Breaking — McCloskeys charged with felony by Kim Gardner…

Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.


You are like all Moon Bats. You are uneducated and low information.

Here are the facts:

They were facing an angry mob on their property. And this was in the context of an extended period of violence and arson in the surrounding neighborhoods. Media reports of them "taking it to the suburbs" were as credible as anything the press has reported lately. The police had advised them they would not be responding. Some of the protesters were taunting them with death threats giving more of an appearance of a lynch mob than a weekly Bible study group. A metal gate had been smashed to gain entry to the property. They were entirely reasonable in their actions. If anything, they were a bit reserved about it. You can't say they had planned or laid a trap seeing as how they didn't even have shoes on during the incident.

So go fuck yourself Moon Bat.
Good. Make 'em spend some of their millions on a high priced legal team.
And force their ugly asses to take gun lessons. :rolleyes:

The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey are both personal injury attorneys in their 60s. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner told The Associated Press that their actions risked creating a violent situation during an otherwise nonviolent protest last month.

The nonviolent protest that began with breaking down a security gate and trespassing?

Got video of the gate busting? Funny, I saw them walk right through it.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.

If they meant no harm, why mayor had armed police guarding the place?

I went to a protest at the local school board last month. No one did any harm nor did anyone intend on doing any harm. The board still had armed police there.

Great, these "peaceful protesters" didn't intend any harm, you say. Why is the problem if property owner show up with a gun?
No problem if they show up with a gun. The problem is when you threaten someone with a gun.

You're funny... you break into my property, peacefully or not, I wouldn't threaten you, I would shoot you, because you have no business breaking into my property, where my family live. You break in, you're a threat to them and to me. The logical response to threat is show of force, that you're capable of defending yourself.

Even if McCloskeys shot them, they would be within their rights.
They weren't on the McCloskey's property.

If you shoot someone for doing nothing but trespassing on someone else's property, you're going to prison for murder.
/——/ There are reports the thugs did trespass AND no one got shot.
Of course they trespassed. That busted gate was there for a reason
You may not like it....but like I've said 100 times in the ain't seen NOTHING yet.
If you are still of the thinking that you can remain silent, and they won't come for your guns, you are sadly mistaken. They WILL.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail and deny ALL your "rights" is for good men to continue to do nothing"
And that's a guarantee

it is likely that up to 80% of Americans will RUN to turn in their weapons when they pass a new law saying it's a felony to possess
Then they will focus on the 20%, whittling that down to 5%

That final 5% will be met with brute force.

If they win in November, the first serious push at confiscation will begin.

If you're not yet a solid participating member of a militia, you are first.
the pattern is now out there on their plan.
Self defense is now on the ballot.
Good. Make 'em spend some of their millions on a high priced legal team.
And force their ugly asses to take gun lessons. :rolleyes:

Cant wait till they get pardoned by the governor and that racist black bitch is thrown out on her ass.

When will people ever learn to quit voting Democrat.

Dunno, when will idiots ever learn to take gun lessons?
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Missouri prosecutor may face criminal federal charges -malicious prosecution and deprivation of constitutionaly protected rights .. How fast will she abandon her malicious prosecution ?
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

And file charges on the DA for this bullshit
Bill Barr is about to do exactly that...
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Isn't she the first Black leftwing leading prosecutor there looking to make a name for herself? See what you get when you go Black?
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
Yes, but you can't threaten others with a gun who are not threatening you.

You can stand there and tell people to stay off your property.

Right, and they will just leave, right?

By the way, what they were doing on the private property anyways?

I saw people marching to the mayor's house to protest in front of his house.
The mayor lived Blocks away the other direction
The protesters said they took the route they chose because the city had blocked streets.
So they break into a gated community that they did not have permission to be on to take a shortcut? That makes it fine and dandy, lil faun? 200 to 300 hundred angry SJWs that have already proven that they are prone to violence, the police given stand down orders to let this collection of human garbage to rampage sans consequences. Leftard pussbags like yourself seem to believe that they should huddle in their home and hope these thugs don't start ripping shit up and knocking out windows. I also heard the trash talking these alleged "peaceful protestors" were spewing. Vulgar, threatening and intimidating. It doesn't appear to me that these commie fucks were afraid in the slightest,....apprehensive because they are cowards at heart, but they were not "fearful". I wouldn't have shed a tear if McCloskey had emptied his entire arsenal on these thugs.
Let's see your evidence any one of those protesters committed any acts of violence before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they threatened the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they trash talked the McCloskey's before guns were pulled on them...

Let's see your evidence they're commies...

You spout a lot of bullshit made up from the whole cloth spun from inside your deranged conspiratorial empty head.
/—-/ Typical leftist reaction. Make excuses for the thugs and criminalize the victims.
Little boy faun defended to the 9th degree that Liz Warren was within her right to declare herself as an indigenous native...all 1/1024% of her and continued even after Warren admitted that she fucked up. You can count on the little perv to defend the trespassing commie fucks and proclaim that the McCloskeys were playing their white privilege card.....he is just that fucking stupid.
You poor thing, what I actually said was she was proven right when she claimed Native American heritage.
Even after she retracted her error in judgement, you refused to say that her claiming minority status was disingenuous at best. Shit, my great-grandfather was 100 pure native and belonged to the Caddo tribe....does that qualify me for special favors and consideration, dumb ass?
You're fucking deranged, delusional dale. Again ... I said proved her claim of Native American heritage.

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