloskey's? Good job. Now the George Soros backed commie retarded prosecutor files bullshit charges, don't matter, they will be pardoned. Stupid libs.
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.

You lying asshole.

I know you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and sometimes are just confused but in this case it is a blatant lie.

Are you really this stupid?

What stupidity are you going to claim next, that the McCloskeys had the guns out before the Neggra/Communist mob threatened them? Oh wait, you already did that.

You racist dumbfuck, it was Mark McCloskey himself who admitted he had his gun out before anyone threatened him.
Doesn't matter.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.

"Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate..."

... that's as far as I got in your delusional diatribe as that is not true. Guns were drawn on that crowd before the gate was broken. You lose again like always because you're fucked in tbe head and have no clue what you're talking about.

Did they breach the secured and gated community? Ummmm, yes......were the McCloskeys well within their right to stand their ground and secure their property? Ummmmm, yes. Were these commie fucks trespassing? Ummm, yes, since they didn't have a gate card to enter and broke the gate. I wholeheartedly support the McCloskeys and what they did.l Don't like it? Tough shit.....these commie fucks are lucky that they showed at least some good sense and didn't push the issue or they would still be cleaning up commie brain matter and guts off of the streets....not that I would give a fuck if they all croaked.

Commie lives don't matter, faun, the perv.

They weren't trespassing on the McCloskey's property. That you're too fucked in the head to comprehend that is your problem.

Regardless, you lied (or hallucinated) that breaking the gate justified the McCloskey's armed response since the guns came out before the gate was broken.

They didn’t trust pass on their property because they had guns that’s what protected your property what don’t you understand,, they trespassed on a private street..
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.
/—-/ Typical leftist reaction. Make excuses for the thugs and criminalize the victims.
Little boy faun defended to the 9th degree that Liz Warren was within her right to declare herself as an indigenous native...all 1/1024% of her and continued even after Warren admitted that she fucked up. You can count on the little perv to defend the trespassing commie fucks and proclaim that the McCloskeys were playing their white privilege card.....he is just that fucking stupid.
You poor thing, what I actually said was she was proven right when she claimed Native American heritage.

What American tribe she was part of?
She claims Cherokee. I don't recall if her DNA test identified any specific tribe but it certainly did not identify Cherokee. And the Cherokee Nation rejected her DNA test completely regardless.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.


My husband, attorney at law, says it's overreach and they'll walk. They have the Second behind them and Missouri stand your ground laws.

He also said Kim Gardner must have benefited from Affirmative Action because she's obviously not aware of either state law nor Constitutional law.
Last edited:
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.

So instead of turning around and finding alternative public route, they chose to break and cut thru private property, all while yelling and beating drums.

Why would anyone be scared of anything harmless like that, really?

Yelling and beating drums is not reason to pull guns on them.
Well the charges will be disloved. And the attorney general will face civil rights violation charges

You dumbfuck, the Attorney General says they shouldn't have been charged. How'd you get to be this stupid?

But yet a fucking piece of shit dumbass Democrat Neggra bitch Prosecutor did charge them.

Scratch a conservative -- find a racist.
They are charged with a felony so the government can confiscate their firearms.

She has to prove first that they break the law.

Care to explain what law did they break?
565.056 said:
1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;


Sooooo. how many "protesters" were charged with felony for breaking into private property and apprehended the property owners with their presence?
None since trespassing is a class B misdemeanor in Missouri, not a felony. Are you always this melodramatic?

Oh, now they were "trespassing". I mean, there is a screaming mob, beating drums, breaking into property, and there is no reason to worry at all?
Why would McCloskeys even feel threatened to pull the guns out? No reason at all.
That same crowd walked past many houses. They didn't touch one. The McCloskey's were not threatened by them. They had no legal right to assault that crowd.

Yet somehow in your head, breaking into property is not a threat, but reaction to break in is.

This is part where you try to convince me that people who break into someone property have good intentions. Maybe they just wanted to fix the plumbing, paint some art on the outside, and peacefully mow the lawn.
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.
They were threatening too.. to kill them, kill their animals
Those threats came after the McCloskey's already threatened their lives with guns.
What does that even mean!? Lol haha

Learn English, Russian bot.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.
/—-/ Typical leftist reaction. Make excuses for the thugs and criminalize the victims.
Little boy faun defended to the 9th degree that Liz Warren was within her right to declare herself as an indigenous native...all 1/1024% of her and continued even after Warren admitted that she fucked up. You can count on the little perv to defend the trespassing commie fucks and proclaim that the McCloskeys were playing their white privilege card.....he is just that fucking stupid.
You poor thing, what I actually said was she was proven right when she claimed Native American heritage.
You’re gonna lose the election in November, Aubrey‘s killers are going to get out of jail, the charges against this couple are going to be dropped, you’re going to be 0 for three how does it feel?
I feel fine since I know you can't predict the future.
They are charged with a felony so the government can confiscate their firearms.

She has to prove first that they break the law.

Care to explain what law did they break?
565.056 said:
1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;


Sooooo. how many "protesters" were charged with felony for breaking into private property and apprehended the property owners with their presence?
None since trespassing is a class B misdemeanor in Missouri, not a felony. Are you always this melodramatic?

Oh, now they were "trespassing". I mean, there is a screaming mob, beating drums, breaking into property, and there is no reason to worry at all?
Why would McCloskeys even feel threatened to pull the guns out? No reason at all.
That same crowd walked past many houses. They didn't touch one. The McCloskey's were not threatened by them. They had no legal right to assault that crowd.

