Breaking: Michael Jackson Child Porn stockpile

Such a shame that one of the greatest recording artists ever will have this as his final legacy. Lesson to be learned: Control your demons. No secret stays secret.

Michael Jackson Stockpiled Nude Images Of Children And Animal Torture, According To Police Report

My wife is a huge fan of his music, and she chooses to ignore all the other stuff. Sadly, that's what enabled him in the first place, people who surrounded him and protected him from the consequences of his actions.

I've always been a huge fan of his music too. I've always disregarded the allegations and insinuations because there was never anything concrete, and celebrities are easy targets for false claims. And when you drop charges for financial settlements it doesn't speak to your accusations being true. But this development doesn't leave any room for interpretation. It's going to be hard to listen to any of his songs from now on and not instantly be reminded of this.
from the op article...

...a raid on Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch estate in 2003, carried out as part of an investigation into child molestation charges against the singer.

According to previously unseen reports from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department, authorities seized more than 80 video recordings and computer hard drives, as well as notes, diaries, documents, photographs and audiotapes.

Former Santa Barbara Senior Assistant District Attorney Ron Zonen, who helped prosecute Jackson's case, told RadarOnline that many of the materials found were used to "desensitize" children.

The police report describes several of the materials found at Jackson's estate and notes that many of the books and images "can be used as part of a 'grooming' process by which people (those seeking to molest children) are able to lower the inhibitions of their intended victims and facilitate the molestation of said victims."
Okay I saw an actual excerpt from a police report. Because the images of adults were legal and the images of children included adulterated graphics that's why they could not prove their case and charges got dropped or settled. The articles coming out now are mixing real reported materials with outside things off the internet. So that's why it's being contested. It isn't purely the police reports on materials found which by themselves weren't clear enough to prove and win the case.

I am guessing this is a case of Jacksons lawyers being better than the prosecutors in CA, as what happened with OJ. As long as there is doubt, that gets twisted around where guilt is questioned as not completely proven.

Sad he never got help because he spent more on lawyers and legal settlememts instead of getting help with his addiction. May his soul and children find peace and society find better solutions to these sick problems.
Such a shame that one of the greatest recording artists ever will have this as his final legacy. Lesson to be learned: Control your demons. No secret stays secret.

Michael Jackson Stockpiled Nude Images Of Children And Animal Torture, According To Police Report

My wife is a huge fan of his music, and she chooses to ignore all the other stuff. Sadly, that's what enabled him in the first place, people who surrounded him and protected him from the consequences of his actions.

I've always been a huge fan of his music too. I've always disregarded the allegations and insinuations because there was never anything concrete, and celebrities are easy targets for false claims. And when you drop charges for financial settlements it doesn't speak to your accusations being true. But this development doesn't leave any room for interpretation. It's going to be hard to listen to any of his songs from now on and not instantly be reminded of this.
It was very obvious for a long time he was a sick fuck…
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The fact that he kept a zoo at Neverland and was into bloody animal torture porn makes you wonder if those animals were also tortured for his pleasure.
now that he is dead....they bring this out?

cowards...why not when he was alive?

Had Jackson lived a few more years from now, he would be an average Democrat.
....because Republicans don't molest people
Michael Jackson was a Democrat, was he not?

Eight years ago, who would have believed that we would have fagot marriage, transvestites in little girls bathrooms legally and the normalization of perversion?
The lights have been turned on, and cock roaches like you are scurrying for shelter from the world
The liberals will be jacking off to it soon enough!
Such a shame that one of the greatest recording artists ever will have this as his final legacy. Lesson to be learned: Control your demons. No secret stays secret.

Michael Jackson Stockpiled Nude Images Of Children And Animal Torture, According To Police Report

from your post
UPDATE (June 21): On Tuesday evening, The Estate of Michael Jackson released the following statement to the media:

Seven years ago this coming Saturday, the world lost an amazing artist and humanitarian devoted to helping children in need in all corners of the world. Michael Jackson’s fans, including the Executors of his estate, prefer to remember the wonderful gifts Michael left behind instead of having to once again see his good name dragged through the mud by tabloid trash.

Everything in these reports, including what the County of Santa Barbara calls “content that appears to be obtained off the Internet or through unknown sources” is false, no doubt timed to the anniversary of Michael’s passing. Those who continue to shamelessly exploit Michael via sleazy internet “click bait” ignore that he was acquitted by a jury in 2005 on every one of the 14 salacious charges brought against him in a failed witch hunt.

Michael remains just as innocent of these smears in death as he was in life even though he isn’t here to defend himself. Enough is enough.

For more coverage, check out:
Everything You Need To Know About The Michael Jackson Police Report;p=11087207362342;ev.a=1;idfa=;idfa_lat=;aaid=;aaid_lat=;cache=
Why weren't the police reports released earlier? Why is this being contested if police reports can be confirmed as true or false. Where are they
If the cops found child porn at MJ's house, then why wasn't MJ arrested and charged for that.

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