Breaking! Merrick Garland informs Trump he will be indicted next week.

You better get him, all you loons are doing is making him more popular than ever.

You think that might get him to break 42%?

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Biden took documents and spread them all through his house ... but didn't know he took them? That may be a good legal defense, but wow, it would take a real cultist to vote for him

Yeah, didn't he use them as wallpaper?
Biden took documents and spread them all through his house ... but didn't know he took them? That may be a good legal defense, but wow, it would take a real cultist to vote for him
Write whatever story you want.

Send it to a federal prosecutor.

We're going to indict you, next week.

How do you know the grand jury will do that?


No, seriously, how do you know the grand jury will do that?

Okay, I'll play. Because a grand jury does what prosecutors tell them to do.
Why didn't a trump GJ ever indict Hillary Clinton if it's so easy?
Democrats have done nothing ever, you've made that clear. You look at Democrats being held accountable now and it's zero. That's how one party systems work. They start as populist movements like you are now, then the politicians just shut down freedom more and more every day, like your party is doing. We'll end up in the same place, you and me, just like all the people who put every other one party government in place.

kaz = Mr. Bill = slave
Yesterday I was a RACIST and now I am a slave. Someone get me a ghost gun
I always crack up when dumb asses like Sergeant Bill get on a message board and post, then are shocked and get hard when they get a response. On a message board. As if that's impressive somehow, LOL
It always racks me up when people tag me out of the blue to get attention

kaz = Look at me know :smoochEE:
LMAO look you stupid Dem sheeple Biden was illegally in possession of stacks of classified documents at multiple unsecured locations over decades of time. That's a crime. He didn't take them on purpose? What was he just really incompetent and can't be trusted with them?

You morons really should think before you post.
Yet neither Biden nor Pence are being prosecuted. Gee, I wonder why. It must be the deep state FBI out to get trump, right? LOL. You mentally cant handle the fact Trump actively breaks laws. They are going to get Trump on obstruction as he actively tried to hide some documents.

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