Yet somehow in your head, breaking into property is not a threat, but reaction to break in is.

This is part where you try to convince me that people who break into someone property have good intentions. Maybe they just wanted to fix the plumbing, paint some art on the outside, and peacefully mow the lawn.
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.
They were threatening too.. to kill them, kill their animals
Those threats came after the McCloskey's already threatened their lives with guns.
What does that even mean!? Lol haha

Learn English, Russian bot.
I know English but what did you mean by your post? A gun is threatening?
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.
/—-/ Typical leftist reaction. Make excuses for the thugs and criminalize the victims.
Little boy faun defended to the 9th degree that Liz Warren was within her right to declare herself as an indigenous native...all 1/1024% of her and continued even after Warren admitted that she fucked up. You can count on the little perv to defend the trespassing commie fucks and proclaim that the McCloskeys were playing their white privilege card.....he is just that fucking stupid.
You poor thing, what I actually said was she was proven right when she claimed Native American heritage.
You’re gonna lose the election in November, Aubrey‘s killers are going to get out of jail, the charges against this couple are going to be dropped, you’re going to be 0 for three how does it feel?
I feel fine since I know you can't predict the future.
Poor guy
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.


You are like all Moon Bats. You are uneducated and low information.

Here are the facts:

They were facing an angry mob on their property. And this was in the context of an extended period of violence and arson in the surrounding neighborhoods. Media reports of them "taking it to the suburbs" were as credible as anything the press has reported lately. The police had advised them they would not be responding. Some of the protesters were taunting them with death threats giving more of an appearance of a lynch mob than a weekly Bible study group. A metal gate had been smashed to gain entry to the property. They were entirely reasonable in their actions. If anything, they were a bit reserved about it. You can't say they had planned or laid a trap seeing as how they didn't even have shoes on during the incident.

So go fuck yourself Moon Bat.
"They were facing an angry mob on their property."

Wrong. The crowd was not on their property.

And the husband had his gun drawn before he was threatened. It's all on video, including the video of the husband admitting he brandished his firearm before any threats were made.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.

Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate of a secured, gated community that has been zoned as much, these fucks chant loudly, some of which are armed as they are walking down my street? I wouldn't feel the need to wait and see what their intentions were before I showed them that they better keep on moving their sorry asses down the road. If it means pointing a lock and loaded AR-15 with multiple magazines at the ready as I stand on my own property to insure that they realize that their bullshit, thuggish behavior will be met with some hollow-points to those empty skulls of theirs if they step on my property? So be it. They had no right to meander, threaten or attempt to intimidate this couple on their own property. These sorry sorry pieces of commie shit that trespass, vandalize and act like they own the place had the unmitigated galll to get their panties in a wad because someone stood up to them? That is hilarious and it shows what pussy snowflakes that they only regret is that the trash-talking wimps didn't get their knee-caps shot off. I can definitely understand how your tender, snowflake like heart was breaking at the mere thought of these marxist sacks of shit being put in their place.


BLM IS a commie front group, dipshit.......

BTW, in the urban dictionary "faun" is a sexualized pre-adolescent boy....certainly describes your mental capabilities. Only God knows what perversions you engage in. I bet the neighborhood kids give you a wide berth or at least they should.

"Fuckface faun, an estimated crowd of 500 angry SJW thugs break down the gate..."

... that's as far as I got in your delusional diatribe as that is not true. Guns were drawn on that crowd before the gate was broken. You lose again like always because you're fucked in tbe head and have no clue what you're talking about.

Did they breach the secured and gated community? Ummmm, yes......were the McCloskeys well within their right to stand their ground and secure their property? Ummmmm, yes. Were these commie fucks trespassing? Ummm, yes, since they didn't have a gate card to enter and broke the gate. I wholeheartedly support the McCloskeys and what they did.l Don't like it? Tough shit.....these commie fucks are lucky that they showed at least some good sense and didn't push the issue or they would still be cleaning up commie brain matter and guts off of the streets....not that I would give a fuck if they all croaked.

Commie lives don't matter, faun, the perv.

They weren't trespassing on the McCloskey's property. That you're too fucked in the head to comprehend that is your problem.

Regardless, you lied (or hallucinated) that breaking the gate justified the McCloskey's armed response since the guns came out before the gate was broken.

What you typed I do not know. But for a period of a month or so before death, destruction and mayhem was packaged as protests in many blue areas. It would be easy to believe personal safety could have been compromised.
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.

You lying asshole.

I know you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and sometimes are just confused but in this case it is a blatant lie.

Are you really this stupid?

What stupidity are you going to claim next, that the McCloskeys had the guns out before the Neggra/Communist mob threatened them? Oh wait, you already did that.

You racist dumbfuck, it was Mark McCloskey himself who admitted he had his gun out before anyone threatened him.

I asked you to prove that but being the little little coward you are you chickenshitted out.

You have no credibility with stupid shit like that because we know you lie. Either lying or simply delusional as hell. Probably both.

By the way, are you a male? Because "Faun" is kind of an effeminate name. Homo or Transsexual Moon Bat? That would explain you being so upset with a heterosexual threatened couple keeping and bearing arms.
Literally -- this "attorney" is a direct result of policies prioritizing "diversity". It puts unqualified people in powerful positions, and what they produce is crap. We see that everywhere now, not just law but in entertainment as well. When you hire based on skin color instead of content of character, you're gonna have bad results.

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